• PlayStation 4 游戏光盘《魔物猎人 世界》
• 《魔物猎人 世界》画册「Monster Designs」(尺寸:W 216mm x H 279mm,32 页精装版)
• 《魔物猎人 世界》特别 soundtrack(10 首)
• 「灭尽龙(ネルギガンテ)」原装模型(素材:PVC,尺寸:约 W 140mm x D 170mm x H 125mm)
• 追加可下载内容「Deluxe Kit」:
• 外观装备 「铠武者系列」
• 3 种追加动作「正坐」、「投射飞镖」、「强推」
• 2 种追加奖章套装「MH 歴代角色人物套装」、「全熟肉吉祥物套装」
• 追加涂鸦 「龙」
• 追加发型 「冲天炮」
※「Deluxe Kit」预定于于 2018 年 1 月 26 日起发售。
※ 图为开发中的画面。
最后索尼还会配合本作推出限定 PS4 Pro 主机,含刻印外壳主机以及特别设计的手柄,价格为 49980 日元(约马币 RM2199),值得注意的是发售日期比游戏早很多,为2017年12月7日。
游戏名称:魔物猎人 世界
游戏原名:Monster Hunter:World
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / PC
发售日期:PS4 / Xbox One 版 2018 年 1 月 26 日,PC 版未定
※ 亚洲地区由 PS4 独占发行
语言版本:日文 / 英文 / 繁体中文等
游玩人数:1 人(联机 4 人)
年龄分级:辅 15
发行厂商:CAPCOM Asia
Monster Hunter: World will launch worldwide for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 26, 2018, Capcom announced at the 2017 PlayStation Press Conference in Japan. In Japan, the game will only be available for PlayStation 4. A PC release will follow at a later date.
Pre-orders, both at participating retailers and digitally, will receive the following bonuses:
Origin Set Armor and the Fair Wind Charm Talisman, which offer improved starting defense and offense stat boosts for the hunter as well as a useful gathering skill. (These may be made available through alternative means at a later date.)
PlayStation Store Pre-Orders Only: PlayStation 4 custom theme
A $69.99 Digital Deluxe Edition will include the following:
A digital copy of the game
Additional customizable options that can be used in-game: a Samurai Set skin, three gestures, two sticker sets, plus an extra face paint and hair style option for the hunter.
PS4 Version-Only: 14 weapon-themed PSN avatars.
The contents for the Digital Deluxe Edition will also be available for purchase separately on January 26.
A $149.99 Collector’s Edition will include the following:
A physical copy of the game
Voucher for the additional customizable options from the Digital Deluxe Edition (a Samurai Set skin, three gestures, two sticker sets, plus an extra face paint and hair style option for the hunter)
32-page hardcover art book
High-quality flagship monster statue
Digital soundtrack code
In Japan, a “Liolaeus Edition” PlayStation 4 Pro will be released on December 7 for 49,980 yen. It will include an original design PlayStation 4 Pro with a one terabyte hard drive, original design DualShock 4 controller, digital copy of Monster Hunter: World (which will not be available to play until January 26), PlayStation 4 original theme, two months of PlayStation Plus, and a special box.
CAPCOM 狩猎动作游戏《魔物猎人 世界》制作人辻本良三在今(19)日举办的 PlayStation TGS 展前发表会中宣布,《魔物猎人 世界》将于 2018 年 1 月 26 日上市,同时发表将与索尼互动娱乐日本亚洲(SIEJA)合作, 于今年 12 月 7 日在日本抢先推出采用游戏主题的首款特别样式 PS4 Pro 主机「PlayStation 4 Pro MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD LIOLAEUS EDITION」。
这款特别样式 PS4 Pro 主机是 PS4 Pro 推出至今首款特别主题设计的主机(编按:先前的《天命 2》同捆机仅为冰河白配色,无特殊设计),将采用《魔物猎人》系列代表性魔物的雄火龙「 利奥雷乌斯(リオレウス)」为主题,上盖为高级感十足的黑色镜面质感,印有利奥雷乌斯狰狞的面孔与炙热的火焰,下缘与前方则是印有烫金的《魔物猎人 世界》标题与熟悉的游戏图标。
Famitsu has gone up with a 24-minute play-through of the Monster Hunter: World being showcased at Tokyo Game Show 2017 this week.
Monster Hunter: World is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 26. In Japan, it will only be released for PlayStation 4. A PC version is due out at a later date.