发表于 15-5-2013 09:35 AM
I personally think that I had join a very good mlm company which I would to do sharing with EVERYONE !!!! Do PM me to share about it, of course i would like to hear from you guys as well!!!
Here is what my company have :
1) No need brainwash at all, it's a piece of s**t
2) Worry of losing downline? If don't have downline, can't earn?? We solve all your problem.
3) Need monthly maintenance fee?? Don't need at all!!!
4) Need a lot of entry fee as this company seems to want hook a lot of big fish and run away?? You can never find this company name in Bank Negara Blacklist anymore : Fxprimus !!!
Sounds very ideal and kind of bulls**t is it?? Pm me, then I will slowly explain to you, then you will fully understand. |