发表于 16-5-2012 09:52 PM
本帖最后由 尽善尽美 于 16-5-2012 09:59 PM 编辑
你要认得你的孩子,你只要记住你的孩子特征就可以了,你不需要把全世界不是你的孩子的孩子的特征都记下来才能认得你的孩子啊,晕! |
发表于 16-5-2012 09:56 PM
本帖最后由 bashlyner 于 16-5-2012 10:07 PM 编辑
科学和伪科学之间确实有些 ...
尽善尽美 发表于 16-5-2012 09:46 PM
我已经不止一次揭穿了他所支持的伪科学家们如江本胜和李嗣涔 ,基本上这类人是以宗教信仰的心态来解读科学理论,试问有哪个宗教狂热者不希望自己的信仰被科学界承认?所以他这种混淆概念的心理不难理解
String theory 前期被质疑是伪科学,但是 string theory 的支持者是用可以被验证的 scientific data 和科学的验证方法来支持他们的说法,更重要的是他们的理论的背后都有着以前的经典力学、相对论为基础,可以 compare 以前的理论,所以经过几十年的发展后才能够被科学界认可。而那些伪科学家做几个自爽的破试验,引用宗教理论多过科学理论,就妄称自己得到了科学证实,其实他们连伪科学都不配,我更加喜欢直接称他们为神棍。
另外其实 wikipedia 是有一定的可信度的,重要的是里面的 reference 有很多都是从科学期刊里面应用出来的,所以转载前我都会去看看 refenrence 本身的权威性。 |
发表于 16-5-2012 09:59 PM
至于离题,你都可以说方舟子是我的师父了,都已经严重偏离了,再偏离多几下也无所谓嘛 |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:03 PM
本帖最后由 bashlyner 于 16-5-2012 10:11 PM 编辑
我既不能也无从反对你抄来的任何定义,我只知道无论你从那里抄来的内容都好,至今尚未受到权威科学组织 ...
谷成 发表于 16-5-2012 09:49 PM
我当然是从有足够的 citation 的文章抄回来的,自己去看看 pseudoscience 的 reference
- "A pretended or spurious science; a collection of related beliefs about the world mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method or as having the status that scientific truths now have,"Oxford English Dictionary, second edition 1989.
- "Many writers on pseudoscience have emphasized that pseudoscience is non-science posing as science. The foremost modern classic on the subject (Gardner 1957) bears the title Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science. According to Brian Baigrie (1988, 438), '[w]hat is objectionable about these beliefs is that they masquerade as genuinely scientific ones.' These and many other authors assume that to be pseudoscientific, an activity or a teaching has to satisfy the following two criteria (Hansson 1996): (1) it is not scientific, and (2) its major proponents try to create the impression that it is scientific."Hansson 2008
- '"claims presented so that they appear [to be] scientific even though they lack supporting evidence and plausibility"(p. 33). In contrast, science is "a set of methods designed to describe and interpret observed and inferred phenomena, past or present, and aimed at building a testable body of knowledge open to rejection or confirmation"(p. 17)'.Shermer 1997
有 oxford dictionary 的定义,也有两个权威的网站的定义,都是由数十至数百的 citation 的 article的定义,总比你不懂那里抄回来的解释强的多了。
看看下人家的 bibliography (太长了我就只放一半)
BibliographyCited Works- Agassi, Joseph (1991). “Popper's demarcation of science refuted”, Methodology and Science, 24: 1–7.
- Baigrie, B.S. (1988). “Siegel on the Rationality of Science”, Philosophy of Science, 55: 435–441.
- Bartley III, W. W. (1968). “Theories of demarcation between science and metaphysics”, pp. 40–64 in Imre Lakatos and Alan Musgrave (eds.), Problems in the Philosophy of Science, Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London 1965, volume 3, Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company.
- Bunge, Mario (1982). “Demarcating Science from Pseudoscience”, Fundamenta Scientiae, 3: 369–388.
- Bunge, Mario (2001). “Diagnosing pseudoscience”, pp. 161–189 in Mario Bunge, Philosophy in Crisis. The Need for Reconstruction,Amherst, N.Y.; Prometheus Books.
- Carlson, Shawn (1985). “A Double Blind Test of Astrology”, Nature, 318: 419–425.
- Cioffi, Frank (1985). “Psychoanalysis, pseudoscience and testability”, pp 13–44 in Gregory Currie and Alan Musgrave, (eds.) Popper and the Human Sciences, Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht.
- Culver, Roger and Ianna, Philip (1988). Astrology: True or False. 1988, Buffalo: Prometheus Books.
- Derksen, A.A. (1993). “The seven sins of pseudoscience”, Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 24: 17–42.
- Derksen, A.A. (2001). “The seven strategies of the sophisticated pseudoscience: a look into Freud's rhetorical tool box”, Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 32: 329–350.
- Dolby, R.G.A. (1987). “Science and pseudoscience: the case of creationism”, Zygon, 22: 195–212.
- Dupré, John (1993). The Disorder of Things: Metaphysical Foundations of the Disunity of Science, Harvard: Harvard University Press.
- Dutch, Steven I (1982). “Notes on the nature of fringe science”, Journal of Geological Education, 30: 6–13.
- Feleppa, Robert (1990). “Kuhn, Popper, and the Normative Problem of Demarcation”, pp. 140–155 in Patrick Grim (ed.) Philosophy of Science and the Occult, 2nd ed, Albany: State University of New York Press.
- Fuller, Steve (1985). “The demarcation of science: a problem whose demise has been greatly exaggerated”, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 66: 329–341.
- Gardner, Martin (1957). Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, Dover 1957. (Expanded version of his In the Name of Science, 1952.)
- Glymour, Clark and Stalker, Douglas (1990). “Winning through Pseudoscience”, pp 92–103 in Patrick Grim (ed.) Philosophy of Science and the Occult, 2nd ed, Albany: State University of New York Press.
- Grove , J.W. (1985). “Rationality at Risk: Science against Pseudoscience”, Minerva, 23: 216–240.
- Gruenberger, Fred J. (1964). “A measure for crackpots”, Science, 145: 1413–1415.
- Hansson, Sven Ove (1983). Vetenskap och ovetenskap, Stockholm: Tiden.
- Hansson, Sven Ove (1996). “Defining Pseudoscience”, Philosophia Naturalis, 33: 169–176.
- Hansson, Sven Ove (2006). “Falsificationism Falsified”, Foundations of Science, 11: 275–286.
- Hansson, Sven Ove (2007). “Values in Pure and Applied Science”, Foundations of Science, 12: 257–268.
- Kitcher, Philip (1982). Abusing Science. The Case Against Creationism, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Kuhn, Thomas S (1974). “Logic of Discovery or Psychology of Research?”, pp. 798–819 in P.A. Schilpp, The Philosophy of Karl Popper, The Library of Living Philosophers, vol xiv, book ii. La Salle: Open Court.
你觉得和你自己写出来的定义是同一个等级的吗? 一个有着大量 literature review 的理论和自己变出来的理论可以相提并论? |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:06 PM
我给的 reference 很明确的提出了和我一样的看法,伪科学的最大特征就是
Many writers on pseudoscience have emphasized that pseudoscience is non-science posing as science. The foremost modern classic on the subject (Gardner 1957) bears the title Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science. According to Brian Baigrie (1988, 438), “[w]hat is objectionable about these beliefs is that they masquerade as genuinely scientific ones.” These and many other authors assume that to be pseudoscientific, an activity or a teaching has to satisfy the following two criteria (Hansson 1996):
(1) it is not scientific, and
(2) its major proponents try to create the impression that it is scientific. |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:15 PM
回复 14# 尽善尽美
我只能说这么多,因为我不觉得你除了权威的话,其他的你肯听( |
楼主 |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:16 PM
本帖最后由 谷成 于 16-5-2012 10:19 PM 编辑
我当然是从有足够的 citation 的文章抄回来的,自己去看看 pseudoscience 的 reference
Definiti ...
bashlyner 发表于 16-5-2012 10:03 PM
那还是不能说明什么,只要一日没有公认的界定标准,只要各国科学院没有出来发言或认可,这个问题始终不能得到解决! |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:19 PM
我当然是从有足够的 citation 的文章抄回来的,自己去看看 pseudoscience 的 reference
Definiti ...
bashlyner 发表于 16-5-2012 10:03 PM
假设我们考到执照了,我都不懂他会不会乖乖承认伪科学是存在的 |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:23 PM
那还是不能说明什么,只要一日未受到各国科学院的认可,只要一日没有清晰的界定标准,这个问题始终不能 ...
谷成 发表于 16-5-2012 10:16 PM
在你眼里不是 100% 对就等于是 0% 吗?人家已经有大量的 literature review 佐证来证明伪科学只比迷信好一点罢了,是你不愿意承认罢了,为了维护伪科学而盲目到连基本逻辑丢掉的个地步。
我提出的定义能够说明的就是,我的定义比你的定义更有权威性,有更多的学者支持,而你的定义就和江本胜之流一样都是自爽罢了,如果你是站在哲学或者普通的讨论基础上我是不会很计较你的定义的根据的,但是既然你三番四次要求科学/学术根据,那么就请不要无视我提出的几百个 citation,别自打嘴巴了 |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:23 PM
回复 尽善尽美
自闭乐 发表于 16-5-2012 10:15 PM
虽然我文法不是很好,写不出那种意境,不过我会考虑用这种手法 |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:25 PM
晕掉,你以为每一个字的定义都要得到每一个科学院的认可呀?那么牛津字典不就可以拿去烧掉了?我们还学 ...
bashlyner 发表于 16-5-2012 10:23 PM
我看他都答不出 |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:27 PM
楼主很奇怪,没叫伪科学的人提出证据,反而却要求我们这些 ...
尽善尽美 发表于 16-5-2012 10:19 PM
他以前挑战过我说自己也是搞科研的,结果自己连搞科研最基本的 literature review 这点都做不到,基本上只要你的 literature review 有数十个,而且都是引用有名的期刊或者学者,那么你根据这些佐证提出的理论基本上算是有科学根据的。但是很可惜这些伪科学家从来提不出有力的佐证,做几个难以被证伪的破试验就自封为科学家,而且还不准别人批评质疑 |
楼主 |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:27 PM
本帖最后由 谷成 于 16-5-2012 10:31 PM 编辑
晕掉,你以为每一个字的定义都要得到每一个科学院的认可呀?那么牛津字典不就可以拿去烧掉了?我们还学 ...
bashlyner 发表于 16-5-2012 10:23 PM
2.闲言闲话对我是没有作用的,我的立场已经很清楚了,至于你们要持什么立场那是你自己的事情。 |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:31 PM
他以前挑战过我说自己也是搞科研的 ...
bashlyner 发表于 16-5-2012 10:27 PM
嗯,除非是全新的科学理论,不然不可能找不到literature review,不过全新的科学理论应该是找不到了了
而且全新的科学理论还要确保不和现在理论冲突,不然要不就是你错,要不你就会变成伟人,改写科学咯 |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:32 PM
本帖最后由 bashlyner 于 16-5-2012 10:40 PM 编辑
没有争议的技术用语当然就没有必要都逐个去开会,但是争议的内容那就不同了,不然何必浪费时间开会议定 ...
谷成 发表于 16-5-2012 10:27 PM
我给你一个建议就是不要再纠结于定义上,而是 case by case 的去看看每一个伪科学的理论,比如说江本胜和哈佛研究的超心理学一样都是伪科学,但是前者敲锣打鼓未审先判,而后者则是默默的研究没有去妖言惑众,我对这两者是不会因为定义而一视同仁,我会鄙视江本胜但不会鄙视哈佛的超心理学家。
现有的主流定义就是我给的定义,你要推翻掉而拥护自己的定义的话那可以,那么请提出你的论据,比如你说 pseudoscience 应该称为类科学 ( alternative science),但是你自己又说了伪科学是类科学的 subset 那么你已经是自打嘴巴了。 |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:33 PM
嗯,除非是全新的科学理论,不然不可能找不到literature review,不过全新的科学理论应该是找不到 ...
尽善尽美 发表于 16-5-2012 10:31 PM
就算是全新的,你也是一样要引用其他人的理论来 compare ,所以到头来没有 literature review 是不可能的 |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:34 PM
没有争议的技术用语当然就没有必要都逐个去开会,但是争议的内容那就不同了,不然何必浪费时间开会议定 ...
谷成 发表于 16-5-2012 10:27 PM
别急,我去查一下哈 |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:36 PM
话说好像就只有你一个人有争议吧?你不如找找看有没有别人和你一样是为了伪科学的定义而打抱不平的才来 ...
bashlyner 发表于 16-5-2012 10:32 PM
别想了,我已经多次要求他去study case了,从细节上探讨,可是他一点也不敢碰那个case
叫他提出他自认为伪科学的伪科学,他也提不出,啊算了算了 |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:39 PM
2006: IAU classification
Main article: IAU definition of planet
The debate came to a head in 2006 with an IAU resolution that created an official definition for the term "planet". According to this resolution, there are three main conditions for an object to be considered a 'planet':
The object must be in orbit around the Sun.
The object must be massive enough to be a sphere by its own gravitational force. More specifically, its own gravity should pull it into a shape of hydrostatic equilibrium.
It must have cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit.[134][135]
Pluto fails to meet the third condition, since its mass is only 0.07 times that of the mass of the other objects in its orbit (Earth's mass, by contrast, is 1.7 million times the remaining mass in its own orbit).[133][135] The IAU further resolved that Pluto be classified in the simultaneously created dwarf planet category, and that it act as the prototype for the plutoid category of trans-Neptunian objects, in which it would be separately, but concurrently, classified.[136]
On September 13, 2006, the IAU included Pluto, Eris, and the Eridian moon Dysnomia in their Minor Planet Catalogue, giving them the official minor planet designations "(134340) Pluto", "(136199) Eris", and "(136199) Eris I Dysnomia".[137] If Pluto had been given a minor planet name upon its discovery, the number would have been about 1,164 rather than 134,340.
There has been some resistance within the astronomical community toward the reclassification.[138][139][140] Alan Stern, principal investigator with NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto, has publicly derided the IAU resolution, stating that "the definition stinks, for technical reasons."[141] Stern's contention is that by the terms of the new definition Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune, all of which share their orbits with asteroids, would be excluded.[142] His other claim is that because less than five percent of astronomers voted for it, the decision was not representative of the entire astronomical community.[142] Marc W. Buie of the Lowell observatory has voiced his opinion on the new definition on his website and is one of the petitioners against the definition.[143] Others have supported the IAU. Mike Brown, the astronomer who discovered Eris, said "through this whole crazy circus-like procedure, somehow the right answer was stumbled on. It’s been a long time coming. Science is self-correcting eventually, even when strong emotions are involved."[144]
Researchers on both sides of the debate gathered on August 14–16, 2008, at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory for a conference that included back-to-back talks on the current IAU definition of a planet.[145] Entitled "The Great Planet Debate",[146] the conference published a post-conference press release indicating that scientists could not come to a consensus about the definition of a planet.[147] Just before the conference, on June 11, 2008, the IAU announced in a press release that the term "plutoid" would henceforth be used to describe Pluto and other objects similar to Pluto which have an orbital semimajor axis greater than that of Neptune and enough mass to be of near-spherical shape. |
发表于 16-5-2012 10:39 PM
而是冥王星被发现不符合行星定义,所以被排除了,果然 |
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