马来圣经解决方案东西马有别 西马须印基督出版品及十字架
发表于 3-1-2009 10:06 PM
发表于 4-1-2009 12:36 AM
原帖由 ubiquitous 于 3-1-2009 07:11 PM 发表
1 فِي الْبَدْءِ خَلَقَ اللهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ،
(Arabic Life Application Bible, Genesis 1:1)
اللهُ = Allah
至於用字之爭,我覺得沒必要繼續下去,因為我們已經有更達意的字-Tuhan,意思是我們的主、我們的神、我們的造物主。 |
楼主 |
发表于 4-1-2009 12:59 AM
兄弟, 如果马来西亚政府突然下令, 全马基督徒不准使用“yesus”, "jesus" 上帝 词汇,
你还会说 :
哎呀! 没有什么大不了啦, 我们就其他词汇就可以了啦! 大惊小怪的 ??? 吗??
针没刺到肉。。当然没感觉, 刺到肉。。又是另一回事了 。。。。
更何况, 在圣经的翻译里, 上主, 上帝, 耶和华, 天父 。。。。 这么多的词汇
你以为是为了什么??? 不能统一使用吗??有没有想过这些问题??
[ 本帖最后由 alpio 于 4-1-2009 01:01 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 4-1-2009 08:23 PM
可能可以改用JEHOVAH吧 |
发表于 5-1-2009 05:55 PM
@_@ 我觉得怪怪的 keke |
发表于 5-1-2009 06:11 PM
本帖最后由 烏鴉 于 16-4-2011 08:17 AM 编辑
原帖由 alpio 于 4-1-2009 12:59 AM 发表
兄弟, 如果马来西亚政府突然下令, 全马基督徒不准使用“yesus”, "jesus" 上帝 词汇,
你还会说 :
哎呀! 没有什么大不了 ...
马来西亚政府绝对不会突然下令全马基督徒不准使用“yesus”, "jesus"。。。等等的上帝词汇,因为古兰经马来文译本采用的字眼是Nabi Isa 或 Isa。不会给任何大马穆斯林带来混淆的啦。
马来人虽然把耶稣称为NABI (先知),
耶稣只是一名使者(RASUL)罢了。 |
发表于 6-1-2009 02:28 AM
原帖由 kingwangking1 于 5-1-2009 06:26 PM 发表
马来人虽然把耶稣称为NABI (先知),
- Salasilah nabi Isa datang daripada nabi Ibrahim melalui puteranya Ishak
- Isa adalah salah satu nabi yang tergolong dalam ulul azmi, yakninabi dan rasul yang memiliki kedudukan tinggi/istimewa bersama dengan (Nabi Muhammad s.a.w., Nabi Ibrahim a.s., Nabi Musa a.s. dan Nabi Nuh a.s.).
- Isa diutus untuk kaum bani Israel
- Isa bukanlah Tuhan mahupun anak Tuhan, melainkan salah seorangmanusia biasa yang diangkat menjadi nabi dan rasul sebagaimana jugasetiap nabi lain yang diutus pada kaum masing-masing.
- Kelahiran Isa terjadi dengan ajaib, tanpa ayah kandung, ataskekuasaan Tuhan. Ibunya (Maryam) adalah dari golongan mereka yang suciserta masih perawan dan mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan.
- Isa memiliki beberapa keajaiban atas kekuasaan Tuhan. Di sampingkelahirannya, Ia mampu bercakap-cakap sewaktu berusia hanya beberapahari, Isa bercakap dan membela Ibunya dari tuduhan perzinaan. DalamQur'an juga diceritakan saat Ia menghidupkan orang yang sudah mati,menyembuhkan kebutaan dan sopak.
- Isa menerima wahyu dari Tuhan melalui Injil (merujuk pada Perjanjian Baru agama Kristian),namun versi yang dimiliki oleh umat Kristian pada waktu ini dipercayaitelah ditokok tambah dari versi aslinya. Beberapa pendapat dalam Islammenyebutkan bahwa Injil Barnabas adalah versi Injil paling berlainan dari Injil yang diperbaharui setiap masa pada waktu ini .
- Isa tidaklah dibunuh mahupun disalib, Tuhan membuatnya terlihatseperti itu untuk mengelapkan musuh-musuhnya. Terdapat beberapapendapat yang mengatakan bahawa salah seorang musuhnya,Yahudzadiserupakan dengan dia, sedangkan Isa sendiri diangkat langsung kesurga dan musuhnya yang diserupakan tadi adalah orang yang disalib.Sementara pendapat lain (antara lain Ahmad Deedat) mengatakan bahawaIsa benar-benar disalib namun tidak hingga mati kemudian diangkat kesyurga. Terdapat pula pendapat lain yang mengatakan bahawa yang disaliboleh tentara Rom bukan Isa melainkan Yudas Iskariot.
- Isa masih hidup dan berada di syurga, suatu hari Ia akan datang kembali ke bumi untuk melawan Dajjal (atau Antichrist dalam agama kristian) dan merupakan salah satu tanda-tanda dekatnya hari kiamat.
- Isa bukan merupakan penebus dosa manusia, Islam menolak konsep dosaturunan dan menganut konsep bahawa setiap manusia bertanggung jawab danakan diadili atas perbuatannya sendiri.
发表于 27-2-2009 07:13 PM
PKR man upset ‘Allah’ can be used in Christian publications
By Adib Zalkapli
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 26 — PKR’s Zulkifli Nordin today questioned the decision made by the Home Ministry in allowing the Catholic weekly The Herald to use the word “Allah” in its publications.
“Have they referred to the related decree? The ministry should not compromise on this matter,” said the Kulim Bandar Baharu MP when asked about the decision.
He told The Malaysian Insider that his opposition to the use of the word “Allah” by non-Muslims were not motivated by theological arguments.
The Home Ministry has allowed Herald to use the word “Allah”, but the publication has to clearly print the words “For Christianity” on its cover.
“We should look at the social context where the word is used by the Malay Muslims in the country, what is the reason behind their insistence on using ‘Allah’,” said Zulkifli.
Earlier in his speech while debating the motion of thanks to the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, the first term MP express his unhappiness with The Herald’s editor Lawrence Andrew’s statement on the use of the word Allah by the publication.
“I am worried that the word ‘Allah’ was used with the aim to confuse the Muslims,” said Zulkifli referring to leaflets in Malay promoting Christianity which he claimed was distributed in a Malay-majority school in Ampang.
“Does God’s name follow the race or language,” said Zulkifli.
He added that the word “Allah” which is also used in the Malay version of the Bible, Al-Kitab would also confuse the Muslims.
“I have no problem with the use of the Malay language, but by using the word ‘Allah’ to refer to God, it made the Muslims unhappy, I have met a lot of them who told me this,” he said in his speech.
Zulkifli has always been consistent in raising issues relating to Islam which often contradicts the common stand agreed to by Pakatan Rakyat leaders.
Last year he led a protest against a closed door forum on Islam, saying that the event organised by the Bar Council was an attempt to question the position of Islam as the religion of the federation.
Such a paleolithic religious moron!Hello?这又是代表穆斯林讲话hor?你蠢到酱严重,一点点就confused,其他穆斯林也像你那样蠢hor?
Catholic Church may drop ‘Allah’ suit
By Debra Chong
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 27 — The Catholic Church’s controversial suit against the Home Minister and the federal government for the right to use the word “Allah” has been put on hold following the government’s apparent easing up on its conservative stance.
An order recently signed by Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar allows the Catholic Church to use the word “Allah” for God outside of the religion of Islam in its weekly newspaper, The Herald, as long as it follows certain terms and conditions.
The order was gazetted on Feb 16 under the Internal Security Act (ISA).
Caught by surprise, the Church wants to study the implications of the minister’s order before deciding on its next move.
Chief counsel to the Church, Porres Royan, told the High Court here it would discuss the issue with the Attorney General’s (AG) Chambers first.
“The impugned decision on the ban was made under the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984,” he pointed out, adding that Syed Hamid’s latest order was made under the ISA.
“If, after the discussion with the AG’s Chambers, we find comfort, then obviously this matter may not have to be heard,” said Porres.
However, he asked the court to set the date to hear their request to strike out the various parties which have asked to be included in the Church’s suit.
The parties which filed to intervene last year are: the state Islamic councils of Penang, Malacca, Federal Territory, Selangor, Kedah, Johor and Terengganu; the Malaysian-Chinese Islamic Association; and three Sikh Gurdwara bodies in the Klang Valley.
Justice Lau Bee Lan of the Appellate and Special Powers division fixed May 28 for the hearing.
She also fixed July 7 to hear the request by the Islamic bodies to transfer the case to the Federal Court.
“The application by those interveners to transfer the case to the Federal Court is because it is a constitutional issue,” another lawyer for the Church, S. Selvarajah, told The Malaysian Insider.
All eight Muslim groups made the application last year under Section 84 of the Courts of Judicature Act.
They want the apex court to declare the Church’s suit to overturn the minister’s ban as something beyond the power of the courts to decide.
Reverend Father Lawrence Andrew, the editor of The Herald who attended today’s hearing, said the Church needed to study the matter in detail before deciding on its next course of action.
But he hinted that the Church would need a more substantial “security” than the minister’s order.
As Porres had noted in court: “An order made by a minister can be repealed or revoked.”
How short sighted。向暴政以"和平"乞求security,以和为贵hor?Holy-kiasi-ismです か?
[ 本帖最后由 客旅 于 27-2-2009 07:21 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 6-3-2009 10:56 AM
发表于 7-3-2009 07:33 PM
小心一些政党用这个课题来煽动种族情绪, 换取友族的一致支持。 |
发表于 7-3-2009 08:05 PM
原帖由 socrato 于 7-3-2009 07:33 PM 发表
小心一些政党用这个课题来煽动种族情绪, 换取友族的一致支持。
他们一直以来都玩这套的啦。同仇敌忾嘛。 |
发表于 7-3-2009 08:34 PM
原帖由 socrato 于 7-3-2009 07:33 PM 发表
小心一些政党用这个课题来煽动种族情绪, 换取友族的一致支持。
我就是觉得奇怪,“阿拉”只不过是阿拉伯语的词句而已。阿拉伯教会的会友用这个词句根本都没有事情,怎么知道本地的政客炒炸课题? |
发表于 8-3-2009 07:24 PM
308后, 巫统再制造矛盾, 玩弄政治化的宗教, 以保住伊斯兰教徒基本盘。 但是, 在事实和历史记录光照下, 显出政府的霸道和野蛮本质。 今天, 它主导其他宗教的词汇, 改天它修改其他宗教的本质。
Date published: Sunday, March 08, 2009
The Church in Malaysia and ‘Allah’
The cover of a Malay-Latin and Latin-Malay dictionary published in 1631.
By Fr Lawrence Andrew, SJ
The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was asked to comment on the use of the word ‘Allah’ by non-Muslims during a TV 1 interview on Wednesday Feb 18. In his spontaneous response he asked the same question that Utusan Malaysia had asked a week earlier in one of its articles Mengapa baru sekarang? (Why now?).
Certainly this is a question that is being asked around by some people today. We do not want to make this discussion to become a political controversy. Nevertheless we have an obligation, as the leading Catholic Weekly, to give correct information about the use of the word ‘Allah’ in the Church.
We begin by stating that the word ‘Allah’ is not a new word in the theological vocabulary of the Christians since the time of the Sultanate of Malacca, of the Straits Settlements, of the Federation of Malaya and later of Malaysia. Thus, the use of the word ‘Allah’ was known even before the various Malay groups and other ethnic groups came to make Malaysia their homeland. Some of the vociferous people who have championed the Ketuanan Melayu, as reported in the various dailies, are people who have come from the neighbouring countries within the last two or three generations of their family histories. They have come later than the arrival of the Catholic Church in Malacca.
This is testified by the fact that we have a Malay-Latin Dictionary printed in 1631, in which the word ‘Allah’ is cited. To have a word in a dictionary means that that particular word has already been in use in the community prior to the dictionary.
The word for ‘God’ in Latin is ‘Deus’ and in Malay is ‘Allah’. After the coming of the Dutch in the country a Dutch-Malay Dictionary was produced in 1650 where the word for ‘God’ in Dutch is ‘Godt’ and in Malay ‘Allah’.
Who can deny this historical evidence? We do not want to labour the existence of the Bible in Malay as it is already known to the outside world, treasured in some reputable Museums in Europe. So, we do not want to be the laughing stock of the world by categorically denying its existence. However, it is important to stress that before the Anglicization of the country took place in the fields of education, commerce, governance and others — whose legacy is still felt, among others, in the common use of the anglicized titles and attributions of the Police Force of our country — there was already in the Catholic Church the use of the language of Malay as its means of communication.
We have another piece of historical evidence to prove that we have been praying in Malay. Last week (Mar 1) on Page 1 we carried a scanned picture of two pages from the prayer book of the period before the turn of the twentieth century. This shows that we have material proof to claim that the Catholic Church has been using the Malay language in her worship and has no hidden agenda to confuse the Malays, as some of the panelists in the state owned TV1 on Tuesday February 17 from 9.30pm to 10.30pm, have accused the Catholic Church of doing.
Historically, then, who has brought about the confusion kekeliruan in our land about the word ‘Allah’? We do not want to do the despicable thing of pointing our fingers at others or to find a scapegoat in order to cover up for the lack of ingenuity, honesty and integrity. Experience tells us that it is always good to be objective if we want to know the truth. Did not Jesus teach us that “Truth will set us free”?
Let us do a simple and quick exercise by tracing the evolution of the word ‘Allah’ in our dictionaries. Let us begin with the dictionaries that were published after May 13, 1969 which event is a watershed mark in our nation. Till today we have no evidence of any party or Government official saying that there existed some confusion or kekeliruan among the people prior to that infamous date!
In the Malay Kamus Dewan of 1970 the word ‘Allah’ was defined as Tuhan and ‘Tuhan’ as Allah yang menciptakan alam samesta; Allah yang Esa. Also in 1989 in the Kamus Dewan, the word ‘Allah’ was described as Tuhan yang Esa and ‘Tuhan’ as Allah yang mencipta alam semesta. The two words were used interchangeably at this point in history. During these two decades, no particular attributes were attached to the word ‘Allah’.
In the Kamus Dewan (Dwibahasa) of 1990, the word ‘God’ was translated both as Tuhan and Allah. However, it was in the 1992 Kamus Dewan (Inggeris Melayu) that the word ‘God’ was translated both as Tuhan and Allah but with the word ‘Allah’ now being nuanced by two words — in Islam — written in parenthesis. From this moment on the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Dictionaries began to attribute the word ‘Allah’ to the God of the Muslims.
So who has confused the people on the word ‘Allah’?
发表于 9-3-2009 03:05 PM
回复 39# 传喜 的帖子
有可能。 以后他们可能会说三一神论会误导“天真无邪的教徒们,和国教的教义有违,所以禁止在马国提起耶稣。 |
发表于 10-3-2009 05:00 PM
发表于 24-4-2009 06:06 PM
天主教会获得高庭亮绿灯 |
4月24日 傍晚5点42分
| 天主教会挑战政府对使用“阿拉”字眼的禁令向前迈进一步,高庭今日批准天主教会周报《先驱报》申请撤销政府相关的禁令。
高庭也同时批准聆审由吉隆坡大主教默菲巴吉安(Murphy Pakiam)所申请的另外9项庭令,包括宣布内政部和大马政府这项禁令违法,已超越《1984年出版法令》权限。
高庭法官刘美兰(Lau Bee Lan)今天在宣读判词时,做出这些判决。
默菲巴吉安代表律师孝瓦拉查(S. Selvarajah)告诉媒体,法官刘美兰在法庭内,援引高等法院规则第53条发出相关的批准。
代表内政部和政府的高级联邦律师苏查纳阿丹(Suzana Atan)并没有对这项申请提出反对。
Church wins right to challenge ‘Allah’ ban
By Debra Chong
KUALA LUMPUR, April 24 — After a lengthy battle that lasted over a year, the Roman Catholic Church in Malaysia finally won the right to challenge the government’s ban on the right to use the word “Allah” to mean "God" outside of Islam.
The High Court today granted leave to the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, as the publisher of Catholic newspaper The Herald, in his application for a judicial review.
The Catholic Church claims the word “Allah” is not exclusive to Islam and wants the court to overturn the home minister’s order declaring it as such.
A lawyer for the Catholic Church, Derek Fernandez, said it was supposed to be a “simple, straightforward matter” but became complicated as more and more parties got involved in the suit.
Several state Islamic councils including from Penang as well as certain Sikh religious groups had sought and were granted permission by the court early this year to intervene in the Catholic Church’s suit despite the latter’s objection.
The archbishop had originally filed the suit early last year and refreshed his application two months ago, on Feb 16, following the home minister’s renewal of the newspaper’s annual publishing permit for 2009.
Justice Lau Bee Lan from the Appellate and Special Powers division made her decision on the matter in chambers this morning.
She also set May 28 to hear the Catholic Church’s application to stay the home minister’s directive and to allow it to use the word “Allah” until the court rules conclusively that it cannot.
The leading lawyer for the Catholic Church, Porres Royan, explained to The Malaysian Insider that until the court approves the stay, the “status quo is preserved”.
[ 本帖最后由 客旅 于 24-4-2009 06:18 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 26-4-2009 05:25 PM
天主教会反对新版马来文圣经 |
4月26日 下午4点06分
| 尽管天主教会挑战政府对使用“阿拉”字眼禁令的案件正在审讯中,但是最新出版的马来文圣经却已不再使用“阿拉”字眼来称呼“上帝”,引起了教会的不满。
不过,由于后来国安部(或后来内政部)先后对《先驱报》作出不同的命令,包括勒令马来版停刊,到后来的有条件使用“阿拉”字眼,因此天主教会在今年2月重新修改他们的申请。 |
反抗到底!!!:@ :@ :@ :@ |
发表于 3-4-2011 02:12 AM
循10方向解决问题 马来文 印尼文 圣经准入口 『部长没有说实话』
本帖最后由 kevinpss 于 3-4-2011 02:19 AM 编辑
(吉隆坡2日讯)首相署部长拿督斯里依德利斯指出,政府允许所有语文,包括马来文或印尼文版的圣经入口我国。他说,政府与基督教组织展开对话会,并考虑其他宗教包括回教徒的不同看法后,决定循10个方向解决这个问题。 “其中也包括为了尊敬半岛的广大回教社会,所有马来文版圣经必须在书皮上印有‘基督教刊物’和十字架。” 部长今日发表文告指出,这些其他语文版的圣经也可以在国内印刷,相信此举将轻易获基督教徒接受。 他说,至于沙巴和砂拉越各族母语,如伊班、卡达山等语文版的圣经,也可以在国内印刷和入口。
“由于东马基督教徒多,因此政府没有设定各语文版圣经的入口和印刷条件,甚至无须印上‘基督教刊物’和系列编号。” 部长说,在一个马来西亚精神下,人民携带圣经往来东马和半岛,也不受限制。 他指出,内政部秘书长已发出指示,任何官员如果没有依据指示行事,将会受到纪律行动对付。 “最后,政府会维持继续与基督教组织,以及其他宗教组织合作的承诺,以维持宗教之间的谅解,并根据联邦宪法和法律解决问题。” 他希望基督教组织能够正面、公正且合理的,接受上述事项。 “虽然我国有很多成就,但也有一些不完美,毕竟政府和公务员也是常人,针对这次处理圣经课题上的每个不完美,我们希望获得基督教徒原谅。”
讲到好像自己很民主... |
发表于 3-4-2011 10:12 AM
发表于 3-4-2011 11:07 AM
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