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楼主: SilverSaint

【角色扮演】无冬之夜2 (Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir Expansion)

 楼主| 发表于 2-12-2006 09:43 PM | 显示全部楼层

名称:Bracers of Armor +1: +1 bonus to AC
条件:Caster level 7, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- 2 iron ingots
      - Faint Earth Essence
      - Obsidian
Cast mage armor on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Bracers of Armor +2: +2 bonus to AC
条件:Caster level 7, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- 2 iron ingots
      - Faint Earth Essence
      - Diamond
Cast mage armor on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Bracers of Armor +3: +3 bonus to AC
条件:Caster level 7, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- 2 iron ingots
      - Weak Earth Essence
      - Canary diamond
Cast mage armor on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Bracers of Armor +4: +4 bonus to AC
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- 2 iron ingots
      - Weak Earth Essence
      - Jacinth
Cast mage armor on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Bracers of Armor +5: +5 bonus to AC
条件:Caster level 10, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- 2 iron ingots
      - Glowing Earth Essence
      - Blue diamond
Cast mage armor on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Bracers of Armor +6: +6 bonus to AC
条件:Caster level 12, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- 2 iron ingots
      - Glowing Earth Essence
      - Rogue stone
Cast mage armor on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Bracers of Armor +7: +7 bonus to AC
条件:Caster level 14, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- 2 iron ingots
      - Radiant Earth Essence
      - Beljuril
Cast mage armor on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Bracers of Armor +8: +8 bonus to AC
条件:Caster level 16, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- 2 iron ingots
      - Radiant Earth Essence
      - King's tear
Cast mage armor on a magic workbench containing the above

[ 本帖最后由 SilverSaint 于 2-12-2006 11:43 PM 编辑 ]



 楼主| 发表于 2-12-2006 09:44 PM | 显示全部楼层

名称:Belt of Agility +2: +2 bonus to Dexterity
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - Leather hide
      - Faint Air Essence
      - Diamond
Cast cat's grace on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Belt of Agility +4: +4 bonus to Dexterity
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - Leather hide
      - Weak Air Essence
      - Star sapphire
Cast cat's grace on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Belt of Agility +6: +6 bonus to Dexterity
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - Leather hide
      - Glowing Air Essence
      - Rogue stone
Cast cat's grace on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Belt of Frost Giant Strength +4: +4 bonus to Strength
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - Leather hide
      - Weak Fire Essence
      - Blue diamond
Cast bull's strength on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Belt of Stone Giant Strength +6: +6 bonus to Strength
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - Leather hide
      - Glowing Fire Essence
      - Beljuril
Cast bull's strength on a magic workbench containing the above

[ 本帖最后由 SilverSaint 于 2-12-2006 11:44 PM 编辑 ]


 楼主| 发表于 2-12-2006 09:46 PM | 显示全部楼层

名称:Boots of Striding +4: +4 bonus to Constitution
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - Leather hide
      - Weak Earth Essence
      - Jacinth
Cast bear's endurance on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Boots of Striding +6: +6 bonus to Constitution
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - Leather hide
      - Glowing Earth Essence
      - Rogue stone
Cast cat's grace on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Boots of Elvenkind: +5 bonus on Move Silently checks
条件:Caster level 3, Craft Wondrous Items feat
材料: - Leather hide
      - Faint Water Essence
      - Fire opal
Cast silence on a magic workbench containing the above

[ 本帖最后由 SilverSaint 于 2-12-2006 11:44 PM 编辑 ]


 楼主| 发表于 2-12-2006 09:47 PM | 显示全部楼层

名称:Cloak of Elvenkind: +5 bonus on Hide checks
条件:Caster level 3, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - 2 leather hides
      - Faint Water Essence
      - Fire opal
Cast invisibility on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Greater Mantle of Spell Resistance: Spell resistance 21
条件:Caster level 9, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - 2 leather hides
      - Radiant Power Essence
      - Radiant Fire Essence
      - King's tear
Cast spell resistance on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Cloak of Resistance +1: +1 bonus on saving throws
条件:Caster level 5, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - 2 leather hides
      - Faint Earth Essence
      - Obsidian
Cast resistance on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Cloak of Resistance +2: +2 bonus on saving throws
条件:Caster level 6, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - 2 leather hides
      - Faint Earth Essence
      - Diamond
Cast resistance on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Cloak of Resistance +3: +3 bonus on saving throws
条件:Caster level 9, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - 2 leather hides
      - Weak Earth Essence
      - Canary diamond
Cast resistance on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Cloak of Resistance +4: +4 bonus on saving throws
条件:Caster level 12, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - 2 leather hides
      - Glowing Earth Essence
      - Jacinth
Cast resistance on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Cloak of Resistance +5: +5 bonus on saving throws
条件:Caster level 15, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - 2 leather hides
      - Radiant Earth Essence
      - Blue diamond
Cast resistance on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Cloak of Displacement: Cast displacement three times per day
条件:Caster level 3, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - 2 leather hides
      - Weak Air Essence
      - Blue diamond
Cast displacement on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Nymph Cloak +4: +4 bonus to Charisma
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - 2 leather hides
      - Weak Water Essence
      - Star sapphire
Cast eagle's splendor on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Nymph Cloak +6: +6 bonus to Charisma
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - 2 leather hides
      - Glowing Water Essence
      - Rogue stone
Cast eagle's splendor on a magic workbench containing the above

[ 本帖最后由 SilverSaint 于 2-12-2006 11:45 PM 编辑 ]


 楼主| 发表于 2-12-2006 09:48 PM | 显示全部楼层

名称:Ring of Divine Power 1: Prepare and cast one extra 1st-level divine spell per day
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - Iron ingot
      - Faint Fire Essence
      - Obsidian
Cast owl's wisdom on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Ring of Divine Power 2: Prepare and cast one extra 2nd-level divine spell per day
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - Iron ingot
      - Weak Fire Essence
      - Diamond
Cast owl's wisdom on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Ring of Divine Power 3: Prepare and cast one extra 3rd-level divine spell per day
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - Iron ingot
      - Faint Power Essence
      - Weak Fire Essence
      - Canary diamond
Cast owl's wisdom on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Ring of Divine Power 4: Prepare and cast one extra 4th-level divine spell per day
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - Iron ingot
      - Weak Power Essence
      - Glowing Fire Essence
      - Star Sapphire
Cast owl's wisdom on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Ring of Wizardry 1: Prepare and cast one extra 1st-level arcane spell per day
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - Iron ingot
      - Faint Air Essence
      - Obsidian
Cast fox's cunning on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Ring of Wizardry 2: Prepare and cast one extra 2nd-level arcane spell per day
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - Iron ingot
      - Weak Air Essence
      - Diamond
Cast fox's cunning on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Ring of Wizardry 3: Prepare and cast one extra 3rd-level arcane spell per day
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - Iron ingot
      - Faint Power Essence
      - Weak Air Essence
      - Canary diamond
Cast fox's cunning on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Ring of Wizardry 4: Prepare and cast one extra 4th-level arcane spell per day
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料: - Iron ingot
      - Weak Power Essence
      - Glowing Air Essence
      - Star Sapphire
Cast fox's cunning on a magic workbench containing the above

[ 本帖最后由 SilverSaint 于 4-12-2006 05:34 PM 编辑 ]


 楼主| 发表于 2-12-2006 09:50 PM | 显示全部楼层

名称:Medallion of Thought: Immunity to mind-affecting spells and effects
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- Iron ingot
      - Weak Power Essence
      - Weak Water Essence
      - Canary diamond
Cast owl's wisdom on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Scarab of Greater Protection: Spell resistance 20, immunity to death
      effects and energy drain
条件:Caster level 18, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- Iron ingot
      - Radiant Power Essence
      - Radiant Fire Essence
      - Radiant Water Essence
      - Blue diamond
Cast death ward on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Periapt of Wisdom +2: +2 bonus to Wisdom
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- Iron ingot
      - FaintWater Essence
      - Diamond
Cast owl's wisdom on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Periapt of Wisdom +4: +4 bonus to Wisdom
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- Iron ingot
      - Weak Water Essence
      - Star sapphire
Cast owl's wisdom on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Periapt of Wisdom +6: +6 bonus to Wisdom
条件:Caster level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- Iron ingot
      - Glowing Water Essence
      - Rogue stone
Cast owl's wisdom on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Amulet of Natural Armor +1: +1 bonus to AC
条件:Caster level 5, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- Iron ingot
      - Faint Earth Essence
      - Sapphire
Cast barkskin on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Amulet of Natural Armor +2: +2 bonus to AC
条件:Caster level 6, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- Iron ingot
      - Weak Earth Essence
      - Emerald
Cast barkskin on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Amulet of Natural Armor +3: +3 bonus to AC
条件:Caster level 9, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- Iron ingot
      - Faint Power Essence
      - Glowing Earth Essence
      - Jacinth
Cast barkskin on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Amulet of Natural Armor +4: +4 bonus to AC
条件:Caster level 12, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- Iron ingot
      - Weak Power Essence
      - Glowing Earth Essence
      - Blue diamond
Cast barkskin on a magic workbench containing the above

名称:Amulet of Natural Armor +5: +5 bonus to AC
条件:Caster level 12, Craft Wondrous Item feat
材料:- Iron ingot
      - Weak Power Essence
      - Radiant Earth Essence
      - Beljuril
Cast barkskin on a magic workbench containing the above

[ 本帖最后由 SilverSaint 于 4-12-2006 05:41 PM 编辑 ]


Follow Us
 楼主| 发表于 2-12-2006 09:51 PM | 显示全部楼层

名称: Weapon of Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 1
条件: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Weak Power Essence
      - Weak Fire Essence
      - Ruby
Cast enervation on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Weapon of Improved Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 3
条件: Caster level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Glowing Power Essence
      - Glowing Fire Essence
      - Canary diamond
Cast enervation on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Weapon of Greater Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 5
条件: Caster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Radiant Power Essence
      - Radiant Fire Essence
      - Beljuril
Cast enervation on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Base Weapon Enchantment +1
条件: Caster level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Faint Air Essence
      - Obsidian
Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Base Weapon Enchantment +2
条件: Caster level 6, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Faint Air Essence
      - Diamond
Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Base Weapon Enchantment +3
条件: Caster level 9, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Faint Power Essence
      - Weak Air Essence
      - Emerald
Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Base Weapon Enchantment +4
条件: Caster level 12, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Weak Power Essence
      - Glowing Air Essence
      - Star sapphire
Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Base Weapon Enchantment +5
条件: Caster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Glowing Power Essence
      - Glowing Air Essence
      - Blue diamond
Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Flaming Weapon: +1d6 fire damage
条件: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Weak Fire Essence
      - Ruby
Cast fireball or flame strike on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Frost Weapon: +1d6 cold damage
条件: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Weak Water Essence
      - Star sapphire
Cast ice storm on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Shock Weapon: +1d6 electricity damage
条件: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Weak Air Essence
      - Canary diamond
Cast call lightning or lightning bolt on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Poison Weapon: Poison (DC 14, 1d2 Con damage) on hit
条件: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Weak Earth Essence
      - Emerald
Cast poison on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Acid Weapon: +1d6 acid damage
条件: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Weak Earth Essence
      - Emerald
Cast Melf's acid arrow on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Anarchic Weapon: +2d6 damage against lawful creatures
条件: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Faint Power Essence
      - Faint Air Essence
      - Canary diamond
Cast inflict critical wounds on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Axiomatic Weapon: +2d6 damage against chaotic creatures
条件: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Faint Power Essence
      - Faint Earth Essence
      - Jacinth
Cast inflict critical wounds on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Holy Weapon: +2d6 damage against evil creatures
条件: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Faint Power Essence
      - Faint Water Essence
      - Diamond
Cast cure critical wounds on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Unholy Weapon: +2d6 damage against good creatures
条件: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Faint Power Essence
      - Faint Fire Essence
      - Star sapphire
Cast inflict critical wounds on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Hunting Weapon: +2d6 damage against beasts
条件: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Faint Power Essence
      - Faint Water Essence
      - Star sapphire
Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above

名称: Weapon of Disruption: Undead must make a DC 14 Will save or be destroyed
条件: Caster level 14, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
材料: - Any weapon
      - Glowing Power Essence
      - Glowing Water Essence
      - Jacinth
Cast undeath to death on a magic workbench containing the above

[ 本帖最后由 SilverSaint 于 4-12-2006 05:54 PM 编辑 ]


 楼主| 发表于 2-12-2006 11:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
在游戏开始的短片中手持银剑和KOS(King of Shadow)



发表于 3-12-2006 03:46 PM | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 3-12-2006 08:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Mr.酷 于 3-12-2006 03:46 PM 发表

显觉卡啊,XFX 7600GT而已。


 楼主| 发表于 3-12-2006 09:15 PM | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 发表于 4-12-2006 12:53 AM | 显示全部楼层
Jerro's Haven里的"房客"一览








玩家一踏进Jerro's Haven就会遇到Mephasm。






他会"呆"在一个橱旁边。在橱里取出一本叫"Ancient Book"的书。


会得到恶魔女一点(1 point)的好感。***

1. 向Hazebel说你是Baalbisan叫来解决她的的Erinyes。
2. 然后向Baalbisan说你已经把Hazebel的Erinyes给解决了。(1000经验值)


 楼主| 发表于 4-12-2006 07:49 PM | 显示全部楼层

Neverwinter Castle, Neverneath


石像 1
Be aware that you approach the sepulcher of Lord Halueth Never.

My duty in life, and my pact in death, is the defense of this castle I built with my two hands.

Continue onward and your loyalty to Neverwinter will be tested.
Friends of Neverwinter have naught to fear.

Those who are foreign or enemies of Neverwinter, be your from Illusk,
the Wilds or someplace unknown – your presence will be cleansed.

警告,你正靠进的是Halueth Never陛下的坟墓。
那些外来者或无冬城的敌人,来自Illusk,野外或不详的地方 - 你的存在将会被彻底清除。

石像 2
问题: Mine are the hands that built Neverwinter, but not without my loyal fingers. How many fingers have I?

石像 3
问题: What name has the lake beside Nevewinter?
答案:Black Lake

石像 4
问题: Were you an enemy of Neverwinter, where would you be buried?
答案:The Tomb of the Betrayer.

石像 5
问题: State the more common name of the Artery of Neverwinter.
答案:Neverwinter River.

石像 6
问题: Where might an enemy of Neverwinter find a map of our city.
答案:Say nothing.

石像 7
问题: How many gates must one pass through from Neverwinter’s harbor to her castle?

石像 8
问题: You have been proven to know Nevewinter.
      But for Neverwinter to know you, you must declare your loyalty to her.
答案:I declare my loyalty to Neverwinter.

So be it. The stone of this castle bears withness to your featly. Protector of Nevewinter, take your place among us.


[ 本帖最后由 SilverSaint 于 4-12-2006 11:00 PM 编辑 ]


 楼主| 发表于 5-12-2006 06:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
Halueth Never陛下的坟墓 (Sepulcher of Lord Halueth Never )

当玩家接近Halueth Never陛下的坟墓时,入口处的一个石像会说:

"The Nine will protect my resting place from who approach, but one of the Nine is missing. Take his palce to join my side."

Halueth Never陛下的石棺有九个石像和八把刀围绕着。

1. Talven, first of the Nine. We shall not rest until his sword takes its rightful place.
2. Galavren, second of the Nine. The only one who remember the promise left unfulfilled.
3. Floashebel, third of the Nine. She never bore a child, but was mother to new born Neverwinter.
4. Thracier, fouth of the Nine. His death as a traitor does not release him from service.
5. Shoce, firth of the Nine. Three dragons could not slay him, Alas, the treachery of the fourth.
6. Coneth, sixth of the Nine. His blood was impure, but none ever doubted his heart.
7. N’halien, seventh of the Nine, His chest caught an Illusk arrow meant for mine.
8. Tamper, eighth of the Nine. Youngest of us all, who kept all of us young.
9. Slade, last of the nine. Sadly, his first day was his last battle.



 楼主| 发表于 6-12-2006 02:57 AM | 显示全部楼层


1. Neverwinter Nights 2 Warcry
2. Neverwinter Nights 2 Vault
3. Obsidian

原文:Neverwinter Nights 2 Forum


 楼主| 发表于 6-12-2006 09:56 PM | 显示全部楼层


红龙,Red Dragon
(如果玩家在Crossroad Keep有建造Church of Tyr。那么神父就会给你一个任务有关于到这红龙的。)

火巨人王,Fire Giant King



[ 本帖最后由 SilverSaint 于 6-12-2006 10:16 PM 编辑 ]



 楼主| 发表于 7-12-2006 10:17 PM | 显示全部楼层


发表于 7-12-2006 11:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 SilverSaint 于 7-12-2006 10:17 PM 发表




 楼主| 发表于 7-12-2006 11:40 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 神行太保 于 7-12-2006 11:21 PM 发表



我差不多可以说是个No Life料,哈哈。。。


发表于 8-12-2006 09:32 PM | 显示全部楼层


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