We planing going taiwan from 29/12/2017-6/1/2018, 7pax, but we received the tour guide quote us TWD39k. We are using the tour guide start from 1/1/2018 only and fetching us going to someplace. Are this price worth to have?
This is our schedule.
12/29五 11:35到桃園機場~台北自由行~宿台北
12/30六 九份老街~十分天燈.~漁人碼頭~淡水老街~宿台北
12/31日 台北自由行~跨年夜~宿台北
1/1一 ~客家粄條午餐~中社花海~高美溼地~逢甲夜市~宿台中
1/2二 ~埔里酒廠~胡國雄古早麵~.紙箱王~宿清境
1/3三 老英格蘭莊園拍照~~私房景點~文武廟~日月潭遊湖~宿日月潭
1/4四 need add place 宿溫泉會館
1/5五 ~need add place 午餐甕缸雞~羅東夜市~宿溫泉會館
1/6六 10:40前到達桃園機場
Do you guys have any comment on this?
Im sorry due to my laptop didn't have chinese software for me to typing. You guy may reply me on Chinese.
sengchuan 发表于 7-3-2017 09:57 AM
We planing going taiwan from 29/12/2017-6/1/2018, 7pax, but we received the tour guide quote us TWD39k. We are using the tour guide start from 1/1/2018 only and fetching us going to someplace. Are thi ...