


楼主: ling268


发表于 30-4-2008 08:52 AM | 显示全部楼层
helo, 1st time come here.
my english vy lousy, willing to learn and improve my english.
because the enviroment and chinese education,
so that no chance to use english communicate to help me in english.
hope here can learn better my english.

b4 that, i need a english name for my job.
ermmm, so need u all help.
Ryan or Squave better leh?
Ryan many ppl used, so customer easy remmeber .
Squave, no ppl use, customer hard to remmeber.

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发表于 30-4-2008 01:10 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 301# eternity4 的帖子

sorry i cant agree with you..

why do you need an english name while you already have a beautiful name given by your parents?? why do you need to create a new name for yourself? is it because it's trendy? becasue it's cool to have an english name?
dont you find it weird suddenly you're known as XYZ??well i find it weird..

i'm proud of my name and i'm proud of my culture. i have a strong dignity towards myself and my culture.. and believe me, many native english speaker find it weird why asian have english name too..做不改名站不改姓...

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发表于 30-4-2008 01:38 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 302# chingfong85 的帖子

nonono, got a english name. customer easy to remmeber me.
that's why i need a english name.
no because of wat u mentioned about. dun misunderstand

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发表于 1-5-2008 10:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 eternity4 于 30-4-2008 01:38 PM 发表
nonono, got a english name. customer easy to remmeber me.
that's why i need a english name.
no because of wat u mentioned about. dun misunderstand

John is better and more familiar to people

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发表于 2-5-2008 02:28 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 304# darksider 的帖子

good one..might as well put eric, steven, ray, david, kelvin, tom, dick and harry into consideration...

some ppl just fail to realise that if they use a very common name..yes it's easy to remember (actually just mumble a few common one you're likely to hit the bull's eye), but the next question ppl's gonna ask 'which john is it?'

and if you wanna create some a lil bit more special one, might as well use your VERY OWN name..

still, however it is, i see no excuse for myself to address myself by another name..

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发表于 3-5-2008 07:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 dragula 于 26-4-2008 22:05 发表

slang 的话可能有酱的意思
不过我听了整个歌词和mv觉得大概是说狗仔的无孔不入, 所以我觉得是"你想要我生活的一部分?"


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发表于 3-5-2008 07:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 eternity4 于 30-4-2008 08:52 发表
helo, 1st time come here.
my english vy lousy, willing to learn and improve my english.
because the enviroment and chinese education,
so that no chance to use english communicate to help me in eng ...


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发表于 6-5-2008 12:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
hi, everybody. i am chinese educated and my english is very poor too. I do not used to speak english in my daily communication, even now i am studying in college, i am not dare to speak english too. i m lack of confidence to use english to communicate with my classmates, even my boy friend also i not dare to speak english to him and we speak in mandarin, i find out very hard to communicate with his brothers because all of them are english educated and speaking english. i really hope that i able to speak english as well as my chinese but im not dare to speak...how to improve my english speaking skill??  how to get confidence to speak english? anyone can help me

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发表于 6-5-2008 03:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
I'm sorry to say there is not short cut way to master speaking skill.

I'm a chinese educated and I had been unable to speak english before I attended formal lessons in a language centre.
When I first went there I was only able to speak simple english (simple sentences) and they are full of grammatical errors.
So what could I do to improve my shocking speaking skill? I was so timid and shy to speak out loud because I was not confident at all. I was always afraid of speaking bad english. But, soon I realised it's the boldness that would bring you to a higher level. Some people can write good english but cannot speak good english because written english can be erased whereas spoken english cannot be retracted. Having the boldness to speak is of a very great advantage.

For all the phrases that are normally used in spoken english,refer to http://www.english-at-home.com/speaking/.

Ways to improve and speak good english
1)Do not attempt to do direct translation,it may cause interruption when speaking.
2)Always,always and always think in english when you want to speak english.With this you can speak fluently.
3)Speak more to your friends, to your classmates, to anyone who speaks english.
4)Watch CNN/BBC/CCTV4 and listen to them, watch how they speak english and learn what is good from them.
5)Brush up your grammar and read more books for better vocabulary.
6)Want to speak continuously? Make sure when you speak , you have CVG( Content , Vocabulary, Grammar) in your head.

just my 2 cents.

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发表于 6-5-2008 08:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
hehe....speaking is really challenging enough for me though I have been studying abroad for almost a year in an English speaking country.

That's fair enough, as I reckon a good language skill should be kept practising everyday. No one will laugh at you if you can't speak English properly and accurately as it's your second language!

ps: I am so annoyed when trying to pronounce "thriller"....

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发表于 6-5-2008 11:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 eternity4 于 30-4-2008 08:52 AM 发表
helo, 1st time come here.
Hello, this's my first time coming here.

my english vy lousy, willing to learn and improve my english.
My English is not good enough, but I'm willing to learn to improve it.

because the enviroment and chinese education,
Because of my Chinese education background with the spoken environgment,

so that no chance to use english communicate to help me in english.
therefore I have a difficulty to communicate fluently in English, less of possibility to use English
for speech...

hope here can learn better my english.
I hope that I can make my English better in learning here

b4 that, i need a english name for my job.
Before that, I need to have an English name for my job purpose

ermmm, so need u all help.
Emmm...., so I need all of you to help

Ryan or Squave better leh?
In between of Ryan and Squave, which one is better/ more suitable to me?

Ryan many ppl used, so customer easy remmeber .
The Ryan name has been many, so it can easily be remembered for my customer

Squave, no ppl use, customer hard to remmeber.

The Squave name, seems rarely heard from outside.
It may make my customer difficult to remember

Hi, nice to know u. I'm a fresh English learner and also a newbie here too
But I have a bad habit which is to correct other's mistake (I always make mistake too , but maybe it can help my English better )

I will highlight your sentence and restore them into better sentence (but maybe some mistake too, as I wanna learn from the progress )

Good job (Yi Qi Jia You Ba)

PS: As a small advice, using Chinese mindset to translate English will not strengthen your English level and Grammar.

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发表于 6-5-2008 11:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 darksider 于 6-5-2008 03:29 PM 发表
I'm sorry to say there is not short cut way to master speaking skill.

I'm a chinese educated and I had been unable to speak english before I attended formal lessons in a language centre.
When I fi ...

I agree with your point.

I need to learn harder when I found out my English level was still remain in Intermediate (Especially my Grammar Mistake + Vocabulary Weaknesses)

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发表于 7-5-2008 12:39 AM | 显示全部楼层
hey guys,
i would like to ask you all some question.
how to improve english, and how to memorize every new vocabulary?
because i found that i cant even remember all the vocabulary i had learned before.

Besides, any experts here mind to check with my grammar above?
And also, i still cant get to know how to uses "had" as well.
hopefully anyone of you could reply me.
im really appreciate that..
thanks first!

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发表于 7-5-2008 03:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Athlan 于 6-5-2008 23:27 发表

I agree with your point.

I need to learn harder when I found out my English level was still remain in Intermediate (Especially my Grammar Mistake + Vocabulary Weaknesses)

I would to learn english well also because i am feeling that i suffer to used it to study in my degree level.

anyway, what did you all guys think read newpaper such as star to improve ours english ? it is a good way to improve? i also don't dare to speak too much manglish here, i am willing to learn english with everyone at here.

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发表于 7-5-2008 06:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
Learn the very basic first before you want to advance to the next level.
Master your grammar and you will have no problems with writing and speaking skills.
Doing plenty of vocabulary exercises and reading more english materials are the fastest way to learn new words.

Buy a good dictionary and a very very good thesaurus (im using "family words finder" published by R.Digest).

A very good website to share with everyone! Explicit explanation and straight to the point...

http://www.cliffsnotes.com/Wiley ... rticleId-28962.html

[ 本帖最后由 darksider 于 7-5-2008 06:06 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 7-5-2008 07:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 darksider 于 7-5-2008 18:05 发表
Learn the very basic first before you want to advance to the next level.
Master your grammar and you will have no problems with writing and speaking skills.
Doing plenty of vocabulary exercises and  ...

thank you for intro a new website to everyone. i will have a look to the website

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发表于 7-5-2008 08:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 matthew123 于 2008/5/6 08:19 PM 发表
hehe....speaking is really challenging enough for me though I have been studying abroad for almost a year in an English speaking country.

That's fair enough, as I reckon a good language skill shoul ...

Lol, I suggest you to sing "thriller" of Michael Jackson and you may get used to pronouncing it well

" #$$%^&&  thriller,thriller night..."

[ 本帖最后由 darksider 于 7-5-2008 09:10 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 7-5-2008 09:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Athlan 于 2008/5/6 11:23 PM 发表

The Squave name, seems rarely heard from outside.
It may make my customer difficult to remember

Hi, nice to know u. I'm a fresh English learner and also a newbie here too
But I have a bad ha ...

It's definitely a good practice as it's a win-win situation for you,you have nothing to lose , I mean correcting error.

While learning english properly, I used to correct people's essays and messages because sentence correcting is a part in my english exam and doing that has gained me confidence and made me a better learner.

I was once very bad in english. Having attended lessons for 2 years, I am brought up to intermediate level ( I've passed the CAE which is level C1 in cambridge esol standard english exams and C2 is the highest level - CPE) from a very very low level ( Can't speak, can't write sentence free of mistakes, cant listen to english speakers , a very typical malaysian student who uses manglish more than english ).

[ 本帖最后由 darksider 于 7-5-2008 09:10 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 7-5-2008 09:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 chaucky 于 2008/5/7 07:05 PM 发表

thank you for intro a new website to everyone. i will have a look to the website

If you encounter any problem in english, you can always ask in this forum (http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/ask-teacher) and many people will always answer your questions(most are esl teachers)

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发表于 7-5-2008 09:37 PM | 显示全部楼层
hey guys,
Hello guys, ( more polite since you don't know all of us)

i would like to ask you all some question.
I would like to ask you some questions. ("you all" is bad english , South American accent)

how to improve english, and how to memorize every new vocabulary?
What should I do to improve my english proficiency?Is there any way to remember words that I have learnt easily and efficiently?

because i found that i cant even remember all the vocabulary i had learned before.
Because I find that I have the tendency to forget vocabulary I have learnt.

( Dont use past simple(implies action happened and stopped) and past perfect indicates an action completed in the past before another action completed in the past)

I did my homework (1st action completed in the past)
I slept. (2nd action completed in the past)

After I had done my homework, I slept. or I had done my homework before I slept.

Back to your questions, If you want to remember the vocabulary you have learnt, you need to use them frequently or else they may be forgotten if you do not use them for a long time.

I use a software called "Ultimate Vocabulary 2007" to insert all the words I have known and practise there everyday.

My last advice, when learning english,think in english, do everything in english

For speaking, if you do not have any friends that speaks english, you can speak to yourself.

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