17/6 - DAY4: The Rocks – Circular Quay (museum of contemporary art) – Opera House – Royal Botanic Garden –Circular Quay Ferry - Darling Harbor – Sydney Aquarium – Sydney Fish Market
18/6 - DAY 5: Paddy’s Market – China Town – Oxford St. – Bondi Beach
19/6 - DAY 6: Victoria St. - Queen Victoria Building – Pitt Street Mall – Sydney Tower – Art Gallery of New South Wales – Queen St.
20/6 - DAY 7: Blue Mountain 1 day trip
21/6 - DAY 8: (In prepare) - any suggestions?
22/6 - DAY 9: South bank – Queensland Gallery of Modern Art – Queensland Old Museum – Queen
St. – City Hall – night in Brisbane.
Sunshine Coast
23/6 - DAY 10: Australia Zoo – Big Pineapple Farm – Hasting St. – Night in Noosa Heads
Gold Coast
24/6 - DAY 11: Gold Coast – Surfer Paradise – Broad Beach – Tweed Heads – Harbour Town
你给我的voucher里有q-deck和glow-worm的,没有corrumbin 的。我的电邮是wallacelee86@gmail.com。还好没有在corrumbin的网站买,$39.60一个人呀。。。还有,我想问,抱koala和拍照,是多少钱一个人?是到那里才买这个配套的吗?我姐姐不抱koala,誓不罢休。哈哈。。除此之外,在custom那,如果要declare我们带的食物或物品,会很久吗?你去的时候从下机到拿行李,declare及走出机场,前前后后耗了多少时间?我当天的行程很紧凑啊,飞机在8.25am降陆(如果能飞快一点就好了,哈哈),我问那租车的公司,他说他那儿的手续大概是20分钟。希望能在9.15am前赶到corrumbin,不然就会错过之前的节目了。。。
对了,我在你的游记里看到你也有去corrumbin,如果我错过了之前的pelican & eel feeding, 我还能够再回去看吗?我的意思是虽然没有看到工作人员喂它们,可是能看到它们的样子也是好的。
那corrumbin, movie world 和sea world的行程表会很紧凑吗?会不会赶不及从一个show去另一个show?