【PSP】Cari's PSP Owner 会员交流IV区(最新FirmWare 3.90)
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发表于 2-12-2007 11:22 PM
原帖由 Kidd_LV_Ass 于 2-12-2007 11:04 PM 发表 ![](http://chinese4.cari.com.my/myforum/images/common/back.gif)
我再香港买的价钱。。PSP SLIM + 4GB Scandisk + Screen Protector + Emergency Charger 4in1 9800Mah + bag + games
还有吗? 我弟弟还想买EH。。。。。。 便宜![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
发表于 3-12-2007 12:09 AM
今天去问一间,销售员说有分两种机。1)日本机 2)台湾机
PSP SLIM + 4gb sony high speed
RM 850
如果大家觉得值得的话,小弟就买得咯。 |
发表于 3-12-2007 12:24 AM
原帖由 samuellkp 于 3-12-2007 12:09 AM 发表 ![](http://chinese3.cari.com.my/myforum/images/common/back.gif)
今天去问一间,销售员说有分两种机。1)日本机 2)台湾机
PSP SLIM + 4gb sony high speed
RM 850
如果 ...
如果是玩游戏就没分别,但要看UMD video就有分别了......
日本机是region 2,而台湾机是region 3的说...... |
发表于 3-12-2007 01:15 AM
原帖由 Raiden 于 3-12-2007 12:24 AM 发表 ![](http://chinese.cari.com.my/myforum/images/common/back.gif)
如果是玩游戏就没分别,但要看UMD video就有分别了......
日本机是region 2,而台湾机是region 3的说......
但是感觉上日本机比较原装的感觉。 |
发表于 3-12-2007 01:28 AM
原帖由 samuellkp 于 3-12-2007 01:15 AM 发表 ![](http://chinese3.cari.com.my/myforum/images/common/back.gif)
只要是玩游戏,买哪个都无所谓的 (因游戏是free region的,不像UMD video有分region的) |
发表于 3-12-2007 01:36 AM
发表于 3-12-2007 01:39 AM
发表于 3-12-2007 01:23 PM
原帖由 =我爱台妹= 于 2-12-2007 10:34 AM 发表 ![](http://chinese.cari.com.my/myforum/images/common/back.gif)
我们johor这里没有包4gb memory card才700...
sandisk的memory card明显比sony的好
请问你的翻版的msd / 翻版的sony 是指翻版的 Sony Memory Stick ??!?!
意识说Sony Memory Stick 也有翻版的?
发表于 3-12-2007 01:30 PM
原帖由 没有人在 于 1-12-2007 01:36 PM 发表 ![](http://chinese.cari.com.my/myforum/images/common/back.gif)
SANDISK 是 HIGHSPEED 的, 表现比SONY的好。但SONY的有分原厂和翻版。以4G来说。SONY出的好像要300++(不懂对吗。。。没买过 )
而翻版的就只是 130 - 160 之间。
SANDISK 就大约200 左右, 但 ...
你知道要如何分辨SONY的有分原厂和翻版吗? |
发表于 3-12-2007 01:33 PM
回复 #268 user2005 的帖子
哈哈,不会难分辨。先到sony 专卖店看看正版的Sony Memory Stick,然后随便到一间handphone店看就懂有什么分别 。我在digital mall 卖psp的档口没有看过正版的Sony Memory Stick 。不懂是他们不卖或者他们收在里面。。。 |
发表于 3-12-2007 01:42 PM
原帖由 亲儿 于 3-12-2007 01:33 PM 发表 ![](http://chinese.cari.com.my/myforum/images/common/back.gif)
哈哈,不会难分辨。先到sony 专卖店看看正版的Sony Memory Stick,然后随便到一间handphone店看就懂有什么分别 。我在digital mall 卖psp的档口没有看过正版的Sony Memory Stick 。不懂是他们不卖或者他们收在里 ...
你的意识说只要从Memory stick 上面就能分辨得出真真假假?
好好。。。今晚回去试试。。。![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
发表于 3-12-2007 04:20 PM
发表于 3-12-2007 04:46 PM
Currently, there is a huge batch of fake memory sticks in the market. It looks so real that even supplier can't see the differences.
While walking around Sim Lim today, I also spotted some shop selling fake SONY memory stick pro duo. As I have known, there are currently 3 brands of fake memory stick pro duo products and 2 of them are in Singapore. They are:
- Sony
- Sandisk
- Lexar
Mostly will ask.. HUH!! SANDISK (note.. not SCANDISK is SANDISK)!! Serious or not!! yes.. serious!! THERE IS FAKE SANDISK MEMORY STICK PRO DUO!! lol
Anyway this short tips here will tell beginners on spotting the fake SONY memory stick pro duo products. The sandisk one I'm still doing the investigation. All the informations given below are based on web infos + SONY given infos.
1 - Prices
The prices of fake MS Pro Duo are very cheap at retail shop... unless the boss is doing a closing down sales. The price are usually ranging bout $200-$250 for a 2GB one, and this price is actually the supplier price for an original one.
2 - Seals
Original Sony Package Seals have Long Staple like Seal, and it is sealed in using heat. Fake one have round seals, and the seals are sealed up using glue.
Fake Seal
(IMG: )
Original Seal
(IMG: )
3 - Capacity
Fake 2GB MS Pro Duo have 1948MB and 1959MB of memory space when it is shown on devices like PSP. Genuine one have a capacity of 1909MB while some devices will read 1910MB.
For the old batch of 1948MB Fake version, I actually feel quite shocking... because it indeed can save up to 1948MB!! Tested and Proven by myself!!
For the 1948mb newer version and 1959MB Fake version, all I have to say is good luck. although it is written 1959MB, the size actually cannot hold more than 1GB.. which is reported by a lot of people, so it means that it is the "cheat" which makes the software reads 1959MB.. while the card is only around 1GB.
4 - Transfer Speed
The transfer speed of real one is at about 80Mbps. Fake one will have slower transfer speed. 1948MB one actually can go on 65Mbps to 70Mbps... 1959MB one ... at most 60Mbps.
To test timing, try transfering a 1GB file to the stick and use the stopwatch to calculate the time of file transfer. This is the easiest way.
5 - Structures
Fake MS Pro Duo is thicker than original one. Try fitting it into an adapter, and you will find that the fitting have problems. It doesn't seems to fit into the adapter.. (feel like squeeze it in). The newer fake version even have problems fitting into PSP.. as reported by Sony as the memory stick is stuck inside the PSP. (newer one are the 1959mb versions)
The words carved behind the Fake MS Pro Duo card is printed on... while the original is engraved into it. The know if it is printed on or not... just use your thumb to feel it. Fake one.. the words u feel is like a bit of pop up.... the original one u cant feel the words.
The metallic stripes, also call the connectors, for fake one... should have black holes seen on the metal stripe as the metal stripe did not cover fully, and this happen the most common on the 1959mb version and the 1948mb newer version. The original one is fully covered to the bottom without showing any incomplete-ness.
6 - Package
The Fake package.. actually looks totally alike compare to the real package. No one can actually see the differences!! Even the hologram seems so real!! The package... if u take a look properly... u will know that at the side of the package there is 4 pictures. Notice carefully!! some packages pictures are not in order!!
Some people told me to look out at the PSP compatible logo at the top corner. If got, means fake one. But just take note, the PSP compatible logo is AVAILABLE on the japanese version of original MS pro duo.. and it cannot be used to determine whether it is fake or genuine.
turn it to the back of the packge.. and look at the black printing.. for fake one... u will see white spots on the black part of the printing. Good quality printing by sony will show that there is NO white spots!
For those now holding the old 1948MB version, I might just say U are lucky for a while, as there is still not much problem on this card. Those with newer 1948mb and 1959mb that can actually hold only 1GB of data... take care..
INSIST on a warranty card if u r getting sandisk one... for the 5 years warranty. Sony one im not too sure bout the online warranty status... but keep the receipt!! if u discover that it is a fake one... bring it down to SONY with the receipt!! |
发表于 3-12-2007 04:48 PM
发表于 3-12-2007 05:48 PM
原帖由 blade 于 3-12-2007 04:48 PM 发表 ![](http://chinese4.cari.com.my/myforum/images/common/back.gif)
嗯,sandisk是Lowyat的价钱。随时有变动。 |
发表于 3-12-2007 09:50 PM
电池,ADEPTOR和MEMORY CARD要怎么分边原装和充装~?
希望大家帮个忙...![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
发表于 3-12-2007 10:17 PM
发表于 3-12-2007 11:01 PM
回复 #277 footes_1398 的帖子
正版这么贵因为SONY 这个字。![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
回复 #277 footes_1398 的帖子
[ 本帖最后由 Osis03 于 4-12-2007 02:48 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 4-12-2007 02:11 AM
发表于 4-12-2007 12:30 PM
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