发表于 20-8-2010 11:07 AM
本帖最后由 JMLOU 于 20-8-2010 12:01 PM 编辑
To: victor,
我家有女儿, 若我要他学武,而且要学到深. 要她做一班人做师师缩缩的事,有点讲不通. 我的道理是这样,要打架捍卫自己的权利(勇气可嘉!试想大多数女子会这么想?)不过要讲清楚,穿清凉装真的不时候并不方便动手嘛!!!!另外, 要打的有把握,请平训练时对自己严格点,我严厉时,请不许生气.
让她从训练中学得危机处理的能力,不是更好? 我至少见过由韩金元先生训练过很能打的女子如沈赛凤女士,问过她什么造成她训练投入的动力?她的答案给我知道,女子要下决心练到会打,她需要的学习心理状态是与男子不同的.你问我这样,会不好吗?她现在可是星洲日报集团的执行董事.问她那次她对付强她手提袋,被她追上去把那个歹徒揍个半死(哪里不半死,防对方小刀被尖尖的高根鞋,又扫又敲,又踢)你可用很多道理安全啦等,但她会跟你说她不会对她做的事去后悔而不做.
认真走下去就行. |
发表于 20-8-2010 11:30 AM
楼主 |
发表于 20-8-2010 12:29 PM
回复 240# victoriliqchuan
thanx for telling this ,brother~
u have got good life experience...
there are different race,different country and different culture in this world,brother.
women are not allowed to go out without man company with and without wearing the scarf in IRAN.so even we wear the T-SHIRT also not allowed in their country,baby...
i try to tell people my point is stupid Fkr man wanna start to rape, no matter the girls wear or wearless... |
楼主 |
发表于 20-8-2010 12:29 PM
本帖最后由 maggie_luo 于 21-8-2010 01:09 AM 编辑
You are a very cute girl.
It is good if you can give a good lesson to other, but make ...
edmundchew 发表于 20-8-2010 11:30 AM
u r been a man just wasted~ |
发表于 20-8-2010 12:31 PM
楼主 |
发表于 20-8-2010 12:41 PM
回复 maggie_luo
同情楼主的遭遇当事人受的耻辱很多人都不明白个人认为应该给予犯人适当的教训:m ...
武林良品 发表于 20-8-2010 12:31 PM
i think so.report to the police is better way..but sometimes is very hard to control the imotion,the anger will drag me to show what is right or wrong! i live in PUDU.i know there.if wanna fight,of coz i will call my SI DANG friends to come and help! |
楼主 |
发表于 20-8-2010 12:44 PM
To: victor,
我家有女儿, 若我要他学武,而且要学到深. 要她做一班人做师师缩缩的事,有点讲不通. 我的道理 ...
JMLOU 发表于 20-8-2010 11:07 AM
Wanita pun BOLEH~ |
发表于 20-8-2010 12:59 PM
totally agree with u on the emotional part, thats y i did mention we can hardly understand how u feel at tht moment, but my point is, u shdn't blame ur fren by dragging u away from tht spot, he just trying to calm u down n think of wat u shd do next. and even u know the place well, but once the fight start i doubt u can make calls to ask for help. So in future if u do come across this kind of situation again, leave the place, calm down n decide what to do next. just an advice from my point of view |
发表于 20-8-2010 01:08 PM
本帖最后由 delight2010 于 20-8-2010 01:09 PM 编辑
塵緣如夢 幾番起伏總不平 到如今都成煙雲
漫漫長路 起伏不能由我 人海飄泊 嚐盡人情淡泊
人隨風過 自在花開花又落 ...
一城風絮 滿腹相思都沈默 只有桂花香暗飄過 |
发表于 20-8-2010 02:08 PM
此为自卫也~ |
发表于 20-8-2010 02:22 PM
U r wonderful, I mean ur 性格, you 该 start thinking about how to take down ur opponent 在…one strike 以内。
Start drilling it, it will be handy to u。
Bye! |
楼主 |
发表于 21-8-2010 01:08 AM
回复 248# 武林良品
yap~~~thanx.my friend~
i know that d uneducated ppl r everywhere~i know girls must be more smarter to handle d lifes...for d case ,that is only the time and the last time...i wont let it happen again.come here to share this thing juz wanna tell the ppl how is my feeling and y women need to practice the martial arts.can be protected from the evil people.guard ourselves,but the sound seems not really nice~ |
发表于 21-8-2010 01:17 AM
楼主 |
发表于 21-8-2010 11:39 AM
本帖最后由 maggie_luo 于 7-9-2010 11:11 AM 编辑
回复 253# 白千军
i really dont like the people try to cover the cetain social misconducts...as men,they have their own reasons to explain.they always think opposite must be wrong...last time happened the thing in PUTRA JAYA. a security guard used the camera quietly watched the a female newsreporter's underwear.she knew and report to the police.it was most funny answering happened that the police officer told the newsreporter must wear the proper cloth.she is chinese and she was wear the formal cloth which looked like office lady.that officer is malayu.ok,we r as humen being living in the same world...wrong is wrong..directly point it out.why other way round debate.we discuss the misconducts not clothes or dress...i really dont understand why men are so terrible in this world~ |
发表于 21-8-2010 11:51 AM
回复 白千军
i really dont like the people try to cover the cetain social misconducts...a ...
maggie_luo 发表于 21-8-2010 11:39 AM
楼主 |
发表于 21-8-2010 11:54 AM
回复 255# carlosmak
currently dont hv chinese .my english is not so good. |
发表于 21-8-2010 12:37 PM
回复 254# maggie_luo
只要你认为“是这样”的话,就“是这样” 别人很难了解你的感受和你的立场,因为不是发生在他们自个儿身上。不过,我相信在这里的每一位都是提出自己个人的意见,让你参考。绝对没有针对性的意念 |
楼主 |
发表于 21-8-2010 06:18 PM
本帖最后由 maggie_luo 于 21-8-2010 09:22 PM 编辑
一个女生爱美 就像一个男人想要征服世界一样 自然产生的念头 这个是本性的流露
然而 很多男人 特别是亚洲男人 对于被统治的女性 除了强权政治社会以外 还要强权思想 :你要服从 这就是社会。 男人的社会 女人应该为统治者无条件地服务 无条件地巩固男人手中的权利 然而社会演变的进化 女权崛起 似乎仍未打破某些男人沉浸于强权思想的旧古时代特征思维。如果这个世界是女权社会 人们就会说 滥情是男人很不自重 在婚外情的评价上 遭遇社会唾弃的也是男人们了 这个就是谁是统治者的区别 和习惯性的思维偏差。
当我们看到严重的社会问题 冲击着我们的日常生活 正常思维的人们会反观社会 反诸求己。
可惜 当我发表一篇 以受害人为主题的 时常发生的社会问题 大多得到的却不是被保护和怜惜的声音 却是责备与蔑视 挑逗与侵犯的声音 各位 社会存在的通病 在于自私 如果事件一不小心发生在自家人身上 他们的叫声 绝不会比山林中的野兽弱小。
每个受过教育的人 都知道对与错的基本常识 然而 扭曲的人性就是这么奇怪 某些理论就是要强奸思想 贼喊抓贼 这是典型的某些亚洲男人的缺陷。 |
发表于 21-8-2010 08:25 PM
蠢人无用 ...
maggie_luo 发表于 15-8-2010 01:07 AM
我也遇到类似的问题,到现在还想不通~ |
发表于 21-8-2010 08:31 PM
一个女生爱美 就像一个男人想要征服世界一样 自然产生的念头 这个是本性的流露
然而 很多男人 特别是亚 ...
maggie_luo 发表于 21-8-2010 06:18 PM
“like”!!!!!! |
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