Dahlman Rose & Co. to Host 2nd Annual Emerging Miners CEO Conference
NEW YORK, Jan. 5, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Dahlman Rose & Company, LLC, a leading investment bank specializing in natural resources, transportation, and other industries in the global commodity supply chain, will host its 2nd Annual Emerging Miners CEO Conference on January 11-12, 2011, at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. The two-day conference will feature presentations by executives from leading global emerging mining companies.
Presenting companies currently include: Allied Nevada Gold /quotes/comstock/14*!anv/quotes/nls/anv (ANV 25.83, +0.57, +2.26%) , Anatolia Minerals /quotes/comstock/11t!e:ano (CA:ANO 7.30, +0.16, +2.24%) , Chesapeake Gold /quotes/comstock/11v!e:ckg (CA KG 13.02, +0.05, +0.39%) , Detour Gold /quotes/comstock/11t!e:dgc (CA GC 28.61, +0.36, +1.27%) , ECU Silver Mining /quotes/comstock/11t!e:ecu (CA:ECU 1.32, +0.04, +3.13%) , Extorre Gold Mines /quotes/comstock/11t!e:xg (CA:XG 5.44, -0.05, -0.91%) , Fronteer Gold /quotes/comstock/14*!frg/quotes/nls/frg (FRG 10.93, +0.36, +3.41%) , Gabriel Resources /quotes/comstock/11t!e:gbu (CA:GBU 7.60, +0.19, +2.56%) , Goldgroup Mining , Golden Minerals /quotes/comstock/14*!aumn/quotes/nls/aumn (AUMN 24.74, -0.70, -2.75%) , Guyana Goldfields /quotes/comstock/11t!e:guy (CA:GUY 9.94, -0.18, -1.78%) , HudBay Minerals /quotes/comstock/13*!hbm/quotes/nls/hbm (HBM 16.76, +0.39, +2.38%) , International Minerals /quotes/comstock/11t!e:imz (CA MZ 7.07, +0.02, +0.28%) , International Tower Hill Mines /quotes/comstock/14*!thm/quotes/nls/thm (THM 9.41, +0.39, +4.32%) , NovaGold Resources /quotes/comstock/14*!ng/quotes/nls/ng (NG 13.70, +0.32, +2.39%) , Pan American Silver /quotes/comstock/15*!paas/quotes/nls/paas (PAAS 37.86, +0.48, +1.28%) , Paramount Gold & Silver /quotes/comstock/14*!pzg/quotes/nls/pzg (PZG 3.86, +0.13, +3.49%) , Premier Gold Mines /quotes/comstock/11t!e:pg (CA G 6.85, +0.02, +0.29%) , Pretium Resources /quotes/comstock/11t!e:pvg (CA VG 6.26, -0.04, -0.63%) , Rainy River Resources /quotes/comstock/11v!e:rr (CA:RR 12.70, +0.65, +5.39%) , Rubicon Minerals /quotes/comstock/14*!rby/quotes/nls/rby (RBY 5.54, +0.08, +1.47%) , San Gold /quotes/comstock/11t!e:sgr (CA:SGR 3.50, +0.20, +6.06%) , Seabridge Gold /quotes/comstock/14*!sa/quotes/nls/sa (SA 30.48, +0.57, +1.91%) , Silver Standard Resources /quotes/comstock/15*!ssri/quotes/nls/ssri (SSRI 25.59, +1.39, +5.74%) , Taseko Mines /quotes/comstock/14*!tgb/quotes/nls/tgb (TGB 5.91, +0.84, +16.57%) , Victoria Gold /quotes/comstock/11v!e:vit (CA:VIT 1.03, +0.03, +3.00%) , Vista Gold /quotes/comstock/14*!vgz/quotes/nls/vgz (VGZ 3.05, +0.05, +1.67%) and Yukon-Nevada Gold /quotes/comstock/11t!e:yng (CA:YNG 0.72, -0.01, -1.37%) . |