BAE Systems, Malaysia Brakes off to take off in less than 8 seconds and supersonic under 30 seconds. Brakes off to 36,000 feet Mach 1.6 in under 2½ minutes.
Typhoon Display Pilot Jamie Norris and team manager Callam Pearson discusses ribbon diagrams with BAE Systems' Graphic Designer Phil Harrison. Ribbon diagrams are a graphic illustration of the display routine. They'll help the spectator on the ground understand the complexity of the twists, turns and loops that will comprise this year's display. Watch out for the diagrams which will be launched on the first day of LIMA 2013 starting 26th March.
14 February 2013
Typhoon aircraft from 1 Squadron Royal Air Force, the newest RAF squadron to be established with Typhoon, will deploy some 9300 miles to Malaysia in March to participate in the forthcoming Five Powers Defence Agreement Exercise 2013. As part of the deployment RAF Typhoons will participate at LIMA 13 and conduct the first official displays of the 2013 season. Whilst in the region the aircraft, from Royal Air Force Leuchars will be based mainly at RMAF Butterworth, detaching to LIMA for the display. The RAF will also be conducting bi-lateral training exercises with RMAF front-line squadrons; an opportunity for each to work together, exploring the capabilities of respective aircraft types and further developing the warm relationship that they currently enjoy.
The RAF Typhoon display at LIMA will be an important event for the RAF, and the 2013 display pilot Flight Lieutenant Jamie Norris, from 29 Squadron Royal Air Force (the Typhoon Operational Conversion Unit) is looking forward to putting Typhoon through it’s paces. This year the aircraft will be present at Langkawi throughout the exhibition and Jamie has been practising hard on an exciting display showing the full and dynamic range of Typhoon capabilities.
The presence at LIMA and at the FPDA exercise reflects the important relationship between the UK and Malaysian Armed Forces, specifically the Royal Air Force and Royal Malaysian Air Force.
Flight Lieutenant Norris said:
“It will be an honour to display at LIMA and to have the opportunity to demonstrate some of the capabilities of the Typhoon. This will be my first visit to Malaysia and LIMA will give me the opportunity to meet the crowds and engage with fellow pilots. I am aware that the Royal Air Force and Royal Malaysian Air Force have exercised over many years and I look forward to the opportunity of sharing ideas and common practices”.