本帖最后由 lawbylawbsm 于 4-5-2018 12:11 PM 编辑
圖1:‘There must be balanced devt for Bintulu to be industrial city by 2020’
BINTULU: The booming town of Bintulu needs balanced development in order to achieve industrial city status by 2020, revealed Bintulu MP Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing. He said the population of Bintulu has already reached the critical mass of more than 500,000 with the locals making up more than 250,000. The rest of the population is made up of about 200,000 workers in the plantations – comprising approximately 100,000 illegal immigrants and about 30,000 ‘floating’ population (those who come and go for business).
圖2:The Spring购物广场 11月进驻民都鲁
PE Land主席拿督戴晞表示,民都鲁在短短三十年期间,从人口不到2万的小地方,成长为今日的25万人口。有鉴于此,他表示看好民都鲁的发展前景,料再过十年当地的人口及发展进度将翻倍。他进一步指出,民都鲁位于砂拉越的中心点,有完整的发展蓝图,民都鲁也集中了各项的重点发展,其中有水力发电、天然气等等的开发。