Lana Note: 1. The Lord of the great Sun said—Se bu yin kon色不淫空. Se Bu Yin Kong色不淫空meansthat everything in the world doesn’t entice Buddha. 2. The Lord of the great Sun is the Buddha in the heart ofcosmos. 3. Se means everything in the world; Kon means all theBuddha in the darkness and they used to have their forms in the world. They’vealready been suffering all the things in the world and nothing will attractthem anymore. That’s why they become Buddha. 4. Bu Yin不淫: not enticed 娜西注: 1. 大日宫主说的——色不淫空。 意思指,世间万物对佛起不了作用。诱惑不了佛。 2. 大日宫主指宙心佛王。 3. 色指世间万物,空指虚空佛,过去也曾在世间造业,在世间经历了所有苦厄,不再受世间万物所吸引,这也是她们之所以成佛。 4. 不淫,not enticed不受诱惑。 Discussion讨论: 入观者:yogis, who’ve been touchingthe void or the darkness. Lana注:我和Cameron讨论,尝试使用seer, observer, adept…还有viewer等等,都不合用,最后以yogis深入虚空的瑜伽士来表示。 View 是用肉眼看,与我们入观者的感觉不同,在翻译里,我使用 感知perceive,也就是五官+第六感sixth sense。 Discussion讨论: Cameron asked how to understand the Se-Kon and thereflective thinking of yogis which is not the equivalent to Se-Kon. Lana:Se is equivalent to Kon, such as an apple in front of themirror. When the apple goes, there’s nothing left in the mirror. Se (the apple)which disappeared is equivalent to kon as nothing in the mirror. However, themind thinking of yogis which reflects in the mirror wasn’t erased. There was animpression left in the mirror. The impression exists so the mirror is notempty. The impression in the mirror has not been erased, and another comes. Themirror is getting full of impressions so that we can’t differentiate thereflection from the void or the darkness. Thus we will lose the light that isguiding us to the enlightenment. Therefore, thereflective thinking of yogis is not equivalent to Se-Kon. Cameron问,色与空, 以及观者“反射的想”(人我的想),如何理解这个“不二”(等同)? Lana: 色空不二,色空等同,如同镜前的苹果,苹果从镜前拿开,镜子里就什么也没有,色(苹果)空, 镜也空。但观者的想,映射在镜子里,不愿抹去,留下印记,镜不空。而一个印记未除,另一个又来,印记越来越多,导致分辨不出虚空的影射,而失去了 引领走向般若之路的光明。 所以,入观者人我的想与色空不等同。 |