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发表于 27-12-2004 04:08 AM
发表于 22-1-2005 12:25 AM
发表于 22-1-2005 12:26 AM
名词解释 战略巡航导弹
到了年底,让俄罗斯窝心的事一件接一件。先是美国在阿拉斯加部署第六枚拦截导弹,完成了NMD的一期工程,在俄罗斯的家门口竖起一道坎儿,摆明让北方的邻居难堪;再有,明年俄日建交150周年,普京顶着舆论压力主动提出归还北方四岛中的两个岛,以此安抚日本,好让其掏钱帮着开发西伯利亚,没想到虎落平阳被犬欺,日本人竟不领情,还态度坚决地说,四个岛少还一个都不行;还有,北约已经扩到家门口,美国竟又在乌克兰搞起小动作,这可是我的患难兄弟,难道真以为“北极熊”这么好欺负?看来要挣面子还得亮出“绝活”。 |
发表于 5-4-2005 12:44 PM

搭载机: 12架SU-27B2侧卫式(Flanker)战斗机、12架MiG-29支点式战斗机或12架SU-25蛙足式攻击机或12架Yak-38/14铁匠式战斗机、15至18架Ka-27蜗牛式反潜直升机
装备:SS-N-19反潜导弹12枚(可携带核子弹头)、SA-N-9防空导弹六联装发射器4具(192枚导弹)、CADS-N-1近迫武器系统8具、RBU 12000十管反潜火箭发射器2具、此外尚有数门小口径机炮
二次大战结束后,前苏联海军航空兵力已有了长足的成长,单是太平洋舰队就的超过1500架的飞机,不过因为当时苏联还没有航空母舰,因此这些飞机仍以陆上为基地。纵使苏联已拥有令人畏惧的航空武力,却不减其发展母舰的雄心,只是因为技术上的 不成熟,苏联始终无法建造出期待中的航舰。到了1945年,苏联虏获了报废的德国航舰齐柏林伯爵号,并在草率地整备后被曳航至前苏联,不过途中因遭遇暴雨而沉没。
1960年莫斯科级的出现是前苏联朝向建造航舰所跨出的重要一步,莫斯科级与意大利的维多利奥·维南多级以法国的圣女贞德级直升机巡洋舰相似,只是搭载了更多的 直升机,以执行猎杀敌人核动力弹道导弹潜艇的任务。莫斯科级为苏联提供了在舰上操作飞机的宝贵经验。其后的基辅级除舰体较莫斯科级大,还有斜形飞行甲板,除直升机外,亦可操作固定翼机。基辅级主要任务虽仍为搜寻并摧毁敌人的核动力弹道导弹潜艇,不过其作战范围可广及全世界各海域。
[ Last edited by J_luv_Velence on 5-4-2005 at 12:56 PM ] |
发表于 5-4-2005 12:50 PM

基洛夫号:SS-N-19反潜导弹发射器20具、SA-N-6防空导弹垂直发射系统12具,96枚导弹、SA-N-4防空导弹发射器2具,40枚导弹、SS-N-14反潜导弹双联装发射器一具,14枚导弹、100毫米炮2门、533毫米鱼雷发射管10具、Type 53鱼雷、30毫米机炮8具、RBU 6000十二管反潜火箭发射器一具、RBU 1000六管反潜火箭发射器2具
佛朗兹号:SS-N-19反舰导弹发射器2具,40枚导弹、533毫米鱼雷发射管10具,Type 53鱼雷、双联装130毫米炮一座、30毫米机炮8具、RBU 6000反潜火箭发射器一具、RBU 1000反潜火箭发射器2具。
卡里宁号:SS-N-19反潜导弹发射器20具、SA-N-6防空导弹垂直发射系统12具,96枚导弹、SA-N-9防空导弹发射器2具, 128枚导弹、SA-N-4防空导弹发射器 12具、CADS-N-1近迫武器系统6具(每具有两组30毫米机炮及8枚SA-N-11防空导弹)、双联装130毫米炮一座、RBU 12000十管反潜火箭发射器一具、RBU 1000反潜火箭发射器2具
基洛夫级的武装非常强大,各舰装备皆有些不同,据推测当第四艘完工后其配备亦将与前三艘互异。目前完工的三艘皆配有SS-N-19反潜导弹发射器20具,以四列五排,倾斜40度置于前甲板上。SS-N-19反舰导弹可携带传统或核子弹头,射程长达570公里,极速为2.5马赫,奥斯卡级潜艇上亦配有此种导弹。另外各舰均配有12具SA-N-6防空导弹垂直系统及2具SA-N-4中程防空导弹系统,卡里宁号更加装了6具 SA-N-11点防御导弹系统,并预留了空间以便在将来装设SA-N-9防空导弹。在舰炮方面,基洛夫号在后甲板有2座单装100毫米炮,后2艘则改为一座全自动水冷式双联装130毫米炮,另外,各舰皆备有数具广为前苏联海军使用的30毫米机炮近迫武器系统。
[ Last edited by J_luv_Velence on 5-4-2005 at 12:53 PM ] |
发表于 5-4-2005 01:14 PM
它就能更加进一步打击美国的航空母舰舰队!! |
发表于 6-4-2005 07:29 PM
可能到最后,大件的东西不一定就好。。。。。  |
发表于 7-4-2005 02:31 PM
Anggugu 于 6-4-2005 19:29 说 :
使到敌军无法快速掌握其位置而对其攻击或反击. |
发表于 8-4-2005 07:25 PM
leo081179 于 7-4-2005 02:31 PM 说 :
若是要增加基洛夫巡洋舰的匿踪性能,那就要牺牲了他的强大的火力了` |
发表于 8-4-2005 09:30 PM
发表于 9-4-2005 07:43 AM
max5007 于 8-4-2005 09:30 PM 说 :
这不容易,因为它的保护网很强大哦~ |
发表于 9-4-2005 09:49 AM
steven268h 于 8-4-2005 19:25 说 :
原来的百分之一!!! |
发表于 10-4-2005 09:25 PM
Anggugu 于 9-4-2005 07:43 AM 说 :
航母周围应该有很多先进的航舰对吗? |
发表于 10-4-2005 10:19 PM
max5007 于 10-4-2005 09:25 PM 说 :
但是它也不会是无敌的啦~ 如果敌人采用“蚁多搂死象”的攻击法,还要是凶猛的火蚁~
像基洛夫级巡洋舰就会是美国航母的好对手,可惜,数量不多,而且,空有巡洋舰也不行~~ |
发表于 11-4-2005 08:43 AM
同样的道理,如果基洛夫级巡洋舰数量不多,也不难击沉咯。。。但军事开销酱大。。 |
发表于 22-12-2005 10:49 AM
Mil Mi-28 Havoc

Mil Mi-28A/N Havoc
Mil Mi-28 Havoc is a modern combat helicopter able to destroy armoured and unarmoured combat material, low and slow flying airborne vehicles and other battlefield targets. The helicopter design is based on the conventional pod and boom configuration with a tail rotor. The design of this helicopter is similar to well-known older battle helicopter Mi-24 Hind, which is used in many countries of East Europe incl. Czech Republic. The pilot and the navigator/systems officer are accommodated in two separate cockpits in tandem configuration under individual canopies. The fuselage of the Mi-28 has a bay fitted with a hatch door. The bay can accommodate three people for the rescue of downed friendly air crew. The helicopter has non-retractable tricycle tailwheel type landing gear. The energy absorbing landing gear and energy absorbing seats protect the crew in a crash landing or in a low-altitude vertical fall. The crew are able to survive a vertical fall up to 12 metres per second. When the helicopters altitude allows parachute operation, the crew can bail out in an emergency. If the choice is made to bail out then it is possible to jettison the wings and cabin doors in order to remove any obstruction which could otherwise be caused by the protruding parts of the helicopter.
The helicopter can be operated autonomously for long periods from poorly prepared pads in the forward area of operations.The helicopter's construction makes it suitable for transportation by aircraft to the theatre of operations with minimum stripping and rapid reassembly.
The helicopter can fly at a maximum speed of 300 km/hour, can fly rearwards and sideways at speeds up to 100 km/hour and is able to hover turn at 45 degrees per second. This highly manoeuvrable helicopter is able to demonstrate aerial stunts such as loops and snap-rolls.
Mi-28N Night Havoc
In August 1996 the Moscow Helicopter Plant rolled out a first prototype of the day and night capable version of the helicopter, the Mi-28N Night Havoc. The Night Havoc helicopter first flew in November 1996 and the test procedures are scheduled for completion during 1999.
The surveillance and fire control system developed for the Mi-28N has the wide and narrow field optical channels together with an optical television and night vision infrared channel.
The Night Havoc helicopter retains most of the structural design of the Mi-28. The main difference is the installation of an integrated electronic combat system. Other modifications include the main gearbox for transmitting higher power to the rotor; new design of high efficiency blades with swept- shaped tips; an engine fuel injection control system for high power operating modes.
The main sensors of the integrated electronic combat system are the microwave radar antenna mounted above the rotor head and a FLIR (forward looking infrared) system.. The helicopter is able to hover under cover with just the radar head looking over trees, buildings or high ground. The integrated combat system uses onboard processing to display the helicopter location on a moving map indicator, and to show the flight, systems and target information on the cockpit liquid crystal displays. The crew are equipped with night vision goggles. The pilots are able to perform nap of the earth flight missions in day or night conditions and in adverse weather.
The g-loading of the Mi-28N exceeds 3g and a range of acrobatic manoeuvres including a vertical loop have been demonstrated in public.
The development of this helicopter had started in the end of 70's according to specifications annonced by Soviet Ministry of Defense like the best competitor had started development of Ka-50. |
发表于 22-12-2005 11:06 AM
发表于 22-12-2005 12:00 PM

Gunner Crewstation (Front)

Pilot Crewstation (Rear)
The crew have two compartments separated with armoured partitioning, the pilot seated in the higher rear compartment and the navigator/systems officer in the front compartment. The Mi-28 has a fully armoured cabin including the windshield which withstands impact by 7.62 and 12.7 mm bullets and 20 mm shell fragments. It is equipped with state of the art sighting and observation, pilot, navigation and communications systems.
The cockpit is designed specifically to minimise the workload on the pilot particularly during low altitude flight and combat missions:
only the information relating to the completion of the combat mission is presented to the pilot and non vital quantitative data is excluded.
the control systems are grouped so the controls used in flight are arranged on the left panel, the pitch-throttle lever and the control stick, and the controls used for flight preparation are mounted on the right hand side panels.
the helicopter systems automatically carry out the data processing and system control functions.
the systems assign priorities in the deployment of weapons.
The Mi-28A helicopter is powered by two TV3-117VMA turboshaft engines. The power plant is fitted with deflectors and separators to prevent dust ingestion in air intakes to protect the engines from wear when taking off from unprepared pads. The engines are fitted on either side of the fuselage to enhance the combat survivability.The helicopter is equipped with an auxiliary power unit (APU) for self- contained operation.
The fuel tanks are filled with polyurethane foam in order to reduce the risk of explosion. In the event that the fuel tanks sustain damage, any rupture holes in the tanks are healed by latex in the self- healing covers. The fuel feed system in the helicopter's powerplant operates under vacuum, which prevents the helicopter being flooded with fuel and being vulnerable to fire if the pipelines are damaged in combat.
The thermal signature of the helicopter has been reduced by a factor of 2.5x compared to its predecessor, the Mi-24 helicopter. The engine has exhaust mixer boxes over the exhaust ducts and thermal screening to provide protection against heat seeking missiles.
If the helicopter transmission gearboxes sustain damage for example by a missile fragment penetrating the gearbox casing, the gearbox will operate for 30 minutes without oil.
Rotor blades
The main rotor head of the Mi-28 has elastomeric bearings and the main rotor blades are made from composite materials. The tail rotor is designed on a biplane configuration with independently controlled X-shaped blades. The turnable stabilizer is fitted asymmetrically on the end of a tailboom. In real combat missions the single rotor design allows the helicopter to continue flight and land with damaged main rotor blades or damaged anti-torque blades in the majority of cases.
A new design of rotor blade, all plastic with swept shaped tips has been installed on the Night Havoc Mi-28N helicopter. The new all plastic blades can sustain hits from 30 mm shells. |
发表于 22-12-2005 12:01 PM
Weapon systems

The crew has two members. The pilot in the second of the tandem cabins flies the helicopter and uses the unguided weapons. When a high priority target is detected, the pilot uses a helmet mounted target designator which allocates the target to the navigator's surveillance and fire control system. The navigator/weapons officer in the forward cockpit is then able to deploy guided weapons or a movable gun against the target. The targeting system follows the direction of the pilot's eyes. The navigator can seek out and identify targets using the movable surveillance and fire control unit mounted on a gyrostabilised platform. The navigator can then deploy guided missiles and the helicopters fast moving gun against the targets.
The Mi-28A has small sweptback mid-mounted stubwings with four suspension units. Countermeasures pods are mounted on the wingtips. The helicopter's weapons systems are selected according to the requirements of the combat mission. The helicopter can be armed with a mixture of air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles, unguided rockets and podded guns. The shells used for the gun and the antitank guided missiles carried on the helicopter are standard ordnance used by land forces and therefore the logistics of rearming quickly in forward bases is simplified.
Integrated surveillance and fire control system
The integrated surveillance and fire control system has two optical channels providing wide and narrow fields of view and a narrow field of view optical television channel. The system can move within 110 degrees in azimuth and from +13 to -40 degrees in elevation. The gun moves in the same range and in synchronisation with the fire control system. The surveillance and fire control system incorporates a built in laser range finder which provides the target range data to the airborne digital computer for computation of the firing parameters for the gun and for the launch of the unguided rockets. The data is also downloaded from the laser range finder for the launch of the guided missiles and the selection of the optimum launch trajectory.
Anti-tank missile
The Mi-28N Night Havoc helicopter is armed with Shturm and Ataka anti-tank missiles both supplied by the Machinery Design Bureau based in the Moscow Region of Russia. Up to 16 anti-tank missiles can be mounted on the helicopter. Shturm is a short-range radio command-guided missile. The Ataka missile's guidance is by narrow radar beam which has proven robustness against hostile jamming and countermeasures. The maximum range of the missile is 8 kilometres. In real combat situations over broken terrain the average target range is between 3 and 6 kilometres. The target hit probability of the Ataka missile is higher than 0.96 at ranges 3 to 6 kilometres. The kill probability against heavily armoured targets is also close to unity. The missile has a shaped charge warhead with a tandem charge for penetration of 950 to 1000 mm thick homogeneous armour and also multilayer and explosive armour.
Air to air missiles
The helicopter can launch fire-and-forget air to air missiles with independent self homing systems.
Unguided weapons
The helicopter can also carry four containers each with twenty 80 mm unguided rockets (total eighty 80 mm rockets) or with five 122 mm rockets (total twenty 122 mm rockets). The helicopter can alternatively carry containers with grenade launchers, 23 mm guns, 12.7 and 7.62 machine guns, aerial bombs and incendiary tanks.
The helicopter is equipped with a turreted 30 mm cannon, the 2A42. The gun mount is stabilised in two planes. A firing unit is installed between two faired cartridge housings mounted directly on the gun carriage. The gun is fed selectively from the cartridge housings. The firing calculator device provides high firing precision at all angles of rotation of the gun. The weight of one round of ammunition is 1,000 grams. The cannon provides a muzzle velocity of 1,000 metres per second. |
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