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【射击】異尘余生:新维加斯·Fallout: New Vegas专属讨论区

发表于 12-3-2010 01:14 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 silversaint 于 28-4-2011 05:46 AM 编辑

游戏名称:異尘余生:新维加斯 (Fallout: New Vegas)
游戏开发:Obsidian Entertainment
游戏发行:Bethesda Softworks (US & UK), Namco Bandai (EU, AU & NZ)
游戏平台:PC (PS3, Xbox360)
游戏类型:Role-playing Shooter
等级      :PEGI: 18
发售日期:19/10/2010 (美国), 22/10/2010 (欧洲)


Fallout: New Vegas将会承接一些Fallout和Fallout 2的故事情节,但是Fallout: New Vegas将不会牵涉到任何Fallout 3的故事。

Fallout: New Vegas的故事发生在2280年,那就是Fallout 3的3年后,或是Fallout 2的39年后。而且Fallout: New Vegas将会是在Fallout世界里距离毁灭性的核爆后最长远的年代。New California Republic将占有Fallout: New Vegas里大部分的故事情节,而且比较注重于NCR,Caesar's Legion slavers和New Vegas当地的民众之间三方面的斗争。

在Fallout: New Vegas里,玩家将不再是一个Vault Dweller。
命在旦夕时被一部名为Victor的机器人所救,然后把玩家带给Dr Mitchell医治后救回一条小命。

运行视窗:Windows 7, Vista, XP
处理器   :Dual Core 2.0 GHz
记忆体   :2 GB
硬碟空间:10 GB
显示卡   :Nvidia Geforce 6 Series, ATI 1300XT Series

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 楼主| 发表于 12-3-2010 01:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 silversaint 于 21-10-2010 09:30 PM 编辑

Fallout: New Vegas - 下载

Garden of Eden Creation Kit (G.E.C.K.)

1) 下载Fallout New Vegas - Garden of Eden Creation Kit (.zip 5.9 MB)
2) G.E.C.K. Wiki


Fallout New Vegas Trailer
1) Fallout New Vegas HD WMV (64 MB)
2) Fallout New Vegas HD MP4 (64 MB)

Fallout New Vegas E3 Trailer
1) Fallout New Vegas E3 Trailer HD WMV (69 MB)
2) Fallout New Vegas E3 Trailer HD MP4 (70 MB)

Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #1 The Story
1) Fallout New Vegas Dev Diary 1 HD WMV (76 MB)
2) Fallout New Vegas Dev Diary 1 HD MP4 (73 MB)

Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #2 The Tech
1) Fallout New Vegas Dev Diary 2 HD WMV (91 MB)
2) Fallout New Vegas Dev Diary 2 HD MP4 (94 MB)

Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #3 The Art Direction
1) Fallout New Vegas Dev Diary 3 HD WMV (81 MB)
2) Fallout New Vegas Dev Diary 3 HD MP4 (85 MB)

Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #4 The Factions
1) Fallout New Vegas Dev Diary 4 HD WMV (93 MB)
2) Fallout New Vegas Dev Diary 4 HD MP4 (91 MB)

Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #5 The Strip
1) Fallout New Vegas Dev Diary 5 HD WMV (81 MB)
2) Fallout New Vegas Dev Diary 5 HD MP4 (81 MB)

Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #6 The Characters
1) Fallout New Vegas Dev Diary 6 HD WMV (93 MB)
2) Fallout New Vegas Dev Diary 6 HD MP4 (96 MB)

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 楼主| 发表于 12-3-2010 01:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 silversaint 于 13-3-2010 08:06 PM 编辑



当Bethesda Softworks宣布将接手开发Fallout系列时,那种喜悦简直是到达了不能控制的程度。Bethesda Softworks的上古卷轴4 :湮没是一个早期的迹象显示什么样的RPG游戏有可能使目前这一代的家庭游戏的和同一系列的粉丝们的颌骨掉到地上去。超突变体和肩膀型核导弹发射器到第一人称RPG的游戏组合。至少那些谁都不厌恨的东西是有趣的。

结果是哪些在Interplay的Fallout和Fallout 2中玩得不高兴的玩家们,他们一定会享受那杀害突变体以及对游戏里的狗喊命令的感觉。但他们真的会继续那原本的故事背景吗,一个建立在跨越数百年的虚构的历史?老实说我们不能肯定,为了此事我们是在冷颤的夜晚中度过的。哈,那不是真的,但这样会变得更戏剧化。在任何情况下,每一个Fallout的支持者应该知道应该随时为最坏的情况作打算。与这一点,我们带你回顾这的这个另类历史/未来发生的事件直至Fallout 3的开始 。


在这混乱的时期,美国政府委员会由Vault-Tec Corp建造了一系列的地下庇护所。这些被称为地下庇护所的目的是收留/容纳最多达1000个人;而且有多达122个地下庇护所。正如我们现在知道的,这些地下庇护所实际上是一系列的独特社会实验,居住在不同地下庇护所的居民们会生活在不同组的因素下。最终的目标是要研制一个可以在遇到各种灾难后再重新殖民的计划,这是建造地下庇护所的主要原因。

2077年10月23日: “巨大的战争”


直到从核弹降落的十多年以后,地下庇护所开始对外世界打开其大门。一些定居点是围绕着那些空置的地下庇护所而建的,有如Vault City,是本来的8号地下庇护所 。有些地下庇护所的居民直接离开了,不愿继续地把地下庇护所当作他们的家园。结果地图上诞生了一些新的城镇如交易中心,The Hub。

虽然这是一个重建文明的重要时期,但也难免少不了冲突和纠纷。一个称为Brotherhood of Steel派系的一些内部分歧,而The Hub成为被称为商家大战争的中心。也是在同一个时间内Richard Grey,一个后来被称为The Master的突变体也开始秘密建立他的超级突变体军队。

在2161年有两个主要的关键。其一较大规模的有Brotherhood of Steel巡逻队在巡逻时遇到了令人震惊的发现,他们在沙漠中发现一个已经死亡的超级突变体。这一事件标志着人类第一次看到即将来临的的威胁。


那地下庇护所居民任务的成功来得比谁人想象中的来得更大。在Necropolis中获得水芯片后,他得知Richard Grey – The Master正用战前的化学武器来培育一个超级突变体军队。较后Grey的超级突变体军队摧毁了Necropolis,一个由变种居民建造及居住的城市。也是唯一一个从大战争以及接下来数年后都没把其地下庇护所大门关闭的庇护所。

得知The Master的计划后,那地下庇护所居民启程到起源点而且阻止了一切的发生。少过半年之内,他终于把The Master杀掉了。而且也成功地把创造超级突变体的设施变成一堆瓦砾。虽然他以英雄的身份回到第13号地下庇护所,迎接他的是赐予流亡的命运。原因是因为在他旅程中得到的经验不适合再留在地下庇护所内。那无家可归的英雄一路往北直至他在找到了Arroyo村庄后,在那里成家立业。这就成为Fallout的结尾。

2241 :被选上的人和寻找GECK的旅程
地球持续复苏,在太平洋西北地区一带的居民正面临战后最严重的旱季。被选上的人是Arroyo村庄长老的儿子 (或女儿) ,被遣派到外寻找伊甸园创造器,简称GECK 。据说这手提箱大小的物品包含所有需要在战后创造一个稳定社会的建造资料。这就是Fallout2的开始。

2242年:the Enclave的沦陷
被选上的人的旅程把他带到他爷爷的旧家,第13号地下庇护所。据情报在那儿是有两个GECK。当他到达第13号地下庇护所几乎完全被遗弃了。原来不久前the Enclave - 一个含有残余的美国政府的派系,绑架了居住在第13号地下庇护所的居民而把他们带到一个海上石油钻井平台的基地上。当被选上的人从他的旅程中回到Arroyo村庄后,发觉Arroyo村庄也遭受到同样的命。

得知损失的两个社区后被选上的人因而激怒了,他启程到 the Enclave的海上石油钻井平台去。在那里,他得知地下庇护所的真正目的是用来做社会实验。生活在密封的第13号地下庇护所居民使他们成为了the Enclave用来测试和The Master用来培育超级突变体一样的病毒的理想实验样本。得知此事后被选上的人做出了最好的选择:摧毁的石油钻井平台和the Enclave的领导人,Dick Richardson总统。在逃脱的途中,被选上的人也拯救了第13号地下庇护所和Arroyo的幸存者。这些事件成为Fallout 2的结尾 。


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 楼主| 发表于 12-3-2010 01:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 silversaint 于 19-10-2010 08:45 AM 编辑

Fallout: New Vegas - 游戏画面

Fallout: New Vegas - 游戏短片
Fallout New Vegas Trailer

Fallout: New Vegas E3 2010 Trailer

Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #1 The Story

Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #2 The Tech

Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #3 The Art Direction

Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #4 The Factions

Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #5 The Strip

Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #6 The Characters

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 楼主| 发表于 12-3-2010 01:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 silversaint 于 13-6-2010 03:07 PM 编辑

Fallout: New Vegas - 游戏资讯

- 将会有Hardcore模式。角色将需要水源,子弹将会有重量,药剂将会慢慢地恢复生命值。普通模式将会合Fallout 3玩法一样。
- 故事剧情将会注重于New California Republic,Caesar's Legion和New Vegas居民之间。
- 你不再是一个Vault Dweller,但是会被一个Vault Dweller赐予Pip-Boy。
- 会有一种像M4的突击步枪,还有一种有背包式新大型枪械,操作方法像minigun。
- VATS将会有特殊的近战武器攻击方式,例如"Fore"似乎是一个腹股间的攻击。
- Hoover水坝将会供应水电。
- 将会有一个从一群Super Mutant手上拯救一位ghoul的任务。他将会成为你的同伴。
- Gecko回来了。
- 将会有聪明和愚蠢的super mutant,包括高级Nightkin。
- 有一些super mutant会和Fallout 3里的相似,其余的都是新的。例如有个有1950发型的女super mutant将会是他们的目头。
- NCR的基地是在McCarran Airport,Caesar's Legion的基地是在Vegas Strip。而super mutant的基地将会在一个称为Black Mountain的地方。
- 技能将会在对话中有着很大的影响。例如,有高"Explosives"技能的角色将会在"适当"的时机有得选择关于"Explosives"的对话。
- 除了Karma系统以外,还有一个名誉系统(Reputation system)。

Developer Diary
(1) Fallout: New Vegas Developer Diary #1

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 楼主| 发表于 12-3-2010 01:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 silversaint 于 17-10-2010 03:46 PM 编辑

Fallout: New Vegas Fan Interview Part 1 (Josh Sawyer, Obsidian Entertainment - Project Director on Fallout: New Vegas)

(1) Will perks be available every level, every other level, every third level, etc.? (From OakTable via Bethesda Blog)
Josh Sawyer: We have shifted the perk rate to a game setting within the GECK. We currently have it set to one perk every two levels. Internal feedback to it has been mixed, so it's too early to say if we will keep it at this setting.

(2) Will we be able to level past 20? Or 30? (From Justin via Facebook)
JS: Our level cap is 30.

(3) Will the PC retail game be able to be activated via Steam? (From @litrock via Twitter)
Jason Bergman, Senior Producer at Bethesda Softworks: Yes. Fallout: New Vegas will fully utilize the Steamworks SDK. This means that retail PC copies will activate via Steam. We are also using Steam for achievements and other features (but not multiplayer, of course. FNV remains a single player only game).

(4) I’m assuming that you are reusing some of the animations from Fallout 3. Have you done anything to improve these or are they going to stay the same way that they did in Fallout 3? (From Zearox via Bethesda Blog)
Josh Sawyer: We started our animation work by determining what new animations we needed, what existing animations we thought needed revision, and what else we could revise. We have already changed some of the core combat animations (for example, all first-person firearm aim animations have been revised) as well as creature animations (our "West Coast" Super Mutants have new idles, walk, and run cycles).

(5) Can you confirm 'Dogmeat' will be a companion? (From Barry via Facebook)
JS: The Mojave Wasteland is full of dogs. Who knows who will want to be your pal this time around?

(6) You hinted at multiple ammo choices being available. How deep are you going with that? Will that only be regular and AP ammo? (From DanishMIKI via Bethesda Blog)
JS: What ammunition sub-types are available to the player depends on the base type. Not all ammunition types have standard, hollow point, and armor piercing variants. For example, there is no armor piercing .22 ammunition. In addition to "standard" ammunition, hollow point and armor piercing are the two most common variants. 20 gauge and 12 gauge shotguns have slug variants in addition to the standard (buckshot). Some calibers also have +P (overpressure) rounds, military surplus rounds (bought in bulk, increased power, increased wear on the weapon), or hand loads. Hand loads are always built at reloading benches in the world and can take a number of different forms. For example, you can craft .308 Jacketed Soft Points or .45-70 Gov't Semi-Wadcutters with very "hot" loads.

Energy Weapons and Explosives can also use ammunition subtypes. Some energy ammunition has "over charge" or "bulk" variants, the former being high-powered but damaging to the weapon and the latter being cheap but under-powered. 25mm grenades (used in the grenade machinegun) have a high explosive variant and 40mm grenades have an incendiary variant.

(7) Are the Super Mutants in the screen shots graphical stand ins? Will they eventually have the unique appearance of the Mariposa Super Mutants from FO1 & FO2 (as seen in talking head dialogues), or will they appear as they do in the screen shots, almost identical to FO3 Vault 87 mutants? (From Chadious Maximus via Bethesda Blog)
JS: Our early Super Mutant and Nightkin models were placeholders. All of them have been re-textured, slightly remodeled, and re-animated to more closely resemble the Mariposa Super Mutants.

(8) Will the ending slides for all of the settlements return in New Vegas? (From @B3nt0k via Twitter)
JS: We may not hit every single group or location, but our ending is pretty comprehensive in what it covers.

(9) What other creatures are in New Vegas, and is it possible to see concept art of a new creature? (From Richard via Facebook)
JS: One of my favorites is the Cazador. Cazadores are mutated tarantula hawk wasps that have found their way north from the Sonoran Desert. They aren't very durable, but their poison is deadly and they are very creepy looking.
Cazador Concept Art

(10) Will each faction have a radio station? (From @hawker101 via Twitter)
JS: Not every faction has a radio station, but I hope people are happy with the radio stations, DJs, and music selection we have.

(11) Will there be any sort of party involved? A few companions to tag along? (From Rui via Facebook)
JS: Yes. The player may have one humanoid and one non-humanoid companion at any given time.

(12) Will you get to meet that badass from the teaser trailer? (From @Xenoliath via Twitter)
JS: Eventually.

(13) What does Steamworks mean to you? Senior producer Jason Bergman explains:
"Fallout: New Vegas uses Steamworks for achievements and other features (such as friends lists, cloud storage of user preferences and so on). Use of Steam will be mandatory at retail. So what does that mean? We’ve implemented Steamworks in as light and unobtrusive a way as possible. Yes, you will have to install Steam when you install Fallout: New Vegas if you don’t already have it. And yes, you will have to be online at the time of that initial install. However you can install the game on as many systems as you want (with no restrictions!), and you do not have to be online to play the game after your initial activation. Not only that, but once the game has activated on Steam, you can throw out the game DVD entirely and just download the game over Steam. If you don’t even have a DVD drive, you can just take the CD-Key from the box, enter it into Steam, and download it without ever using the disc at all.

For those concerned, this will have no affect on mod development whatsoever. Modders will still be able to create and distribute their plugins the same way they have in the past.

We made the decision to use Steam after looking at all the various options out there and decided that it provided the best, least intrusive experience for PC gamers. We think you’ll agree."

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 楼主| 发表于 12-3-2010 01:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 silversaint 于 17-10-2010 03:46 PM 编辑

Fallout: New Vegas Fan Interview Part 2 (Josh Sawyer, Obsidian Entertainment - Project Director on Fallout: New Vegas)

How many new perks are there planned to be included in Fallout: New Vegas? (From Oerjeke via Bethesda Blog)
Project Director Josh Sawyer: A lot. We've removed some old perks, modified some existing perks, and added a bunch of new ones. We believe that New Vegas' selection of perks will make the selection process difficult but rewarding for the player.

Will the Fallout: New Vegas Version of the GECK ship with the game, or be downloadable on release? (From @The3rdType via Twitter)
JS: Yes. In addition to the normal GECK functionality F3 modders have come to expect, the F:NV GECK will allow modification of ammo lists, ammo subtypes, the hardcore "basic needs" rates, and a lot of the other new bits of data we have added. It will also contain the F:NV dialogue editor, which can be used with or without the standard F3 dialogue editor.

Will Area 51 be in the game? (From Daniel via Facebook)
JS: Area 51 is a bit too far outside of our Mojave Wasteland to include.

What type of graphics options will there be? DX 9/10/11? (From @Z999z3mystorys via Twitter)
JS: F:NV's renderer still uses DX9.

Will there be character "traits" as in the classic Fallout games? (From @TheBearPaw via Twitter)
JS: Yes. During character creation, you will have the option to select one or two traits. Traits include some of the classics, like Small Frame (in F:NV it gives a bonus to AG but you break limbs more easily), and new ones, like Four Eyes (bonus to PE while wearing glasses, penalty while not).

What kinds of Companions will we see this time round. (From @Neo_Wolf via Twitter)
JS: We have a varied cast of companions ranging from Raul the ghoul mechanic to Boone the ex-NCR sniper to some more unusual fellows. Each of the companions has their own personal conflict the player can help resolve. These conflicts can be relatively simple to address or they can involve major quests that span the Mojave Wasteland.

Will there be anything like Fallout 3's bobbleheads in New Vegas to collect? (From @Neon0x via Twitter)
JS: Yes, there will be something similar to bobbleheads in the game, and you'll receive an in-game reward for finding them. That said, they do not give you SPECIAL or skill bonuses when found.

In Fallout 3, it was easy to max out most, if not all, of your skills. Is anything being done to prevent this? (From Ryan via Facebook)
JS: We have done several things to adjust the skill point economy. First and foremost, the formula for calculating skill points per level has changed. We are still experimenting with what formula to use, but a 10 IN will likely not boost a character's skills as much as it did in F3.

Most of the skill boosting perks have been removed, which means that method of advancing skills no longer exists. Skill books now give +3 skill points, +4 with Comprehension, but there are far fewer skill books in the world. This both reduces how much of a boost skill books will give overall and reduces the impact of Comprehension on that value (don't worry, Comprehension also gives a bonus to skill magazines, so it has more broad applicability). Our "Bobblehead equivalent" does not give SPECIAL or skill bonuses, so those are also removed from the skill point economy.

Are Bottlecaps the source of currency or will it be poker chips? (From Rob via Facebook)
JS: Bottlecaps are the main currency in the Mojave Wasteland. Bottlecaps are a water-backed currency controlled and regulated by NCR merchant caravans. The caravan houses conspired to re-introduce the currency when traders lost faith in NCR money. This loss of faith was the result of the NCR moving from a gold-backed currency to fiat currency due to repeated attacks on NCR gold reserves by the Brotherhood of Steel. Though the transition helped stabilize NCR's economy, NCR dollars are devalued compared to bottlecaps and even more devauled when compared with the third form of currency: Legion coins. Caesar's Legion mints silver and gold coins from captured pre-war material. Despite the NCR's running conflict with the Legion, merchants and citizens throughout the Mojave Wasteland accept all three forms of currency.

Poker chips are used by all functional casinos. Each casino has its own chips that must be used for gambling. Players can exchange any form of currency for chips and can receive their payout in any form of currency. Mr. House doesn't let the ongoing war get in the way of potential profits.

Will you be able to marry or even bettter marry a super mutant? (From Josh via Facebook)
JS: Only in your dreams.

Will we be able to keep playing once we beat the game with this one? (From Sean via Facebook)
JS: This is something we really wanted to do, but ultimately we realized that supporting post-endgame content would jeopardize the quality of the ending, which we wanted to tell the definitive stories for all of our major factions, locations and characters. Instead, after the credits roll the game will prompt you to reload a save created just before the endgame sequence, allowing players to go back and complete any quests they may have missed. Additionally, we make it very clear when you're about to reach the end of the main plot, so it shouldn't come across as a surprise.

Demo anytime soon? (From Gavin via Facebook)
JS: We have no plans for a demo.

Will I be able to play, and complete, F:NV without killing anyone or anything, except perhaps in self-defense? (From Billy Ocean via Bethesda Blog)
JS: Yes. There are ways to win the main plot by killing no one and by killing everyone. It was one of our initial design tenets. You will find it difficult to get by as a pacifist, and you will miss a great deal of content by killing everyone you meet, but it can be done.

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 楼主| 发表于 12-3-2010 01:37 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 12-3-2010 01:48 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 青青狼 于 12-3-2010 01:50 PM 编辑
silversaint 发表于 12-3-2010 01:33 PM



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 楼主| 发表于 12-3-2010 01:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
青青狼 发表于 12-3-2010 01:48 PM


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发表于 12-3-2010 07:41 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 12-3-2010 07:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
我还记得我玩fallout 3 爆头时射十多粒都不死

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发表于 13-3-2010 01:44 AM | 显示全部楼层
听说elder scroll 5也会在今年,我还是比较喜欢elder scroll系列,fallout3游戏时间不够长还有地图太小

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发表于 23-4-2010 01:09 PM | 显示全部楼层
发售日期:Q3/Q4 2010是什么意识?

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发表于 23-4-2010 02:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 水镜明月 于 23-4-2010 03:08 PM 编辑



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发表于 23-4-2010 03:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
发售日期:Q3/Q4 2010是什么意识?
jeffheng18 发表于 23-4-2010 01:09 PM

就是9月到12月 2010

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发表于 23-4-2010 03:37 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 23-4-2010 03:49 PM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 12-5-2010 08:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
从未试过如此喜欢一款欧美游戏,非常 ...
水镜明月 发表于 23-4-2010 02:58 PM

以上的Fallout历史回顾录是在Fallout 3时所做出的翻译,
再者Fallout: New Vegas将会延续Fallout和Fallout 2的故事(有待证实),
而Fallout 3的故事将不会有任何影响。

lzb2811 发表于 23-4-2010 03:37 PM


这游戏看起来很不错,不过刚才看到一个眼睛仔的图我很想笑{:3_8 ...
阿貝 发表于 23-4-2010 03:49 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 12-5-2010 08:26 PM | 显示全部楼层

Fallout: New Vegas™ Collector's Edition to be Available Worldwide

May 11, 2010 (Rockville, MD) – Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax® Media company, today announced the Fallout®: New Vegas™  collector's edition (CE) for Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, and Games for Windows. The limited collector's edition is available in North America for pre-order now through participating retailers.

In addition to including the highly anticipated game, this premium version of Fallout: New Vegas also includes the game-inspired items below:

- "Lucky 7" poker chips. Each of the seven poker chips was designed to represent chips from the major casinos found on the New Vegas strip and throughout the Mojave Wasteland.

- A fully customized Fallout: New Vegas deck of cards. Each card in the pack has been uniquely illustrated to depict characters and factions found within the game. Use the cards to play poker, blackjack or Caravan, an original card game that was created by Obsidian especially for New Vegas!

- A recreation of the game's highly coveted "Lucky 38" platinum chip.

- A hardcover graphic novel "All Roads", that tells the story of some of the characters and events that lead up to Fallout: New Vegas. "All Roads" was written by Chris Avellone, the game's creative director, and created in conjunction with Dark Horse Comics.

- 'The Making of Fallout: New Vegas' DVD. This documentary DVD will contain exclusive video content, including interviews with the developers in which they take you from concept to creation and discuss topics such as story, setting, legacy of the Fallout franchise and more.

"We're offering this very cool collector's edition to give fans the opportunity to own some of the items that they'll discover while playing Fallout: New Vegas," said Pete Hines, vice president of PR and marketing. "We are also expanding their experience with the game by including a top-notch graphic novel worthy of the Fallout name and a DVD that gives them a behind-the-scenes look at how the game was created."

Fallout: New Vegas, the follow-up to Fallout® 3 – the 2008 Game of the Year – brings this beloved franchise to a location only Fallout could do justice: Vegas. Fallout: New Vegas takes all the action, humor and post-apocalyptic grime and grit of this legendary series, and raises the stakes. Published by Bethesda Softworks, Fallout: New Vegas is currently under development at Obsidian Entertainment and is slated for a Fall 2010 release.

Fallout®: New Vegas has not yet been rated by the ESRB. For more information on Fallout: New Vegas, visit http://fallout.bethsoft.com.

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