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University-数学讨论区-Abstract Algebra-Set Theories, Infinities, Number Theory
Set Theories, Infinities, Number Theory
[ 本帖最后由 ~HeBe~_@ 于 27-4-2007 07:07 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 30-4-2007 11:59 AM
(i) Prove that there are infinity many prime of the form 4k+1 (without Dirichlet Theorem).
(ii)Prove that there are infinity many prime of the form 4k+3 (without Dirichlet Theorem).
[ 本帖最后由 dunwan2tellu 于 30-4-2007 12:00 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 23-6-2007 10:13 AM
Take the primes of the form 4n+3 (n >= 1)
Assume there are only finitely many.
Suppose they are p1, p2, ..., pk.
Consider N = 4*p1*p2*...*pk + 3.
Clearly N must have a prime factor of the form 4n+3.
But this prime was not in our original list; dividing N by any of the primes in our list leaves a remainder of 3.
Contradiction and there are infinitely many primes of the form 4n+3.
Take positive integer N.
Let M = (N!)^2 + 1.
Consider smallest prime factor of M, called P.
Note P > N.
We have M = 0 (mod P), or (N!)^2 = -1 (mod P).
Now we raise both sides to the (P-1)/2-th power: (N!)^(P-1) = (-1)^((P-1)/2) (mod P). But by Fermat's Little Theorem, (N!)^(P-1) = 1 (mod P).
So (-1)^((P-1)/2) = 1 mod P. Thus (P-1)/2 is even, say (P-1)/2 = 2n.
Then P = 4n +1. So given any integer N, we can find a prime P > N of the form 4n+1. There must be infinitely many primes of the form 4n+1.
不好意思,习惯以英文回答,好久没用华文做数学题了,好多名词都不会用。 |
发表于 20-8-2008 11:02 PM
Abstract algebra..
1. Let G be a group with |G|= pq, where p>q are distinct primes.
(i) Show that G has normal Sylow p-subgroup.
(ii) If G is non- abelian, then show that q | (p-1) and calculate the number of Sylow q-subgroups in G.
2.Let G be a group with |G|=p²q, where p and q are distinct primes,show that G has a normal Sylow p-subgroups or a normal Sylow q- subgroup.
3.Let G be a group with |G|=p³q,where p and q are distinct primes. Show that either G has a normal Sylow p- or q- subgroup or |G|=24.
4.Let G be a group with |G|=p²q² where p>q are primes. If G does not have a unique normal Sylow p-subgroup, then determine the possible value(s) of |G|.
5.If |G|=pqr where p,q,r are primes, show whether G is simple.
6.If |G|<100 and G is non-abelian and simple, then show that|G|=60. |
发表于 9-4-2009 10:37 PM
关于set relation
reflexive - for all x, xRx always TRUE
irreflexive - for all x, xRx always FALSE
not reflexive - mixed
not irreflexive - mixed
symmetric - 100% symmetric
asymmetric - must anti-sym and irreflexive
anti asymmetric - 100% opposite symmetric
not symmetric - mixed
not asymmetric - mixed
not anti asymmetric - mixed
transitive - TRUE if any one of element meet xRy, yRz => xRz
这是我听科回来的, 请问我理解的对吗???
关于 antisymmetric, 是不是 一定要
xRy must always different with yRx????
一个element meet就成立吗??? 不是要全体互相meet 吗?? |
发表于 12-4-2009 04:52 PM
我学 Abstract Algebra 只学 equivalence relations 里需要用的的
关于 Antisymmetry 我找 wikipedia 的 definition 是
a set X is antisymmetric if, for all a,b in X
if aRb and bRa then a=b
asymmetry 是只要他不能symmetry 就是了,所以除了 antisymmetry 我们还需要 irreflexive. 不然的话 就会有 aRa 而这就表示他 symmetry 因为
aRa ==> aRa 符合 symmetry 的 definition.
一个 relation 是 antisymmetry的话,他可以是 reflexive 的.
Transitive 的definition 应该是 a set X is transitive if whenever aRb AND bRc , THEN aRc for any a,b,c in X
reflexive - for all x, xRx always TRUE
irreflexive - for all x, xRx always FALSE
not reflexive - mixed
not irreflexive - mixed
Let R be a relation on set X
Reflexive: for any a in X, aRa
Not Reflexive: there exist an a in X such that a is not related to itself
Irreflexive: for any a in X, a is not related to itself
Not Irreflexive: there exist an a in X such that aRa
差别就在 “for all" 和 ”there exist"
[ 本帖最后由 dunwan2tellu 于 12-4-2009 04:58 PM 编辑 ] |
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