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太空旅游的未来之 Commercial Space Vehicles
In order for people to be able to travel economicallyto space, for space tourism and for other purposes, we need reusable launch vehicles. All commercial transport industries use reusable vehicles - and so will the commercial space transport industry. Luckily research aimed at developing low-cost reusable launch vehicles has increased recently - though total funding is still barely 2% of government funding for space activities.
1. SpaceShipOne,White Knight
Winner of the $10m Ansari X-Prize,this suborbital passenger-carrying spaceplane was designed by Burt Rutan's Scaled Composites, famous for graphite composites, and also the integrating contractor for the former Roton. Following their successful bid to win the X-Prize, Scaled Composites are now turning their eyes to the next step: the development of a commercially viable passenger-carrying suborbital space vehicle.
SpaceShipOne features a rubber-nitrous oxide hybrid rocket engine and cold gas attitude control thrusters; a graphite/epoxy primary structure; 3-place, sea-level, shirt-sleeve cabin environment; a low maintenance thermal protection system; and a unique feathered reentry system.
The spaceplane is carried under the belly(rounded underside of aircraft) of Scaled Composites' White Knight carrier aircraft. The White Knightis a piloted, twin-turbojet research aircraft derived from the Proteus intended for high-altitude missions. Its first flight was on August 1, 2002. It provides ahigh-altitude airborne launch of SpaceShipOne.The White Knightis also equipped to flight-qualify all the SpaceShipOne systems, except rocket propulsion. The aircraft's cockpit, avionics, lifesupport systems, pneumatics, trim servos, data system, and electrical system components are identical to those installed in SpaceShipOne.
The White Knight drops SpaceShipOne at 50,000 ft. SpaceShipOne then climbs nearly vertically under power at a 3-4g acceleration. The hybrid engine burns out at Mach 3.5, 65 seconds after ignition. The spaceplane coasts to approximately 100 km. (328,000 ft.) before free-falling back to earth. Pilot and passengers experience microgravity above the atmosphere for 3.5 minutes.
Before reentry, the pilot raises SpaceShipOne'stwin tails to vertical. This feathering approach stabilizes the spaceplane without need of pilot input. Reentry deceleration is up to 5gs. After reentry,the pilot returns the twin tails to horizontal, and SpaceShipOne glides to a runway landing.
从介绍中,我们可以知道 commercial space vehicles 的研发只占各国space agency 开销的两巴仙而已。如果这些 space agency 肯拨款研发,那么现在我们已经可以在太空旅游了。。。。
SpaceShipOne 是最值得关注的,它可是 Ansari X-Prize 的得主。而且还得到 Virgin Group of Companies 的 Sir Richard Branson 的资助,加上 Scaled Composites 的科技,Virgin Galactic 将很可能是全球第一个 spaceliner。最近 Sir Richard Branson 还宣布将免费让近代著名的物理家 Stephen Hawking 上太空。
欲了解 Virgin Galactic:logon http://www.virgingalactic.com
注:现在正在研发的 space vehicles 总共有 27 种之多,我将慢慢贴出。 如果觉得太闷没兴趣就叫我停, ok?
[ 本帖最后由 rocketeer 于 19-6-2007 01:09 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 20-1-2007 10:50 AM
原帖由 rocketeer 于 20-1-2007 10:25 AM 发表
In order for people to be able to travel economicallyto space, forspace tourism and for other purposes, we need reusable launch vehicles.All commercial transport industries use reusable vehi ...
可以的话,谈些关于 Scaled Compsoite 科技因为我也是攻这方面。如果你要的话,待我有空,我给你
一些关于太空船的合成物资料。 |
楼主 |
发表于 21-1-2007 12:07 AM
回复 #2 blackbird 的帖子
你是说 Space Tourism - Rockets or Spaceplanes? 已经完了啊! 我手上有的资料都贴上了。。。 没人讨论,只好到此为止![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif) |
楼主 |
发表于 24-1-2007 01:33 PM
回复 #1 rocketeer 的帖子
A passenger-carrying reusable SSTO VTOL rocket designed to carry 50 passengers to 200 km Earth orbit started as part of a study program by the Japanese Rocket Society. Since none of the space agencies of the world were studying how to make launch services available to the general public, the JRS started a Space Tourism Study Program in 1993, with the objective of getting the price of a flight to orbit down to around $10,000 per passenger. Work on Kankoh-maru has grown steadily in depth and breadth ever since, and has helped to accelerate the acceptance of space tourism as the direction for space development work today.
Based loosely on earlier designs such as the " Phoenix", the design has been described in a number of publications (many by Isozaki), and is currently being further refined in the third phase of the JRS study (See: The JRS Space Tourism Study Program Phase 2).
(In Japanese, "Kankoh" means tourism, and "Maru" means circle, symbol of Japan. Most ships are called "Something-Maru" so Kankoh-maru means roughly "SS Tourism". In 1852 the Dutch government gave the Japanese government its first modern ship, a steam and sail-powered ship. This was called " Kankoh-maru", though at that time the implication of the name is said to have been more nearly "Light of the Nation".)
Kankoh-Maru 是亚州第一款 space vehicle(旅游用途)。 其乘客载量达到 50 人之多,高度也将到达 200 km。不过,还需一段时间才能正式投入服务。日本人的目光远大和毅力是值得我们学习的。 Honda 用了 15 年来研发自己的 jet aircraft(Honda Jet),包括属于自己的引擎。 Kankoh-Maru 也是如此. |
发表于 24-1-2007 09:04 PM
觀光丸<-色色的名字![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
楼主 |
发表于 27-1-2007 01:04 PM
回复 #5 馬拉棧 的帖子
拜托你好无聊。。。。。![](static/image/smiley/default/3shakehead.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/3shakehead.gif) |
发表于 29-1-2007 07:59 PM
。。。很有趣!!!加油!!!继续贴!!!![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
楼主 |
发表于 29-1-2007 08:17 PM
发表于 30-1-2007 12:38 AM
所谓的 reusable launch vehicle 是不是好像太空梭那种, 他们的推动器? |
发表于 30-1-2007 07:31 AM
楼主 |
发表于 30-1-2007 08:39 AM
回复 #9 Jynx83 的帖子
对, 某个程度上太空梭是其中一种 reusable launch vehicle(RLV)。RLV的推动器当然是 rocket engine。
严格来说太空梭也不是 reusable launch vehicle, 因为它的 external fuel tank (从太空梭的照片,我们可看到一个飞机(orbiter),3 个火箭 (2个一样,较小的是 solid rocket boosters,较大的就是 external fuel tank)不是 reusable 的,每次发射都用新的。还有两个 solid rocket boosters 虽然不用换新的,但还必须经过 rework 和repair。
简单的说,太空旅游必须有 RLV,好像飞机那样只需 maintenance 而不是每个航班之后换新的。 |
楼主 |
发表于 30-1-2007 08:44 AM
回复 #9 Jynx83 的帖子
在 space tourism-rocket or spaceplane? 的帖里,我有讲述新一代RLV 的主要特点,可参考一下。。。。不懂的地方,欢迎发问,这样可使大家能有更深一步的了解。。。。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 2-2-2007 09:30 AM
3. Ascender,Spacebus, Spacecab
Ascender is a sub-orbital spaceplane from Bristol Spaceplanes carrying two crew and two passengers intended to provide proof-of-concept for the development of the Spacecab/Spacebus spaceplane, and is capable of reaching space (though not orbit). As well asbeing an entrant for the X-Prize,Ascender is intended to return commercial revenues through its passenger carrying capability.
Spacebus a design for a 2-stage passenger-carrying HTOL by the company Bristol Spaceplanes in Britain.The first stage uses jet engines for take-off, followed by rocket engines to climb to high altitude for separation, after which the upper stage uses rocket engines to reach orbit. This configuration has a number of advantages described at length in papers by David Ashford .Using existing jet and rocket engines is very attractive in reducing initialdevelopment costs. And though new air-breathing rocket engines might be more efficient, they're not needed initially (the first stage just has to be a bit bigger and use a bit more fuel). And going high with the first stage makes separation easy as it's in thin air, so even hypersonic loads are small.
Spacecab is a scaled-down version of Spacebus designed to carry 6 passengers. It's attractive as a first step to HTOL launch services since it uses only existing technology, and could start passenger operations much earlier than a vehicle requiring new engines to be developed.
Ascender 是 X-Prize 的其中一个主要竞争设计。可是最后还是输给 SpaceShipOne。 这款 space vehicle 能到达 100 km,其间有两分钟的无重状态 (weightless)。其主要特点是用现有的科技(现有的jet engine 和 rocket engine),减少研发费用。如果有看过我之前的帖,Space Tourism in Malaysia,该记得 Bristol Spaceplanes 已经像 Perak 政府 propose 要在Perak 建 spaceport,不过 federal government 还没通过。
要多了解,可到 http://www.bristolspaceplanes.com/projects/ascender.shtml
楼主 |
发表于 19-4-2007 07:48 PM
刚 search 到一个关于 SpaceShipOne 的 video clip,在这里跟大家分享。
并附上 SpaceShipOne 的 flight profile
[URL=http://imageshack.us] [/url] |
楼主 |
发表于 18-6-2007 10:59 PM
楼主 |
发表于 18-6-2007 11:47 PM
By rocketeer_mu at 2007-06-26[/url]
SpaceShipTwo (SS2) is the commercial follow-on to SpaceShipOne, designed to carry two pilots and six passengers on a suborbital space trip lasting two and a half hours. A scaled up version of its predecessor, SpaceShipTwo is dropped from beneath a larger version of the White Knight, dubbed White Knight Two. An order for five SpaceShipTwo/WK2 spacecraft was placed by Virgin Galactic in July of 2005.
SS2 是 SS1 的大号。SS2 是 SS1 的大号。预计会在 2009 年开始运作,估计一躺需 $ 200 000。
以上是 SS2 和 SS1 的体积比较。
[ 本帖最后由 rocketeer 于 26-6-2007 10:18 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 21-10-2007 11:27 PM
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