6。39dota 82英雄详细资料/技能介绍 附图第4页 双语版
发表于 25-11-2006 09:52 AM
楼主 |
发表于 25-11-2006 09:56 AM
他没叫我们这些新人技能如何使用,对我们这些新人,那些技能多了解的话,哪敢用那只HERO,是吗? |
发表于 25-11-2006 09:57 AM
完全抄袭dotacn,相信没有几个玩家得空看这样的帖。 |
发表于 25-11-2006 09:59 AM
直接放website更容易 |
楼主 |
发表于 25-11-2006 10:06 AM
原帖由 bigsnakeking 于 25-11-2006 09:57 AM 发表
我已经放了转帖,而且也放了从那里拿来的网址了,不是吗?这是因为我朋友想知道所以我就放咯。打扰各位网友视线的话!!!对不起 |
发表于 25-11-2006 10:13 AM
原帖由 xtricky 于 25-11-2006 10:06 AM 发表
另一方面,你的朋友应该再看了之后,却不懂那些hero张什么样子,放些图片可能会好一点吧。 |
楼主 |
发表于 25-11-2006 04:49 PM
原帖由 bigsnakeking 于 25-11-2006 10:13 AM 发表
因为我们是认识英雄,只是不知道如何使用技能而已。而且我实在cc玩的,家里有没有电脑。所以照片对我来说有一点难。请大家多多包含. |
发表于 25-11-2006 05:32 PM
资料outdate了,这些都是 6.35b 的资料,现在都已经 6.38b了。。。
还有那个网站已经瘫痪很久了,资料都没有更新。。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 17-12-2006 04:14 PM
Dawn Tavern黎明旅店
Razzil Darkbrew
Sentinel - Strength 闇黑釀酒師.拉吉爾
力量型 Strength 25 + 2.4
Agility 11 + 1.2
Intelligence 17 + 1.5
Attack Range 128
Move speed 290
Hero Introduction 英雄介紹
An elite alchemist of the highest caliber, Razzil was employed by the Sentinel to develop new experimental chemical weapons against the Scourge. When in battle himself, he rides a large ogre mount that serves as a test subject for his various chemical enhancements, turning an already formidable opponent into a monster of the most dangerous sort.
by [PTT] fallengunman
Key Skills (技能說明)
D Acid Spray
Sprays high-pressure acid across a target area. Hostile units who step across the contaminated terrain take physical damage per second and have their armor reduced. Last 12 seconds.
Level 1/2/3/4 8/16/24/32 Damage per second, reduces armor by 3/4/5/6.
Mana cost: 120. Cooldown: 20 seconds
Level 1/2/3/4 每秒 8/16/24/32 傷害,降低 3/4/5/6 裝甲
花費 120 Mana, CD 20 秒
E Unstable Concoction
Taking a few moments to shake up some chemical vials, the Alchemist lobs one at the target, stunning it based on how long he shook it up.
Level 1/2/3/4 Up to 2/3/4/5 seconds channel.
Mana cost: 75. Cooldown: 20 seconds
Level 1/2/3/4 最多搖晃(暈) 2/3/4/5 秒
花費 75 Mana, CD 20 秒
N/A Goblin's Greed
The Goblin converts the creep's corpse into gold. You get more gold for every extra creep you killed in the last 20 seconds. Cap of 20 extra gold.
Level 1/2/3/4 2/4/6/8 bonus gold per enemy, 1/2/3/4 successive bonus gold.
Level 1/2/3/4 一開始增加 2/4/6/8 點黃金,每多殺一隻額外再多 1/2/3/4 點黃金
R Chemical Rage
The Alchemist causes his Ogre to enter a chemically induced rage reducing base attack cooldown and increasing hitpoint and regeneration. Last 20 seconds.
Level 1/2/3 1.45/1.35/1.25 Base Attack Rate and 200/400/600 Bonus HP and Regeneration 10/20/30 HP/sec.
Mana cost: 50. Cooldown: 45 seconds
Level 1/2/3 基礎攻速變為 1.45/1.35/1.25 ,增加 200/400/600 點生命以及恢復速度每秒增加 10/20/30 點,持續20秒
花費 50 Mana, CD 45 秒 |
楼主 |
发表于 17-12-2006 04:17 PM
Mirana Nightshade
Priestess of the Moon
Sentinel - Agility 蜜拉娜‧夜影
敏捷型 Strength 17 + 1.85
Agility 20 + 2.75
Intelligence 17 + 1.65
Attack Range 600
Move speed 300
Hero Introduction 英雄介紹
A matriarch and high priestess of Elune’s blessed order, Mirana Nightshade serves as a light in darkness for the front line of the Sentinel ranks, raining arrows and falling stars alike upon the shambling undead masses of the Undead Scourge, while her very presence is said to be so holy that it melts away the fatigue of nearby allies, giving they greater haste on the battlefield. In times of need however, she can fade herself and others around her into the safety of invisibility, making her a potent supporter matched by few.
Key Skills (技能說明)
T Starfall
Calls down a wave of meteors to damage each nearby enemy. If enemy is farther than 600 range, it has a 60% chance to still hit him. One random enemy unit within 200 aoe will get hit again for half the damage.
Level 1/2/3/4 deals 75/150/225/300 damage.
Mana cost: 100/120/140/160. Cooldown: 12 seconds.
Level 1/2/3/4 一波流星造成 75/150/225/300 傷害
花費 100/120/140/160 Mana, CD 12 秒
R Elune's Arrow
Fires an arrow to a location with deadly precision, dealing large damage and stunning the first unit it strikes. Stun duration increases based on how far the target is, ranged from 0.5 to 5 seconds.
Level 1/2/3/4 deals 90/180/270/360 damage
Mana cost: 100. Cooldown: 25 seconds.
Level 1/2/3/4 造成 90/180/270/360 傷害
花費 100 Mana, CD 25 秒
E Leap
Mirana’s wild Frostsaber leaps forward into battle, empowering allies with a ferocious roar upon landing. Movement and Attack Speed bonus last 10 seconds.
Level 1/2/3/4 400/450/500/550 range, 4/8/12/16% speed increase
Mana cost: 60/55/50/45. Cooldown: 20 seconds.
Level 1/2/3/4 跳躍距離400/450/500/550 增加速度4/8/12/16%
花費 60/55/50/45 Mana, CD 20 秒
W Moonlight Shadow
Turns Nightshade and all allied hero into invisible. If invisibility is broken, it gets restore after the fade time during the shadow duration.
Level 1/2/3 last 7/9/11 seconds. 2.5/2/1.5 seconds fade time.
Mana cost: 200/250/300. Cooldown: 160 seconds.
Level 1/2/3 作用時間7/9/11秒 暗化時間2.5/2/1.5秒
花費 200/250/300 Mana, CD 160 秒 |
楼主 |
发表于 17-12-2006 04:24 PM
Dusk Tavern黃昏旅店
Demnok Lannik
Scourge - Intelligence 戴蒙.萊尼克
智慧型 Strength 18 + 2.5
Agility 10 + 1.0
Intelligence 24 + 2.7
Attack Range 600
Move speed 305
Hero Introduction 英雄介紹
Formally the chieftain of the broken Blacksun clan that fell under Mannoroth's control in days long past, Lannik has joined the Scourge in hopes of replying his debt to the Lich King Ner'zhul, who's own Shadowmoon Clan was allied with the Blacksun many years ago. A master of demons and destructive spellwork, this warlock delights in tormenting creatures of the Light, extinguishing them like candles until non are left alive.
Key Skills (技能說明)
F Fatal Bonds
Bonds up to 5 enemy units together, causing damage dealt to any of them to be partially felt by the others. Lasts 25 seconds.
Level 1/2/3/4 5/10/15/20% damage to linked units.
Mana cost: 120. Cooldown: 30 seconds
將最多五個敵人的生命連結在一起, 任何一位受傷都會造成其他人的傷害,持續25秒。
Level 1/2/3/4 對其他人造成損傷值的 5/10/15/20% 傷害
花費 120 Mana, CD 30 秒
W Shadow Word
A single word causes powerful magics to envelop the target. Creates a healing mechanism on a friendly target or damage an unfriendly one. Does not dispel on attack. Lasts 8 second.
Level 1/2/3/4 Heals 10/20/30/40 or damages 9/18/27/36 hit points per second.
Mana cost: 90/110/130/150. Cooldown: 22 seconds
術士只以一字之言就使得目標籠罩在魔法之下,被魔法包圍的友軍將會被治癒,敵軍則會受到傷害, 不會被其他人的攻擊中斷,持續8秒。
Level 1/2/3/4 每秒治療友軍 10/20/30/40 點,對敵軍造成 9/18/27/36 點傷害
花費 90/110/130/150 Mana, CD 22 秒
E Upheavel
Stirs up inert magic in a target area, channeling the force into a powerful slowing current that grows more powerful wit every passing second it's channeled. Can channel up to 10 seconds and up to 84% slow. Channeling.
Level 1/2/3/4 Slows 7/14/21/28% per second.
Mana cost: 100/110/120/130. Cooldown: 20 seconds
術士持續攪動一個區域內的魔法能量, 使得該區域的敵人陷入泥淖,舉步維艱,在區域內的時間越久,就越難移動,最多可攪動10秒,且最多緩慢84%移動速度。(需持續施法)
Level 1/2/3/4 每秒緩慢 7/14/21/28% 移動速度
花費 100/110/120/130 Mana, CD 20 秒
R Rain of Chaos
Calls an infernal down from the sky, dealing 100 damage and stunning nearby enemies for 1 second. The infernal lasts for 45 seconds, takes reduced damage from spells, has Permanent Immolation and a chance to Pulverize an area on attack.
Level 1/2/3 Summons an infernal with weak/mighty/devastating Pulverize and average attack.
Mana cost: 200/250/300. Cooldown: 130 seconds
召喚煉獄魔從天而降,造成降落範圍內的敵人100點傷害並且暈眩1秒, 煉獄魔可存活45秒,對魔法傷害有減免,永久性的熾焰焚身,有機會在攻擊的時候造成區域性傷害
Level 1/2/3 召喚出來的煉獄魔有機會在攻擊時造成 弱小的/強大的/毀滅性的 區域性傷害, 以及 弱小的/強大的/毀滅性的 攻擊力
花費 200/250/300 Mana, CD 130秒
N/A Flaming Fists
Give a 40% chance that an attack will deal 75/115/155 damage to nearby units.
有 40% 機會對周圍敵人造成 75/115/155 點傷害
N/A Permanent Immolation
Burns nearby enemy units for 20/30/40 points of damage per second.
N/A Resistant Skin
Reduces the duration of negative spells and renders the unit immune to certain spells.
[ 本帖最后由 xtricky 于 17-12-2006 04:27 PM 编辑 ] |
楼主 |
发表于 8-1-2007 11:24 PM
Scourge - Agility
敏捷型 [td=1,1,155]Strength | 17 + 1.3 | Agility | 23 + 1.9 | Intelligence | 20 + 1.6 | Attack Range | 100(melee) | Move speed | 300 |
Hero Introduction 英雄介紹 Originally worshipped by the pagan tribes of Geomania and the black forests that encompassed it, Meepo is a mischievous spirit of the earth who enjoys burying his enemies alive in mountains of rock spikes, pinning them down into helplessness as he pummels them into submission with his mighty shovel. The most disturbing of the Geomancer's power, however, is his ability to separate his being into multiple selves, each as powerful as the original and making him potentially four times the trouble for the unlucky who encounter him. 米玻受藏匿於黑森林裡信奉土占教派的異教教群所崇拜,是喜愛將他的敵人活埋在岩刺堆之中將他們釘住,並用鐵鍬猛力痛打無助的他們直到他們順從的大地惡靈。然而土占師最擾人的能力是他能將自身的存在分離產生多個另體,每個另體的能力都與本體不相上下,讓他成為惹上他的倒楣鬼的四倍大的大麻煩。
by [BAHA]LordofWastes Key Skills (技能說明) | E Earthbind Rains earthen spikes across the target area, pinning down all enemies in 225 AOE. Last 2 seconds.
Level 1/2/3/4 500/750/1000/1250 casting range.
Mana cost: 100. Cooldown: 20/16/12/8 seconds
| 大地之縛
Level 1/2/3/4 施法距離 500/750/1000/1250
花費 100 Mana, CD 20/16/12/8 秒 | F Poof Drawing mystical energies from the earth, Meepo can teleport to another Geomancer, leaving destruction in his wake. After channeling for 2 seconds, Meepo instantly teleports to the nearest target Geomancer, dealing damage in 400 AOE in the departure and arrival locations.
Level 1/2/3/4 deals 40/80/120/160 damage.
Mana cost: 225/210/195/180. Cooldown: 60/50/40/30 seconds
| 呼!
Level 1/2/3/4 造成 40/80/120/160 傷害
花費 225/210/195/180 Mana, CD 60/50/40/30 秒 | N/A Geostrike The Geomancer enchants his weapon with the essence of the earth, crushing the life form his enemies and numbing their legs. Slows target movement speed and dealing 15 damage per second. These effects are additive with other Geomancers. Last 2 seconds.
Level 1/2/3/4 deals 5/10/15/20 % slow.
| 土占擊
Level 1/2/3/4 減緩 5/10/15/20% | N/A Divided We Stand Meepo summons an imperfect, semi-autonomous duplicate of himself, which can gain gold and experience as he does and shares his experience and abilities. However, the clones cannot wield any item but the boots that Meepo himself wears. If one clone dies, they all die.
Level 1/2/3 other 1/2/3 Geomancer(s).
| 分則能成
Level 1/2/3 產生 1/2/3 個額外的土占師 |
楼主 |
发表于 8-1-2007 11:26 PM
Shadow Priest
Scourge - Intelligence
智慧型 [td=1,1,155]Strength | 16 + 1.85 | Agility | 21 + 1.7 | Intelligence | 27 + 3.4 | Attack Range | 500 | Move speed | 305 |
Hero Introduction 英雄介紹 Once a member of a secluded troll tribe before a hostile scourge takeover, Dazzle was highly revered as a master of the supporting magics. However, upon making a pact of Kel-Thuzad to save his very life, he slowly became corrupt. Noted for being able to crush the defensive ability of his opponents while allowing his allies to last longer in battle, he is not one to take lightly on battlefield. Rumors abound that he can bring once-dead allies back to life, so they can march again to defend the honor of the Frozen Throne. 在天譴軍的邪惡侵攻以前,戴佐曾是某個隱蔽的食人妖部族之中的一員,以精於輔助魔法而受到敬重。然而在為了活命而與克爾蘇沙德訂下契約之後,他漸漸地墮落了。他以能在戰鬥中摧毀敵人的防禦能力同時讓盟友支持更久而聞名,在戰場上是無法輕取的對象。謠傳他能讓已死的盟友復生,使他們得以為保衛寒冰王座的榮耀再次參戰。
by [BAHA]LordofWastes Key Skills (技能說明) | T Poison Touch A poisonous magic is placed on an enemy unit causing it to move slowly becoming paralyzed. The longer the poison takes to set in, the slower the unit will become. After the poison sets in, it take physical damage per second for 7 seconds. Target moves slower per level.
Level 1/2/3/4 7/14/21/28 damage. Takes 1/2/3/3 second to set in.
Mana cost: 100/115/130/145. Cooldown: 15/13/11/9 seconds
| 劇毒之觸
Level 1/2/3/4 每秒 7/14/21/28 傷害,注入時間 1/2/3/3 秒
花費 100/115/130/145 Mana, CD 15/13/11/9 秒 | W Weave A powerful shadow magic used to increase or decrease a targets defenses over time. Changes armor by 1 every pulse. Last 17 seconds.
Level 1/2/3/4 4/8/12/16 Pulses.
Mana cost: 100. Cooldown: 20 seconds
| 織就
Level 1/2/3/4 發生效應 4/8/12/16 次
花費 100 Mana, CD 20 秒 | D Shadow Wave Send forth a Shadow Wave to heal a few units. Healed units also damage a small area around them for the same amount. Dissipated damage is Physical.
Level 1/2/3/4 Dissipates 80/100/120/140 damage. 3/3/3/4 targets.
Mana cost: 80/90/100/110. Cooldown: 12/10/8/6 seconds
| 闇影波
Level 1/2/3/4 醫療 3/3/3/4 個目標,治療/造成 80/100/120/140 點 生命/傷害
花費 80/90/100/110 Mana, CD 12/10/8/6 秒 | G Shallow Grave The next time target allied hero dies, he will revive in 20% of the time and will not lose gold. Revive with full mana. The enemy still get gold and experience. Dying unit will deal physical damage to its kill if it was a hero.
Level 1/2/3 Return 150/300/450 damage.
Mana cost: 200/350/500. Cooldown: 300/200/100 seconds
| 薄葬
Level 1/2/3 造成 150/300/450 反擊傷害
花費 200/350/500 Mana, CD 300/200/100 秒 |
楼主 |
发表于 18-3-2007 10:56 AM
楼主 |
发表于 18-3-2007 10:57 AM
发表于 12-10-2007 05:14 PM
发表于 13-10-2007 07:02 AM
炸到。。。这些都已经有了吧 |
发表于 13-10-2007 09:19 AM
转贴的吧?不用酱辛苦吧,已经有每个hero的专属贴子了 |
发表于 14-10-2007 02:44 AM
发表于 15-10-2007 01:49 AM
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