我遇到一个棘手的VB6.0 package 问题, 就是当我要打包我的project 时,这样的error msg 就出现了,
"Unexpected error number 80010108 has occured :
Automation error The Object invoked has disconnected from its clients."
我也上网找过资料,如下 :
To resolve this error, open Crystl32.dep in Notepad or a similar text editor and modify the section:
So that it reads:
我照着改过了,但同样的error依然出现,是不是我的crystal report 有问题了??i try to install and reinstall back.., still get the same error. 是那里出了问题呢???我发现这case发生在我install .net 后, VB.net & VB6.0 不可在同一架电脑起用吗?? |