发表于 18-2-2020 12:13 PM
RESEARCH METHODOLOGYPre-requisite EIA1005 STATISTICS 1LearningOutcomesAt the end of this course, the students are able to:1. explain the concept and research methods;2. identify research problems and objectives;3. apply relevant research methods to solve research problems;4. analyse information or data in line with research objectives; and5. prepare research proposal and paper.Synopsis This course exposes and train students in conducting scientific research. This includesunderstanding the research concepts, issues and approaches for addressing researchproblems. The emphasis is also given to the role of theory in research and the methodsof data collection and analyses. The students also learn to use statistical techniques aswell as prepare a research proposal and paper.References 1. S Salkind, N. J. (2011). Exploring Research. New Jersey,8th Ed: PearsonEducation International.2. Saunders, M., Lewis, P., Thornhill, A. (2009) Research Methods for BusinessStudents, 5th ed. Prentice Hall.3. Babbie, E., (2012). The Practice of Social Research, 13th Ed. Cengage Learning.Soft Skills CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CS7CT1, CT2, CT3TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5LL1, LL2EM1, EM2, EM3LS1, LS2Assessment Continuous Assessment : 60%Final Examination : 40%
STATISTICS IPre-requisite NONELearningOutcomesAt the end of this course, the students are able to:1. Describe basic concepts in descriptive statistical analysis;2. Apply basic descriptive statistical analysis on set of data in various fields;3. Interpret the results of the analysis.Synopsis The course covers basic concepts and their application various fields for thefollowing topics:1. Survey and sampling2. Presentation of data3. Numerical descriptive measures4. Probability5. Discrete probability distributionsReferences 1. Levine, DM; Stephan, D; Krehbiel, TC and Berenson, M.L, (2014).Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel, (7th Ed.), Prentice Hall,Singapore.2. Liaw Shu Hui dan Goh Kim Leng. (2002). Statistik Asas: Konsep danAmalan. Kuala Lumpur: McGraw-Hill.3. Tan, PC, ST Ng dan Noor Azina Ismail, (2002).Statistik GunaanAsas: Buku Kerja dengan Jawapan Lengkap, Thomson Learning,Singapore.4. Keller, G. (2014), Statistics for Management and Economics,(10th Ed.), Cengage Learning.Soft Skills CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4, CT2, CT5,TS1LL1Assessment Continuous Assessment: 50%Final Examination : 50%
INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICSPre-requisite NONELearningOutcomesAt the end of this course, the students are able to:1. Recognize mathematical techniques in economics;2. Analyze economic theory using mathematics; and3. Apply appropriate mathematical techniques to solve economic problems.Synopsis This course includes partial and general equilibrium model of demand andsupply, linear model and matrix algebra, comparative static analysis(differentiation and integration), optimization problems, turning points,maximum and minimum, and input-output model.References 1. Chiang, A.C., Wainwright, K., 2005. Fundamental Methods ofMathematical Economics, McGraw Hill, 4th edition.2. Baldani, Bradfield, Turner, 2005. Mathematical Economics, Thomson, 2ndedition.3. Jacques, I., 2009. Mathematics for Economics and Business, PearsonEducation Limited, 6th edition.4. Selamah Maamor, et al. 2011. Matematik untuk Ekonomi, CengageLearning Asia Pte Ltd.Soft Skills CS1, CS2, CS3CT1, CT2, CT3LS1, LS2Assessment Continuous assessment: 40%Final examination : 60%