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你到底是谁?(译自美国心灵导师Gangaji 的录音)

发表于 7-5-2016 11:13 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
录像有中文字幕,在 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_15eb5b14a0102w9i1.html  或  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxnotedR7QQ

Gangaji 网址: https://gangaji.org/about/






能问自己最重要的问题便是:我是谁? 这个问题某种程度上说来,内建在你人生的每个阶段。 所有的行动,无论是单独或是集体的,都是被源自对真实本我的追寻所激发。典型的是你为这个问题找到一个正面的答案。当负面解答出现,你只想逃离。当问题变得更加清晰,问题本身的动能和力量将在寻求真实答案的探寻中引领你。而真实的答案将是开放的、充满生命力,而且充满极为深层的洞见。你已然经历过成功与失败。在人生的某个阶段,或迟或早,你将会了解:无论如何定义你是谁都是不能令人满意的。 除非这个问题能被诚实的回答,而且不只是传统认知的答案,否则你仍将继续渴求追寻,因为不论你曾如何被他人定义, 出自善意或恶意,也不管你曾如何定义自己,最终没有一个定义能让你坚信不疑。

认知到没有一个答案能满足追寻真实本我这个问题的时刻是很重要的。那通常被称为灵性成熟的时刻。也是灵性发展臻於成熟的时刻。在这个时刻,你开始能有意识的考察自身的真实本我。在其强大功能和简单,我是谁这个问题的单纯力量,会将头脑抛回个人认知的根源,也就是“我是某人”的基本假设,与其自发的将假设当做事实。你该向更深层探索。不难看出一开始产生的“我是某人”的这个想法, 会衍生出各式各样的策略:成为更好的某人、更能为他人提供保护的某人,或更能取悦他人、让人觉得舒服、有更高造诣的某人。但当这个基本信念受到挑战,头脑遇上了真实本我,而真实本我被头脑误认为与长久以来的自我探寻是分离的,这便是自我探询。

“我是谁”这个最基本的问题,却是最常被忽略的。我们花费毕生精力说服自己和他人,我们是重要的人,或不重要的人,或有权势的人,或渺小的人,年轻人或老人,而我们从未质疑过这个最基本的假设: 你到底是谁?你要如何知道,这就是你? 这真的是事实吗? 当你将注意力转移到问题“我是谁?” 也许你会看见一个有着你的面貌与身躯的存在实体。 但是谁意识到这个实体?你是那个客体,还是你是能够觉知这个客体的意识?客体来来去去, 可以是父母、子女、情人、被遗弃的、悟道者、胜者、败者。 这些身份都来去不定, 对这些身份觉知的意识无时无刻都在。 将你自己错误认同于意识中的一些客体,会带来极端的欢乐或极端的痛苦, 以及无穷无尽苦难的循环。当你愿意停止错误的身份认同, 并且直接、完全地发现你即是意识本身,而不是这些昙花一现的定义, 在思想中寻找你自己的探寻就此结束。

当“谁”这个问题被单纯自然的,一路追溯到根源时,将有一个巨大、惊喜的领悟在等着你。 那里根本没有什么实体。 只有那个不可定义的、没有界线的自我认知。 认知你与万物的密不可分, 你是自由的,你是完整的,你是无限的。对你来说,底线与界线都不存在。 关於对自己的想法是出现在你之中, 也归回於你而消失。 你是意识,而意识即觉知。 让所有的自我定义在这一刻消融。 丢掉这些定义, 再看看还剩下什麽。 体察什么从未出生与什么从不死灭。 感受放下定义自己这个重担後的轻松。 体验这些重担的不真实。 体验当下的喜悦。 休息于任何思想呈现前你本性中的无限安宁。

Any thought that you have had about yourself, however deflated orinflated is not who you are. It is simply a thought. The truth ofwho you are cannot be thought because it is the source of allthoughts. The truth of who you are cannot be named or defined.Words like soul, light, god, truth, self, consciousness, universalintelligence, or divinity, while capable of evoking the bliss ofthe truth, are grossly inadequate as a description of the immensityof who you truly are. However you identify yourself, as child,adolescent, mother, father, older person, healthy person, sickperson, suffering person, or enlightened person, always, behind allof that, is the truth of yourself. It is not foreign to you. It isso close that you cannot believe it is you.

The truth of who you are is untouched by any concept of who youare, whether ignorant or enlightened, worthless or grant. The truthof who you are is free of it all. You are already free, and allthat blocks your realization of that freedom is your own attachmentto some thought of who you are. This thought doesn't keep you frombeing the truth of who you are. You already are there. It separatesyou from the realization of who you are.

I invite you to let your attention dive into what has always beenhere, waiting openly for its own self realization. Who are youreally? Are you some image that appears in your mind? Are you somesensation that appears in your body? Are you some emotion thatpasses through your mind and body? Are you something that someoneelse has said you are? Or are you the rebellion against somethingthat someone else has said you are? These are some of the manyavenues of misidentification. All of these definitions come and go,or are born and then die. The truth of who you are does not comeand go. It is present before birth, throughout of a life time, andafter death.

To discover the truth of who you are is not only possible. It isyour birthright. Any thoughts that this discovery is not for you,now is not the time, you are not worthy, you are not ready, youalready know who you are, are just tricks of the mind. It's time toinvestigate this "I" thought and see what validity it really has.In this examination there is an opening for the consciousintelligence that you are, to finally recognize itself.

The most important question you can ever ask yourself is - who amI? In a certain way, this is an implicit question asked throughoutevery stage of your life. Every activity, either individual orcollective, is motivated at its root by a search for selfdefinition. Typically you search for a positive answer to thisquestion and run away from a negative answer. Once this questionbecomes explicit, the momentum and the power of the question directthe search for the true answer, which is open-ended, alive, andfilled with every deepening insight.

You have experienced both success and failure. After a certainstage, early or late, you realize that who you are, however that isdefined, is not satisfying. Unless this question has been trulyanswered, not just conventionally answered, you will still behungry to know, because no matter how you have been defined byothers, well meaning or not, and no matter how you have definedyourself, no definition can bring less incertitude. The moment ofrecognizing that no answer has ever satisfied this question iscrucial. It is often referred to as a moment of spiritual ripeness,the moment of spiritual maturity. At this point, you canconsciously investigate who you really are. In its power andsimplicity, the question "who am I" throws the mind back to theroot personal identification - the basic assumption "I amsomebody". Rather than automatically taking that assumption as thetruth, you can investigate deeper. It's not difficult to see thatthis initial thought "I am somebody" leads to all kinds ofstrategies - to be a better somebody, or more protected somebody,or somebody with more pleasure, more comfort, more attainment. Butwhen this very basic thought is questioned, the mind encounters the"I" that is assumed to be separate from what it has been seeking.This is called self inquiry.

This most basic question "who am I" is the one that is mostoverlooked. We spend most of our days telling ourselves or otherswe are someone important, someone unimportant, someone big, someonelittle, someone young, someone old, never truly questioning itsmost basic assumption. Who are you really? How do you know that iswho you are? Is that true? Really? When you turn your attentiontoward the question "who am I", perhaps you will see an entity thathas your face and your body, but who is aware of that entity? Areyou the object? Or are you the awareness of the object? The objectcomes and goes. The parent, the child, the lover, the abandonedone, the enlightened one, the victorious one, the defeated one -these identifications all come and go. The awareness of theseidentifications is always present. The misidentification ofyourself as some object in awareness leads to extreme pleasure orextreme pain, and endless cycles of suffering. When you are willingto stop the misidentification and discover directly and completelythat you are the awareness itself and not these impermanentdefinitions, the search for yourself in thought ends.

When the questioned "who", is followed innocently, purely all theway back to its source, there is a huge astounding realization.There is no entity there at all. There is only that indefinable,boundless recognition of yourself as inseparable from anythingelse. You are free. You are whole. You are endless. There is no bottom to you, no boundary to you.Any idea about yourself appears in you and will disappear back intoyou.

You are awareness; and awareness is consciousness. Let all selfdefinitions die in this moment. Let them go and see what remains.See what is never born and what does not die. Feel the relief oflaying down the burden of defining yourself. Experience the actualnonreality of the burden. Experience the joy that is here. Rest inthe endless peace of your true nature before any thought of "I"arises...





能問自己最重要的問題便是: 我是誰? 這個問題某種程度上說來,內建在你人生的每個階段。所有的行動,無論是單獨或是集體的,都是被源自對真實本我的追尋所激發。典型的是你為這個問題找到一個正面的答案。當負面解答出現,你隻想逃離。當問題變得更加清晰,問題本身的動能和力量將在尋求真實答案的探尋中引領你。而真實的答案將是開放的、充滿生命力,而且充滿極為深層的洞見。你已然經歷過成功與失敗。在人生的某個階段,或遲或早,你將會了解:無論如何定義你是誰都是不能令人滿意的。除非這個問題能被誠實的回答,而且不隻是傳統認知的答案,否則你仍將繼續渴求追尋,因為不論你曾如何被他人定義,出自善意或惡意,也不管你曾如何定義自己,最終沒有一個定義能讓你堅信不疑。


我是誰這個最基本的問題,卻是最常被忽略的。我們花費畢生精力說服自己和他人,我們是重要的人,或不重要的人,或有權勢的人,或渺小的人,年輕人或老人,而我們從未質疑過這個最基本的假設:你到底是誰? 你要如何知道,這就是你? 這真的是事實嗎? 當你將注意力轉移到問題“我是誰?”也許你會看見一個有著你的面貌與身軀的存在實體。 但是誰意識到這個實體? 你是那個客體,還是你是能夠覺知這個客體的意識? 客體來來去去,可以是父母、子女、情人、被遺棄的、悟道者、勝者、敗者。 這些身份都來去不定, 對這些身份覺知的意識無時無刻都在。將你自己錯誤認同於意識中的一些客體,會帶來極端的歡樂或極端的痛苦, 以及無窮無盡苦難的循環。當你願意停止錯誤的身份認同,並且直接、完全地發現你即是意識本身,而不是這些曇花一現的定義, 在思想中尋找你自己的探尋就此結束。

當“誰”這個問題被單純自然的,一路追溯到根源時,將有一個巨大、驚喜的領悟在等著你。 那裡根本沒有什麼實體。隻有那個不可定義的、沒有界線的自我認知。 認知你與萬物的密不可分, 你是自由的,你是完整的,你是無限的。對你來說,底線與界線都不存在。 關於對自己的想法是出現在你之中, 也歸回於你而消失。 你是意識,而意識即覺知。讓所有的自我定義在這一刻消融。 丟掉這些定義, 再看看還剩下什麼。 體察什麼從未出生與什麼從不死滅。感受放下定義自己這個重擔後的輕鬆。 體驗這些重擔的不真實。 體驗當下的喜悅。休息於任何思想呈現前你本性中的無限安寧。


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