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(27/03/2016) 3R Fun Run, Pasaran Barter, Workshop & Quiz 3R

发表于 3-2-2016 11:25 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 happyboy1982 于 3-2-2016 03:56 PM 编辑

1, 3R Fun Run
Range : 4km
Venue : Taman Metropolitan Kepong
Date : 27 March 2016
Time : 7.30am - 8.30am
Registration Closing Date: 2 March 2016
Fee : RM 20
Registration Link : http://myfittix.com/event/detail/3r-fun-run-2016/


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 楼主| 发表于 3-2-2016 11:27 AM | 显示全部楼层
【3R Fun Run of the community, by the community, for the community】

Why should we burn or bury all the waste when we have an option to reuse them? The most sustainable and greenest way to dispose waste is to reuse and recycle them instead of burning.

Do you know waste is not waste? Do you know cooking oil can be turned into soap, candle and biodiesel? In essence, waste is a misplaced resource.

In order to promote better waste disposing methods, Persatuan Kesedaran dan Pendidikan 3R KL will be organising a 3R Fun Run, Pasaran Barter, and Workshop & Quiz 3R.

1, 3R Fun Run
Range : 4km
Venue : Taman Metropolitan Kepong
Date : 27 March 2016
Time : 7.30am - 8.30am
Registration Closing Date: 2 March 2016
Fee : RM 20
Registration Link : http://myfittix.com/event/detail/3r-fun-run-2016/

2, Pasaran Barter for participants to barter their unwanted items without involving cash. And this is FREE & OPEN to Public. Just bring a BAG to carry your barter items, set up at the Pasaran Barter Corner provided by us, and smile, say Hi and you might get a free candy wink smile emoticon

3, Workshop & Quiz 3R is held to teach participants how to recycle and reuse unwanted items. A bicycle and handcrafts will be given out during the 3R Quiz. And this is FREE & OPEN to Public.

Come and join our programs, Run for the next generation, Barter for a better life, and Learn how to reuse unwanted items.


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