Fees are NOT REFUNDABLE even though you are unable to attend.
Payment time limit : 15th December 2014
RM 950(with 8kg group ration) and RM 1650( w/o group ration)
All payment must made to (online transfer preferred):
Beh Woei Tong 016-4377239(Treasurer of V2 Kembara) (Email :V2Kembara@gmail.com)
CIMB Bank : 7019677899
REMEMBER to email transactions proof, your full name, IC, handphone, address, emergency contact number once you made payment.
Expedition date: 6th Saturday – 13th Saturday June 2015. We will take charter bus from Penang to Taman Negara Kuala Tahan by 5th Friday nite.
with yr own stuff, hikers need to bear approx 18-20kg(with g.ration) and 10-12kg(w/o g.ration)
own stuff include backpack,sleeping bag,mat,snacks,1.5L drinking water,clothes etc.
hiking route : fr Kuala Tahan > Merapoh. 8days7nites.(extra one day compare to standard 7days)
HIKERS NEED TO ROTATE TENT/FLYSHEET MATE EVERY NITE except married couple and chef & kitchen helpers.
take nite bus fr Pg to Kuala Tahan(9-10hrs)
day 1 kuala tahan to Melantai camp 5hrs150m (river)
day 2 Melantai to Putih camp 160m 7hrs (river)
day 3 Putih to Teku camp180m 8hrs (river)
day 4 Teku to Wray/Pangkin Bawah camp 6hrs1500m (water point)
day 5 Wray/P.Bawah to Padang camp 8hrs1600m (river)
day 6 Padang to Tahan peak(2187m) to Botak camp 8hrs1933m (water point)
day 7 Botak to Kor camp 7hrs 750m (river)
day 8 Kor to Kuala Juram. 4hrs 4wd to Taman Negara Sungai Relau and back to Pg before midnight.
fees include: charted 27 seated bus two way fr Pg to Taman Negara Kuala Tahan and Taman Negara Sungai Relau,Merapoh bact to Pg,
campsite breakfast(drinks on yr own) and dinner (except Day1’s b'fast and Day 8's dinner), backup food for emergency, 2 mountain guides for max 24 hikers, porters, all Taman Negara entrance fees, 4wd transfer fr Kuala Juram to Taman Negara Sungai Relau, tent/fly ground sheet, satellite phone for in case of emergency, emergency injure people carrier, medicine(oral & external) etc.
* will provide trekking lunch if V2 iron chef Kelvin Chan can confirm his attendance. fees will deduct if not provide lunch. *
expedition organizer & team leader