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我的刁曼GUE之行記事[更新:#24貼 *完结]

发表于 17-4-2013 09:46 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2013 11:50 AM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
原來整个星期没update@@ 今晚繼續xD

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 楼主| 发表于 20-4-2013 02:54 AM | 显示全部楼层
今天不做dry run, 就全是S drill。乘早餐时间,做下前一天的dive review。haiz~~~ 说不出口的情绪,有进步,有不足。了解了自己的问题和坏习惯,都需要时间和练习来改进。
review 后回到那个熟悉的角落,准备装备出海,今天潜友Song 随我我们同潜协助我们进行S drill。

第一潜Leon 要示范unconscious diver recovery,由于在拿rescue的时候已经做过,所以他只是示范带过。
同样的,pre dive check 之后我们沿着buoy 慢慢下潜,寻找我们熟悉的那块石头(可恶的damzel fish 我又看你来了 ~_~)
去到那块石头前面,不知为什么,也许是已经太过习惯,我和美女buddy 开始做 basic 5..... leon 在一旁扒头。。。 =.= 还想继续做第二遍。。。 leon 叫我们停止。。。 ~_~
接着leon 和 song 示范unconscious diver recovery。然后继续玩 out of air,只是这次三个人一起玩。

Out of air drill
当看到潜水员out of air,救援的那一个立刻用右手抓着二级头的hose把嘴里的二级头除下,把头略微放低,hose从头上方拉出来,迅速拿到out of air diver面前或放进他嘴里。左手把备用二级头放到自己嘴里。
安抚了对方,然后慢慢把左手上cannister light 从二级头的hose下方绕过避免cannister light和regulator 的hose打结。然后把剩余的二级头的long hose 从cannister 后方deploy 出来,从肩膀上方完全释放出来。然后检查cannister light 的hose 确保hose 没有打结。
drill 结束的时候把步骤倒退。先把long hose 从肩膀上拿下,把多余的hose 缠绕过cannister  后方,左手上cannister light从二级头的hose 上方用右手换到二级头hose的底部以确保cannister light 的 hose不会和二级头的hose 缠绕在一起。
然后从buddy手中接过二级头,让hose从颈项上方绕过,换回使用primary 的二级头。整理身上二级头和 cannister light 的hose,以确定两个hose没缠绕在一起。

在三个人的情况中,第三个成员可以负责寻找回去的方向。然后指示另外两个diver方向回去。归程中让被share air的那一位在中间,以便在需要时第三个潜水员可以迅速作出适当的反应。
以上的种种,我记得很清楚,因为第一潜里的share air 我都没有做到 =.= 整个过程中我就像在看戏,所以ascend过后,我中“洗”了 ~_~ 从此将教训铭记于心。
ascend的过程中我们也作了SMB deployment,包括share air 的时候 deploy SMB。

接下来再作好几次的out of air drill,主要都是在考验突发状况和临急反应和考验我们会怎么处理等等。
比如在一次的drill中,潜友song在descend一米处就“out of air”了。进行share air的时后我们都忘了我们正在descend,身体都呈negative buoyant。等到把long hose 完全 deploy之后我们都已经在13米处了。
傻傻的我们从13米开始ascend,在buoy line旁边,还傻傻放SMB,还傻傻做safety stop @@......整个潜就不过是5~6分钟 ...
回到 surface,leon问我们,what are you doing?...... =.=......
唉~~干了傻事~~下次要注意 T.T 压力所致,在水底下什么傻事都做得出 >_< 必须学习冷静处理
反复练习之后,再作了一次 no mask swim,就回到岸上吃午餐。此时已经是中午时分。

午餐过后,终于不再是 training,我们随船出岛fun dive,去chebeh和seafan canyon。在chebeh 附近还看到black pearl,阿姨他们LOB的船。可是船上空空。应该是潜水去了。
fun dive 就不写了,就是那一样的东西,结束前偶尔又来个share air、SMB。

傍晚回到岸上,晚餐时做了总结。技术上我就是那因为懒惰而使用手指来触碰石头来平衡身体的坏习惯要改进,以及还不习惯把所学的,计算usable air, return pressure等用在潜水上。(我都把这些工作交给美女buddy了@@)
还有SMB放得不好要多多练习等。还有欠缺critical thinking 这方面作决定的经验。tech pass 是拿不到了,只拿了 rec pass。不过也好,心满意足了。

晚上是庆功时间。这天下间的潜水员大概都是一模一样的吧。都是酒鬼 @@ 十多个人就喝了两百多罐啤酒 =.= 不过就是爽 @@





使用道具 举报

发表于 20-4-2013 08:40 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 14-10-2013 02:54 AM | 显示全部楼层
考了我的fundies 的八個月之後,終于又參與了Livingseas 乘 Diverace 到 7 Skies, Igara wreck 在外海(印尼海域)的潛團(爲了不想把我在fundies所學到的部分skill 給忘了)。
上船的第一天晚上,教練Leon 就提起明天的潛要算Minimum gas。我才緊張起來,這部分,我已經完全還給他了(fundies 之後至今的八個月中完全沒有算minimum gas 的練習)。所以囘到家的這個時候緊張地上網找關於minimum gas 的算法。找到了這篇好料。可能這一篇關於minimum gas 的文章對好多人來説都是不削一顧。在此貼上為自己做個筆記,也給有興趣的同學參考一下:


Minimum Gas Explained

Seeing a diver who has run out of gas is extremely frightening. You are aware you are looking at someone who is moments away from drowning.  Actually being that person must be beyond terrifying and out the other side.

As DIR divers, this is something we like to avoid, so I thought I'd post the DIR take on gas management - how much gas we reserve for safety.  Some people say leave the bottom with 50 bar.  Some people say hit the surface with 50 bar.  DIR divers work out how much they need for any given depth, and keep that in reserve.

There are two concepts to consider:

Minimum Gas

The DIR concept of “minimum gas” is the unbreakable rule by which we plan our dives. Minimum gas represents the minimum amount of gas carried by each diver that will allow the diver to get themselves, and another diver, to the next available gas source. For a short shallow dive, this might mean a direct ascent to the surface. For a longer dive with mandatory decompression stops, this might mean the ascent to a depth where it becomes appropriate to switch to another gas. Minimum gas is an absolute. It is never violated during the bottom portion of the dive, and once minimum gas is reached, the only option is to call the dive and ascend immediately.

Gas Rules

This is how we plan our gas to be used. Let’s say our minimum gas is 70 Bar in our twinset and we start the dive with 220 bar. That means we have 150 bar of usable gas. With that 150 bar, we then apply a gas rule.

That rule might be thirds (when the dive MUST return to a starting point), halves (when it would be useful for the diver to return to the start point but not essential) or all useable gas (where the diver can just ascend from wherever they are and be picked up). The all usable gas rule is often applied in UK waters where the boat can just come and get us, but we might apply halves if the skipper wants us to return to a shotline. The beauty of the gas rules is that if we get back to our starting point early, and ahead of minimum gas, we can just recalculate our halves, or thirds, and go off again.

Calculating Minimum Gas

The fundamantal principle.  At all times, a DIR diver enough gas to get themselves, and a team mate, to the next available gas source.

OK, so in order to know how much gas we have available for the dive, and in order to know our safety factor, we have to be able to calculate minimum gas.   I’m going to run through two examples: a thirty metre dive with a single 12 litre cylinder, where we can ascend directly to the surface; and a 45 metre dive in twin 12's, where we have to ascend to 21M to do a gas switch.

To calculate min deco, we make several assumptions.

    Firstly, we assume an ascent rate of 9 metres per minute to 50% of the depth, then 3 metres per minute after that.
    Secondly, we assume a SAC rate of 30 Litres per minute for both divers.  This might seem high to some people.  But, in an incident, SAC rate can hit 100.  Even if it then settles down, it’s going to average out significantly higher than your normal rate.
    Finally, we assume one minute at the bottom sorting out whatever has gone wrong and getting moving

30 Metre Dive

So, here we are at thirty metres, and all hell breaks loose so two divers have to ascend directly to the surface on one diver’s backgas.

    50% of 30m = 15 metres So, from the bottom

    1 Minute resolving Issue
    2 Minutes to get from 30M to 15M (plan on 9m/min but most people achieve around 7m/min)
    1 Minute to get from 15M to 12M
    1 Minute to get from 12M to 9M
    1 Minute to get from 9M to 6M
    1 Minute to get from 6M to 3M
    1 Minute to get from 3M to the surface

    This means a 8 minute ascent time.
    8 minutes of Gas for 2 divers = 16 minutes of gas required
    Using the SAC rate at 30L/min we can work out the consumption rate at depth.

    Depth consumption Rate = Average depth X SAC

    In this case the I would call the average depth is 10m, or 2BAR.

    Therefore, Depth consumption rate = 2 Bar X 30 Litres = 60 L/min.
    What we really need to know is how much gas is needed.

    The number of minutes of gas required x depth consumption rate = Total litres gas required

    So, 16 mins X 60 L/min = 960 Litres of Gas Required
    We said the diver in this case had a single 12 litre cylinder.
    Minimum gas in BAR = the total litres of gas required divided by the size of the cylinder.

    In this case: 960L divided by 12L = 80 BAR is Minimum Gas.

So, on a 30 metre dive, with both divers using a single 12, we know we need to leave the bottom before we hit 80 bar to ensure that if there is a total loss of gas for one diver, we can safely and slowly ascend to the surface.

This might be far more conservative than other measures due to the slow ascent rate, but it is very comforting to know we can ascend at this rate and still know we have enough gas.

If we have a 220 bar fill in a single 12, and are going to be picked up by the boat, this gives us 220 - 80 = 140BAR to use during the dive which is nice.

Some people might find the maths a little baffling, but others might just see it immediately. Once you run a few of them through your head you can do it simply enough. We would do this before we hit the water if it was a known depth, or at the bottom of the shotline if it was different than expected.

Now, these figures are always the same, so you could work out the min gas required for each depth, or write them on a slate.  However, this defeats the true strength of the calculation, and it is strongly encouraged that DIR divers learn to do this in their heads.  Here’s the reason.  Let’s say you reach the seabed, and the depth is shallower or deeper than you planned, you can just recalculate minimum gas on the spot and make the most of the gas you have with you without risking safety.  That last factor is the real winner for me, and the calculation is simple enough after a while.

Let’s take the calculation a little deeper, shall we say 45 metres?

45 Metre Dive

On this dive, we are at 45M in twin 12's and we are carrying a stage of 50%. Remember that minimum gas is supposed to get you and another dive to the next available gas source, which in this case is 21M where we would switch to the 50%.

We use the same SAC of 30 Litres Per minute.

    First, calculate the ascent profile:

    The first stop is at 80% of the ATAs; in this case is 34 metres, but we deal in multiple of 3 metres, so we will call it 33 metres. So the rate of ascent is 9m/min to the first stop, then slowed to 3m/min to the next gas source - 21m in this case.
    1 minute at 45 resolving issue
    2 minutes to get from 45 to 33 (more than 9 metres per min so has to be 2)
    1 minute to get from 33 to 30
    1 minute to get from 30 to 27
    1 minute to get from 27 to 24
    1 minute to get from 24 to 21
    1 minute to allow for gas switch

    This gives us an 8 minute ascent until we are on the next gas source.
    We have the same assumption regarding the SAC rate = 30L/min per diver.
    Now we need to know the average depth. For the dive above, I would call the average depth 33 Metres or 4.3 BAR.
    The calculation, then…

    8 minutes of Gas for 2 divers = 16 minutes of gas required
    Depth consumption Rate = 4.3 Bar X 30 L/min = 129 L/min

    16mins X 129L/min = 2064 Litres of Gas Required.

    2064L divided by 2 X 12L cylinders = 86 BAR - always rounded up:  90 BAR is the Minimum Gas

    Assuming a 220 bar fill, and again using the gas rule of all available gas, this means we have 130 BAR of gas to play with before we have to leave the bottom.

So that’s minimum gas a la DIR.

Remember that you “could” always get up a lot faster than this, but why not plan for a nice controlled, slow ascent, rather than planning for a race up to the surface.

In addition, the numbers here are exact, but in the case of a different bottom depth, it would be advisable to use easier numbers e.g. 4.5 instead of 4.3.

As the depths increase, the time spent at 1.5 x your normal SAC during the ascent is not realistic and also becomes penalising and so those DIR divers doing Tech 2+ depths use a different average SAC rate than 1.5.

Finally, just a reminder of the Golden Rule: at all times during a dive, we carry enough gas to get ourselves, and a buddy or team mate, to the next available gas source.  This rule is never violated.
本帖最后由 孤風 于 14-10-2013 02:58 AM 编辑


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 17-10-2013 03:18 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
找遍了網絡都沒中文版本嘛。整篇加進google翻譯看啦 哈哈

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 楼主| 发表于 17-10-2013 03:46 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

看這個咯,可是看了有吐血的感覺  lol

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 楼主| 发表于 17-10-2013 03:47 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
http://translate.google.com/tran ... -gas-explained.html


使用道具 举报


发表于 7-8-2014 05:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
楼主, 我和老公对GUE fundie 已虎视眈眈几个月了。。。 也是向到leon 那边学, 但有几个问题想请教:

1. 我们没有自己的gear, 以后也很难租GUE standard configuration 的, 那会不会用非所学?
2. 我们是新人, 刚刚拿了AOW NAUI 的。。20个潜左右, 应该再那多点经验才开课吗?
3. 我们的目标是tech pass (老公要圆他的海军梦 ) tech pass 是不是很难的?


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发表于 7-8-2014 05:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
还有那个open water swim 300m 能穿mask 和fin 吗??

使用道具 举报

发表于 7-8-2014 05:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
樓主忙談戀愛 。。


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发表于 7-8-2014 05:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
rush. 发表于 7-8-2014 05:07 PM
樓主忙談戀愛 。。


谢谢你的建议。。 那想请问那大概多少潜才学呢?
我老公在算明年的leave了, 要预算一下几时才能上课。。


使用道具 举报

发表于 7-8-2014 09:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
tippi_jj 发表于 7-8-2014 05:18 PM
谢谢你的建议。。 那想请问那大概多少潜才学呢?
我老公在算明年的leave了, 要预算一下几时才能上课 ...




Example 你老公20dive, 如果等到50dive才去,那30dive的经验都是ow/aow的经验

如果20dive的时候去学,到了50dive,那后面的30dive都是GUE Dive的经验

GUE Fundamentals这个课程不是上了过后就马上可以达到你想要的那个高度,上了课过后还要通过不断的练习改进再练习,才会进步

这个课程和其他的颇有不同,我是建议想去就去,抱着虚心的态度去学,不要想着一定要tech pass之类的。

至于装备,如果你不打算买,可以跟Livingseas租,世界各地的GUE dive center也不少,总有给你租的。

使用道具 举报

发表于 8-8-2014 01:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
chua2856 发表于 7-8-2014 09:01 PM


哦前辈来了, 真么那么客气叫自己菜鸟?

想问问。。 那三个location 那一个比较好?
我们还没去过 bali 或manado 但想想去那边training是不是有点浪费。

还有四个人一起学有discount 吗?


使用道具 举报

发表于 8-8-2014 11:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
tippi_jj 发表于 8-8-2014 01:57 PM
哦前辈来了, 真么那么客气叫自己菜鸟?
那贴写的很好很精彩,谢谢 ...

想问问。。 那三个location 那一个比较好?
Bali比tioman贵在飞机票,不过整个情况好很多,下飞机马上就可以开课,4M游泳池直接在hotel就可以跳下去练习,上完课最好也是留几天tulamben, Nusa peninda,manta point 都是不错的选择

我们还没去过 bali 或manado 但想想去那边training是不是有点浪费。
还有四个人一起学有discount 吗?

使用道具 举报

发表于 12-8-2014 11:19 AM | 显示全部楼层
chua2856 发表于 8-8-2014 11:57 PM
想问问。。 那三个location 那一个比较好?
Manado最贵,不过住的吃 ...

我们的OW 和 AOW 都是在Tioman 的。。 想到那ferry 就怕怕

哎呀, taxi 哪里一样, 一个人或4 个人都是一样价钱嘛。。

谢谢你细心解释 希望今年年尾就能上课, 到时候多多关照

使用道具 举报


发表于 20-8-2014 01:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
tippi_jj 发表于 12-8-2014 11:19 AM
我们的OW 和 AOW 都是在Tioman 的。。 想到那ferry 就怕怕

哎呀, taxi 哪里一样, 一个人或4 个人 ...



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 楼主| 发表于 7-1-2015 11:11 PM | 显示全部楼层
噢, 樓主忙着談戀愛忙到現在才想到很久沒來這裡了 哈哈哈

個人覺得這個課程即使是跟着tech pass 的方向前進也不用擔心學了之後沒有裝備什麽的. 裝備上的不同(雙瓶、long hose )是次要,技術以外主要是對於潛水在心態和態度上會了解更多,增強對環境的審視能力、危機意識、團隊精神和更有效的溝通等等等。 休閒潛水時都是很實用的。當然這些都還是需要上完課后多錢多練習纍計經驗的

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