本帖最后由 northernhero 于 26-7-2012 10:58 PM 编辑
JackPhang54321 发表于 26-7-2012 09:10 PM
请问那一个section 讲unfit 然后disqualified?
(1)A director shall at all times act honestly and use reasonablediligence in the discharge of the duties of his office.
section 132. (1)Adirector shall at all times act honestly and use reasonablediligence in thedischarge of the duties of his office. 這裡說director一定要act honestly但是沒有說只是在公司的management還是連拿Leave也要honestly.
然後另一個section 130
section 130
(b)of any offence involving fraud or dishonesty punishable onconviction with imprisonment for three months or more 這裡又說dishonesty punishable on conviction with imprisonment for three months or more
所以就算是拿leave騙人但是也不會有imprisonment for three months啊所以應該不算是dishonesty啊
真的不知道這個director是不是unfit ><