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欧洲蜜月旅行22/11-15/12 (帮帮忙看下行程)
本帖最后由 danielngoo 于 24-8-2011 01:29 AM 编辑
购买了机票从 KL 出发到 london (MAS)
从 Paris 回到 KL (Air Asia)
也买了5个国家10天的Eurail Pass, 包括 (Benelux, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France)
也订购了 Paris Disneyland 3 天两夜 (12/11-12/13)
Date | Day | Detail | Eurail | Appendix | Appendix2
| 11/22/2011 | Tues
| Reach London 4.15pm , checkout from Airport
| | Stay at London | | 11/23/2011 | Wed | Trip to Oxford and back to London.
| | Stay at London
| Musical Night
| 11/24/2011 | Thu | London Day Tour
| | Stay at London
| Go for a Play
at night
| 11/25/2011 | Fri | Euro-star from London -> Brussels (bought 88 Euro for 2)
| | Stay at Brussels
| | 11/26/2011 | Sat | Brussels to Amsterdam
| 0918-1209
Day 1
| Stay at Amsterdam
| | 11/27/2011 | Sun | Amsterdam Tour
| | Stay at Amsterdam
| | 11/28/2011 | Mon | Amsterdam -> Cologne (Germany)
| 0704-0943
Day 2
| Stay at Cologne
| | 11/29/2011 | Tue | Cologne -> Heidelberg
| 0755-0945
Day 3
| Stay at Heidelberg
| | 11/30/2011 | Wed | Heidelberg -> Rothenburg
| 4 hours train trip
Day 4
| Stay at Rothenburg
| | 12/1/2011 | Thu | Rothenburg -> Wurzburg -> Munich
| 1031-1247
Day 5
| Stay at Munich
| | 12/2/2011 | Fri | Munich - Fussen- Munich
| | Stay at Munich
| Bus
Autobahn A 96 | 12/3/2011 | Sat | Munich - Wein(Vienna)
| 1127-1544
Day 6
| Stay at Wein
| | 12/4/2011 | Sun | Wein Day Tour
| | Stay at Wein
| Go for
Classical Music
| 12/5/2011 | Mon | Wein -> Salszburg then take bus Fuschl Am See - St.Gilgen - St.Wolfgang | 0844-1109
Day 7
| Stay at Salzburg.
Yoho Hostel.
| St Gilgen is 50 minutes from
Salzburg by Postbus (€5.40),
with hourly departures until early evening; | 12/6/2011 | Tue | Salzburg Day Tour
| | Stay at Salzburg
| | 12/7/2011 | Wed | Salzburg -> Zell Am See
| Day 8
| Stay at Zell Am See
| | 12/8/2011 | Thu | Zell Am See -> Innsbruck
| Day 9
| Stay at Innsbruck
| | 12/9/2011 | Fri | Innsbruck-Zurich-Bern-Basel- Freiburg - BUS - Colmar
这个主要已经购买了Switzerland 的 Pass 就不要浪费, 纯粹坐火车欣赏风景咯。
| Day 10
| Stay at Colmar
| | 12/10/2011 | Sat | Colmar - Strasbourg - Paris City | Day 11
| Stay at Paris
| Strasbourg- Paris
Using TGV, additional cost
| 12/11/2011 | Sun | Paris- Paris Disneyland
| | Stay at Disneyland
| | 12/12/2011
| Mon | Paris Disneyland
| | Stay at Disneyland | | 12/13/2011 | Tue | Paris Disneyland - Paris City
| | Stay at Paris
| | 12/14/2011 | Wed | Paris City Tour
| | Stay at Paris
| | 12/15/2011 | Thu | AirAsia 0950 -> Back to Malaysia
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
大概行程如上,Eurail 知买了十天,看来其中一天需要购买当天的火车票,又或者博他不查票,可以省下一天?
请各位给予我一些行程上的意见。谢谢! |
发表于 24-8-2011 06:41 AM
Disneyland 1天已经很足够啦.. 和香港的大同小异..
我早早去.. 晚上就出来了..  |
发表于 24-8-2011 10:03 AM

楼主 |
发表于 24-8-2011 10:21 AM
Disneyland 1天已经很足够啦.. 和香港的大同小异..
我早早去.. 晚上就出来了..
ELT 发表于 24-8-2011 06:41 AM 
没去过香港的,也是第一次去迪斯尼。希望可以呆久一点走完整个迪斯尼。 |

楼主 |
发表于 24-8-2011 10:36 AM
回复 3# HeGe
12/1/2011: Rothenburg -> Wurzburg ->Munich- 這段路你會花很長的時間在火車上。我好奇你為什麼要繞道去Wurzburg,“到此一遊”嗎?
可以直接从 Rothenburg 直接到Munich 吗? 因为我在 Eurail Timetable 上找不到该直通火车。如果有就好,其实不打算去Wurzburg
12/9/2011:Innsbruck-Zurich-Bern-Basel- Freiburg - BUS -Colmar
- Innsbruck 到 Frieburg得花5~6++小時不等,你確定你要這麼走嗎?其實你可以在巴塞爾那裡直接乘火車去Colmar,不必繞到Freiburg,也是因為要到Freiburg到此一遊?
哦?巴塞尔可以直接搭火车到Colmar,那太好了。Frieburg 是从网上找来的资料如何抵达Frieburg。还是去过的你比较清楚,若是如此我就不用烦转换巴士的过程了。
Haizzz ..... 我是喜欢古典音乐的人,所以维也纳以及Salzburg 是我很想去的地方。其实你说的很对,大部分时间都在搭火车,我有点后悔巴黎迪斯尼的票买多天了。
发表于 24-8-2011 11:20 AM

楼主 |
发表于 24-8-2011 02:50 PM
回复 6# HeGe
- 哦,我會有很多個打算 我可能會把Rothenburg、Fussen、慕尼黑給拿掉。從Heidelberg開始直接去Strasbourg,然後Colmar,然後去Freiburg或直接去瑞士逗留一、兩天。再去Innsbruck,然後Salzburg,再去維也納。然後在維也納找個廉價航空飛回巴黎
也就是说放弃德国的行程?拿掉Rothenburg, Fussen 以及慕尼黑,就剩下 cologne 和 Strasbourg。
发表于 24-8-2011 03:04 PM
回复 7# danielngoo

楼主 |
发表于 24-8-2011 07:01 PM
回复 8# HeGe
其实我也很喜欢瑞士,无奈瑞士的花费实在是太大了,所以才选择touch n go。即使是为了要圆滑雪的梦,也只是选择了奥地利的 Zell Am See。
Hallstatt 是个世界文化遗产之一对吧?看起来在这个地方需要一天的时间才行。
From the main line between Salzburg and Vienna, get off at Attnang-Puchheim. Take a train from here towards Bad Ischl and Obertraun. The Hallstatt station is south of Bad Ischl and one stop north of Obertraun; it is on the east bank of the Hallstättersee (Hallstatt Lake) and consist of just a boat dock next to the tracks. A regular ferry service will meet each arriving train and take you to the town across the lake. One of the best views of Hallstatt is from this ferry ride across the lake, especially in the morning when the sun is shining on the town.When leaving, the boat takes you back to the tiny train station, where you may take the train back to Attnang-Puchheim and transfer to your next destination |

楼主 |
发表于 24-8-2011 07:17 PM
回复 3# HeGe
顺便想请问一下,我的eurail pass可以搭ICE的列车?
从德国或瑞士去法国,我找到好像都需要搭TGV? 也就是还要另外加钱?分分钟加的钱还比搭飞机贵? |
发表于 25-8-2011 09:47 AM
回复 9# danielngoo
Hallstatt離St.Wolfgang不遠,雖然鏈接這兩個地方的交通比較麻煩一點。可以的話住一晚會更好. 我幾年前拍的 
发表于 25-8-2011 09:52 AM

楼主 |
发表于 26-8-2011 09:04 AM
回复 12# HeGe
TGV Lyria- Countries: France, Switzerland
- Route: Paris - Zurich/Bern/Lausanne/Genève
- Reservation: compulsory
- Fees: 2nd class: € 8 / 1st class : € 8
但是根据这个网站(www.tgv-lyria.com) 价钱完全不一样?我要订购的时候,它redirect我到http://www.raileurope.com.sg/
然后我大概查一下, 价钱相差好远。 |
发表于 26-8-2011 09:10 AM

楼主 |
发表于 26-8-2011 09:45 AM
回复 14# HeGe
我到了欧洲才定位来得及吗?好像在当地定位的话,应该就只是单单8欧元 |
发表于 26-8-2011 09:47 AM
回复 15# danielngoo
應該還好吧,冬季是淡季;不過火車次數可能也會隨之減少。網上和到當地訂位應該也是8 歐元。 |
发表于 16-1-2012 02:08 PM
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