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我和母亲决定卖了房子,我就去找回当初立遗嘱的律师。告诉他我们的意愿想要卖房子,他说要申请court order for Grant of Probate。
一年过了,Grant of Probate拿到了,买主也答应了。但到了要签S&P时,对方的律师说还要拿court order才有权力 来卖屋子。
请问是一定要再拿court order 来卖屋子吗? 如果是的话,请问我可以找回之前的律师问他为什么没有一次性把所有的问题解决吗?因为真的一拖再拖了好旧了。。。
I appoint, my son XXXX to be the sole EXECUTOR OF THIS MY WILL.
I give my half (1/2) undivided share in my Apartment known as xxxxxx absolutely to my son, XXXX.
Should any of the beneficiaries predecease me, then the share of the Properties given to him/her (the deceaseed beneficiary) by me shall pass on his/ her lawful heirs under his / her estate or under his/ her will or by intestate succession.
My Executor shall hold the rest of/remainder of my estate to retain or sell it and 请问这不代表我已被受权去做买卖了吗?
a) To pay debts including any sums requiredto secure a discharge of charge / Release and Reassignment or a withdrawal of lien or other matters in respect of all my immovable properties and executorship expenses.
b)To pay residue ("my residuary estate") to my son XXX. |
发表于 5-3-2011 11:53 AM
拿到probate过后还要transmission 和 transfer吧...要直接卖掉的话应该还要拿到court order |
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