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法律有规定一个人不可以支持很多个明星吗 ?
本帖最后由 火龙咬梦梦 于 20-11-2010 07:12 PM 编辑
首先,我先讲不是版主 jssl 的错, 我不是要投诉他, 因为他是被‘某一群’家伙按报告,才会给我警告,我今天知道了一个新的名词,叫做‘洗版灌水’, 在‘粉丝聚落’某些人按报告说我‘洗版灌水’, 可是他们‘聊天灌水’就行
法律有规定一个人不可以支持很多个明星吗 ?
就算我‘洗版灌水’,我每一楼都没有随随便便只讲‘破六百’‘不会’‘+1’ 简简单单的两三个字
看看韩国组合的粉丝是如何‘聊天灌水’的 :
我也没讲跟主题无关的东西, 我鼓励那些楼的粉丝多来交流,这样也不可以呀,那些‘聊天灌水’的家伙,在韩国组合的楼甚至只转载英文,有证据 :
[quote[TRANS] 101116 TVXQ-SM Battle In Court Concerning The Validity Of Their Conctract
TVXQ's 3 members (Kim Jaejoong-Kim Junsu-Park Yoochun) and SM Entertainment battled fiercely in court over the question of the validity of their exclusive contract.
At the hearing of Civil Case No. 48 (Chief Prosecuting Attorney Lee Lim) at the Seoul District Courts on the 16th, the first date of pleading, the representatives of SM and the trio refused to back down from their stances as they respectively stated, 'TVXQ's contract period of 13 years was inevitable for their entrance into foreign markets' and, 'The period of the contract was decided upon without the consent of the members.'
SM's legal representative explained that, "The period of the contract was agreed upon as both sides shared mutual financial purposes and motives," and "As TVXQ was created with the purpose of targeting foreign markets from the start, the long contract period was an established and agreed upon prerequisite for a stable entry into foreign markets."
He emphasized that, "If there was a lack of support or an unfair income distribution during TVXQ's activities, the exclusive contract would be a problem, however, TVXQ has always received the best treatment possible that is far superior to that of other artistes in the industry."
Also, the representative added, "The trio did not raise a single objection regarding the content of the contract since their debut, until they decided to bring up the problems of the exclusive contract after they clashed with the agency on the issue of the cosmetic company they actively invested in during the months of 2008," and "They have been neglecting their activities, stating the lawsuit as a reason for their neglect, and because of this, the other members and the agency have been incurring immense damages."
Regarding this, the trio's legal representative refuted the previous statements as he said, "The Fair Trade Commission has acknowledged seven years as the maximum length of a contract," and "TVXQ's contract was invalid from the start as there have always been unfair clauses within the contract including unfair income distribution, excessive compensation penalties and a contract period that is too long."
He emphasized that, "We cannot accept SM's stance and the agency's claim for compensation when their entire argument is based off an invalid contract," and "Before we pick at anything else, we must make it clear whether this contract is valid or not."
The next hearing will be held on December 7th, at 2pm at the Seoul District Courts, and two SM employees will attend as witnesses and testify on what the situation was like when the contract was signed.
Source: [Newsis]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
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Veron87 发表于 17-11-2010 09:53 PM [/quote]
请看看‘粉丝聚落’的版规 :
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发表于 23-11-2010 04:31 PM
发表于 24-11-2010 12:37 PM
发表于 24-11-2010 01:10 PM
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