发表于 29-3-2009 11:11 AM
发表于 1-5-2009 06:20 PM
原帖由 福氣2008 于 29-3-2009 11:11 AM 发表 
要先开悟,当你应无所住而生其心,明心见性,你就知道了,灵魂(圣灵)和佛性都只是 ...
圣灵是holy spirit
佛性是Buddha nature
基督教相信一个人由三部分组成 soul, spirit, body.
Holy Spirit是三一上帝的其中一个位格, Holy Spirit是神 和人的soul是不同的东西.
佛陀在SN 20.7 Ani Sutta说:
"In the same way, in the course of the future there will be monks whowon't listen when discourses that are words of the Tathagata — deep,deep in their meaning, transcendent, connected with emptiness — arebeing recited. They won't lend ear, won't set their hearts on knowingthem, won't regard these teachings as worth grasping or mastering. Butthey will listen when discourses that are literary works — the works ofpoets, elegant in sound, elegant in rhetoric, the work of outsiders,words of disciples — are recited. They will lend ear and set theirhearts on knowing them. They will regard these teachings as worthgrasping & mastering.
这可应证了佛陀所说的. 人们相信后世自称大师的人, 读他们的书, 听他们的演讲, 将一部分的佛经取出来, 扭曲原意以符合自己的教导. |
发表于 6-6-2009 01:30 PM
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