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nephrotic syndrome有救嗎?
請問這種病會痊愈的嗎?對性命有危險的嗎?友人不幸患上這種病,目前吃了幾個月的西藥,時好時壞,壞的時候臉,手腳,腎臟都會腫,身體變軟弱,中醫有辦法的嗎?還是有其他藥方?謝謝! |
发表于 23-10-2008 06:37 PM
腎病症候群是一種腎臟功能異常的表現,主要肇因於腎小球對血液過濾的通透性增加,導致諸如蛋白質透過尿液流失、血液的白蛋白(albumin)濃度過低、身體各處水腫(edema)、血液中脂肪濃度過高和等四種臨床表現,其中前二者為主要診斷依據,後二者並非在所有患者身上表現。此種症候群(syndrome)若發生在兒童時期,若給予適當治療並不會帶來生命危險,但某些時候卻可能引發成人慢性腎衰竭(chronic renal failure),或意味著某些嚴重疾病的前兆,如紅斑性狼瘡。 |
发表于 23-10-2008 06:37 PM
* 最普遍的标志是体液过量,可见于下面几种形式:
o 眼睛周围的浮肿,特别是在早晨。
o 腿部的肿大,当受到外部挤压后,会留下一个较长时间不会复原的痕迹。
o 胸腔积液。
o 腹水。
* 高血压(较少见)
* 部分患者会观察到泡沫尿,这是由于蛋白尿使尿比重降低导致的,还有很少患者会发生血尿以及少尿症。
* 可能有基础性疾病病因的特征,如系统性红斑狼疮的皮疹,伴随糖尿病的神经病变等。
* 检查也应排除其他各种水肿的起因,尤其是心血管系统和肝脏引起的。 |
发表于 23-10-2008 06:39 PM
General measures (supportive)
* Monitoring and maintaining euvolemia (the correct amount of fluid in the body):
o monitoring urine output, BP regularly
o fluid restrict to 1L
o diuretics (IV furosemide)
* Monitoring kidney function:
o do EUCs daily and calculating GFR
* Prevent and treat any complications [see below]
* Albumin infusions are generally not used because their effect lasts only transiently. |
发表于 23-10-2008 06:40 PM
Specific treatment of underlying cause
Immunosupression for the glomerulonephritides (Corticosteroids[2], cyclosporin).
Standard ISKDC Regime for first episoderednisolone -60mg/m2 /day in 3 divided doses for 4weeks followed by 40mg/m2/day in a single dose on every alternate day for 4 weeks.
Relapses by prednisolone 2mg/kg/day till urine becomes negative for protein.Then,1.5mg/kg/day for 4 weeks.
Frequent Relapses treated by:cyclophosphamide or nitrogen mustard or cyclosporin or levamisole.
Achieving stricter blood glucose control if diabetic.
Blood pressure control. ACE inhibitors are the drug of choice. Independent of their blood pressure lowering effect, they have been shown to decrease protein loss. |
楼主 |
发表于 24-10-2008 11:48 PM
原帖由 niki_chow 于 23-10-2008 06:40 PM 发表
Immunosupression for the glomerulonephritides (Corticosteroids[2], cyclosporin).
Standard ISKDC Regime for first episoderednisolone -60mg/m2 /day in 3 divided doses for 4weeks followed by 40mg/m2 ...
她目前就是吃prednisolone跟另个排尿的药,已经吃了整半年了,病情还是时好时坏,想知道还有其他方法还是药方吗?谢谢你的回复。 |
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