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发表于 28-3-2007 01:19 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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[ 本帖最后由 臥龍先生 于 7-4-2008 06:16 PM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 28-3-2007 01:19 PM | 显示全部楼层

A Beginner's Guide to Technical Analysis

Date  : 14 Apr 2007
Time  : 0900 - 1230 hrs
Venue  : DBS AuditoriumA Beginner's Guide to Technical Analysis

1. Define Technical Analysis.
2. Why use Technical Analysis.
3. Briefly introduce timeframes.
4. Introducing Moving Averages, identify Trending and Ranging conditions.
5. Brief introduction to candlesticks.
6. Combining RSI and Stochastic oscillators with candlesticks

Anappreciation that trading requires an understanding of marketbehaviour. Market behaviour can be undestood by using Technical Analysis

Administrative Details:
Date   :  14 April 2007 (Sat)
Time   :  9am - 12.30pm
Venue  :  DBS Auditorium         
          Level 3, DBS Building Tower 2
Fee    :  $15
Speaker:  Mr Jeffrey Tie

Payment Details:
Forcheque payment, kindly make the cheque payable to "Singapore ExchangeLimited" and mail to "Marketing Communications Dept, Singapore ExchangeLtd, 2 Shenton Way, #19-00, SGX Centre 1, Singapore 068804.

Note: Please indicate seminar title and contact no.behind the cheque.

Forcash or Nets payment, please go to the CDP counter, Level 2, SGX Centre2, 2 Shenton Way, from 8.30am - 5pm (Mon - Fri); 9am - 12.30pm (Sat).

For further enquiries, please call 1800-CALL SGX (2255 749) or email: marketing@sgx.com

Speaker Biodata:
MrJeffery Tie was a senior Technical Analyst with Refco Singapore PteLtd. He has had extensive experience in the Singapore stock markethaving been a remisier since 1980. He wrote daily commentary on stockmarket futures and FX from a trader's perspective for institutional andretail clients. Jeffery conducted in-house seminars and presentationson Technical Analysis and Market Outlook. His presentations havereceived favourable comments from both local and overseas participants.

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 楼主| 发表于 28-3-2007 01:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
Date  : 28 Apr 2007
Time  :
0900 - 1230 hrs
Venue  : SGX Auditorium
Seminar Level: Basic
For more details, please click website.
Organiser  : SGX
Contact Person  : Marketing Communications
Tel  : 1800-2255749
Fax  : 65334310
Email  : marketing@sgx.com

-技术分析的理论基础, 各种分析法的优缺点,应用范围,研究方法, 图表种类,
-压力与支撑的概念, 如何画出压力与支撑,斜线压力与支撑,

该讲座将从众多的技术分析法中精选出几种简单, 易学的形态及指标, 使投资人快速入门, 活学活用, 同时亦有指数及个股分析, 分析投资的心理误区并进行本地股市后市展望。

王涛先生曾为美国瑞富公司(REFCO)技术分析师, 拥有10多年的图表分析经验,运用波浪理论, 阴阳线, 形态, 指标等分析工具, 研究分析亚洲及美国股票期指, 外汇及债券.
王涛先生现任英国曼士新加坡公司(Man Financial Singapore),副总裁,技术分析师,每日分析商品期货,外汇产品以亚洲期指的价格走势及向客户提供操作策略建议,也定期在东南亚地区进行技术分析及投资策略的讲座.
王涛先生现任新加坡技术分析师协会会长(TASS), 也是国际技术分析师联盟(IFTA) 非常任理事及教育委员会委员,参与国际技术分析师资格考试教材的编写工作。王涛先生现为新加坡证券期货交易所的特邀讲师,受邀讲授技术分析理论及实战技法, 在定期举办的大型股市分析讲座上分析大盘走向.

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 楼主| 发表于 28-3-2007 01:29 PM | 显示全部楼层

Analyzing The Stock Market With Technical Analysis

Date  : 17 Apr 2007 - 10 May 2007
Time  : 1900 - 2200 hrs
Venue  : SGX Training Room 2Analyzing Stock Market With Technical Analysis

1. Define, and Why use Technical Analysis
2. Basic Trading Philosophy
3. Timeframes, and its relationship to trading
4. Low-risk high probablity action zones, defined by Moving Average, Stochastic, and RSI
5. Stop loss
6. Exit targets

Understand How successful traders plan trades. Learn how to identify low-risk high probability trade zones.

Administrative Details:
Date   :  17,19,24,26 Apr, 2,8 & 10 May 2007
Time   :  7pm - 10pm
Venue  :  SGX Training Room 2
          Level 2, SGX Centre 1
          (next to Lau Pa Sat)
Fee    :  $315
Speaker:  Mr Jeffrey Tie

Payment Details:
Forcheque payment, kindly make the cheque payable to "Singapore ExchangeLimited" and mail to "Marketing Communications Dept, Singapore ExchangeLtd, 2 Shenton Way, #19-00, SGX Centre 1, Singapore 068804.

Note: Please indicate seminar title and contact no. behind the cheque.

Forcash orNets payment, please go to the CDP counter, Level 2, SGX Centre 2, 2Shenton Way, from 8.30am - 5pm (Mon - Fri); 9am - 12.30pm (Sat).

For further enquiries, please call 1800-CALL SGX (2255 749) or email: marketing@sgx.com

Speaker Bio-data:
MrJeffery Tie was a senior Technical Analyst with Refco Singapore PteLtd.He has had extensive experience in the Singapore stock markethaving been a remisier since 1980. He wrote daily commentary on stockmarket futures and FX from a trader's perspective for institutional andretail clients. Jeffery conducted in-house seminars and presentationson Technical Analysis and Market Outlook. His presentations havereceived favourable comments from both local and overseas participants.

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 楼主| 发表于 2-4-2007 01:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
Investment     Courses
Course TitleTime ScheduleDateLecturerFee
Basic Technical Analysis7.00pm - 10.00pm12th April (FULL), 16th May 2007Mr. Pius WongS$  200
Creating A Successful Trading       Business7.00pm - 10.00pm27th March 2007 (nearing)Mr Paul YuenS$  200
How to Interpret Financial     Reports9.00am - 1.00pm21st & 28th April 2007Mr. Lee Kam WingS$  400
How to Use MetaStock7.00pm - 10.00pm23rd April 2007 (Limited seats only)Mr. Paul YuenS$  210
Stock Selection for Novice Investors (2       sessions)9.00am - 1.00pm7th & 14th April 2007Mr. Lee Kam WingS$  400
The Japanese Candles - CandleStick       Charting9.00am - 4.00pm24th March 2007(Limited seats only)Mr. Kenny TanS$  400

Sign up for       2 or more courses to       enjoy 15% off total !!! (Validity : 15Mar07 - 14Apr07)

[ 本帖最后由 臥龍先生 于 2-4-2007 01:19 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 29-4-2007 03:49 PM | 显示全部楼层

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Follow Us
发表于 1-5-2007 08:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 arno 于 29-4-2007 03:49 PM 发表

若你学以致用,花 $300, 投资几次赚回就值得咯。

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 楼主| 发表于 27-5-2007 12:12 PM | 显示全部楼层

A Beginner's Guide to Securities Investment [28/07/2007]

Date  : 28 Jul 2007
Time  : 0900 - 1230 hrs
Venue  : SGX AuditoriumLevel: Beginner

Seminar Outline:
• Features & Performance of Local & International Securities Markets
• Types of Securities Listed
• How does a Securities Market Work and Who are the Participants
• Investment Styles: Value, Momentum and Contra Trading
• Business Cycle Investing & Sector Rotation – How to Profit from it
• Analytical Tools: What is Fundamental Analysis
• Understanding Technical Analysis & Charts
• Do's & Dont's: Common Mistakes made by Retail Investors
• Controlling Your Risk & Exposure

Administrative Details:
Venue: SGX Auditorium (Level 2)
2 Shenton Way, SGX Centre 1
Fee: S$15.00 (Incl. GST)

Learning Outcome:
Learningto understand the local securities market, andeasy-to-comprehendanalytical tools and strategies for investing insecurities.

Speaker's Profile:
Th’ngBeng Hooi, CFA, is Managing Director of A.B. Maximus & Co PteLtd.He has been conducting training in finance and investment since1994and was formerly VicePresident for Resource Development andDealingwith a listed securities brokerage in Singapore. He is aCFAcharterholder and holds a Bachelor of Accountancy (Honours) fromtheNational University of Singapore. He also serves as theHonoraryTreasurer of the Nanyang Technological University Alumni Club.

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 楼主| 发表于 27-5-2007 12:21 PM | 显示全部楼层

Practical Company Analysis and Valuation for Stock Selection]

Date  : 14 Aug 2007 - 06 Sep 2007



Learn to readfinancial statements more effectively and analyse theinvestmentquality of companies and conduct basic stock market valuation.


1.Overviewof important accounting policies or choices and treatment ofaccountinginformation for financial reporting purposes, includingrevenuerecognition and accrual basis;
2.Basics of Balance Sheet, Income (Profit & Loss) Statement & Cash Flow Statement;
3.Financial ratio analysis, including ROE and the Dupont Ratio;
4.Evaluatecompany financial and company information or other crucialfactors suchas industry position and economic outlook, business lifecycle ormanagement ability and strategic outlook;
5.Concepts of time value of money in valuation.  Basic corporate finance computations, assumptions and applications;
6.Stockmarket indices, efficient market hypothesis and other keyinvestmenttheories. Company analysis and stock valuation models(covering thedividenddiscount models and price multiplier models);
7.The impact of technical analysis on valuation and investing;
8.Basic Valuation of bonds,  warrants and convertible securities and derivatives and their application in company analysis;

Administrative Details:
Date: 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30 Aug 4 & 6 Sept 2007 (Tue & Thur)
Venue: SGX Training Room 2 (Level 2)
2 Shenton Way
SGX Centre 1
Fee: S$360.00 (Incl. GST)

Learning Outcome
Exercises using data from local listed companies, and applying knowledge learnt.

Trainer's Profile:
Th’ngBeng Hooi, CFA, is Managing Director of A.B. Maximus & Co PteLtd.He has been conducting training in finance and investment since1994and was formerly Vice President for Resource Development andDealingwith a listed securities brokerage in Singapore. He is aCFAcharterholder and holds a Bachelor of Accountancy (Honours) fromtheNational University of Singapore. He also serves as theHonoraryTreasurer of the Nanyang TechnologicalUniversity Alumni Club.

Organiser  : SGX
Contact Person  : Marketing Communications
Tel  : 1800-2255749
Fax  : 65334310
Email  : marketing@sgx.com

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发表于 14-8-2007 12:39 AM | 显示全部楼层
臥龍先生 ,你时常去这些课程?

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 楼主| 发表于 19-9-2007 06:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 arnofren 于 14-8-2007 12:39 AM 发表
臥龍先生 ,你时常去这些课程?

上過几堂他們的 SEMINAR, 個人覺得不錯, 初學者蠻適合的, 而且不貴, 有些 SGD 15 罷了...

不過因為太便宜了, 會有很多 uncle aunties 去上課, 有些是去拿 tips 的, 想用 SGD 15 拿 15 萬的 tips....

有一次上完課回家時, 前面一個老 uncle, 一路走一路罵, 一直講那個講師沒有用, 不給 tips....

[ 本帖最后由 臥龍先生 于 19-9-2007 07:11 PM 编辑 ]

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rsmc88 该用户已被删除
发表于 27-9-2007 11:09 PM | 显示全部楼层

any full Investment Courses

臥龍先生, i mean any courses that can study all about sg stock. like can get a 文品.
(sorry chinese pin yin poor)

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rsmc88 该用户已被删除
发表于 27-9-2007 11:11 PM | 显示全部楼层

any full Investment Courses

臥龍先生, i mean any courses that can study all about sg stock. like can get a 文品.
(sorry chinese pin yin poor)

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发表于 7-11-2007 02:27 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 7-11-2007 02:29 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 20-1-2008 03:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
我想请问一下,我对股票一知半解,我有买malaysia unit trust(public mutual),现在想向股票进军。以下的课我应该上吗?

An Overview for Investing in the Stock Market
16 Feb 2008 9:00 am - 12:30 pm  
Elementary - New investors / Members of the public with no investment experience

A Beginner’s Guide to Derivatives Trading
23 Feb 2008 9:00 am - 12:30 pm  


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发表于 9-3-2008 10:19 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 12# rsmc88 的帖子


可是还是请用中文回帖,因为这是 马来西亚佳礼中文网


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发表于 26-3-2008 02:23 PM | 显示全部楼层


最近看到Dr. Clement Chiang 的 Option Trading on The Freely Method 的课程

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发表于 5-4-2008 02:13 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 xbilibalax 于 26-3-2008 02:23 PM 发表
最近看到Dr. Clement Chiang 的 Option Trading on The Freely Method 的课程

这个的也听说不错    期货区那边有些大大 有去过 可以去问意见吧

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