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酸咖啡 该用户已被删除
发表于 11-1-2007 03:36 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Jus ONE (1) month after the defect liability period, crackshave been appearing between the walls, and corners of the building in a numberof locations. The cracks have slowly become more unsightly, and action has beenprompted by a new maintenance manager who has asked the project architects andstructural engineers (the designers) to investigate. Their report suggests thatthe problem lies in a combination of dissimilar thermal movement, and early moistureexpansion of the brickwork. The report also suggest that the fault lay with thecontractor (now in liquidation), but that no major remedial treatment isnecessary other than repeated repainting of the cracked areas – this will benecessary in perpetuity.

who should bear for it????  contractor or developer???  why he need to bear it???

thanks for the help

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发表于 11-1-2007 11:03 PM | 显示全部楼层
From The Housing   Development (Control & Licensing) Act 1966 (revised 2002)  
The ‘defects liability period’ or ‘warrantyperiod’ is eighteen (18) months after the date of handing over. If house buyerswish to complain, a written notice of thirty (30) days must be given to theDeveloper to repair the defects. The house buyers are entitled to recover thecost of repairs, should the developer fails to make good the defects byclaiming and giving notice to the developer’s solicitors acting asstakeholders. The house buyers must inform the developer of the cost of repairsand after giving a further notice of fourteen (14) days of his intention tocarry out the works before commencement of the works. The reasonable cost forcarrying out such defects are claimable from the ‘stakeholder’ (usually thedeveloper’s lawyer) who is withholding the last 5% of the purchase price.

老兄,其实如果defects liability period过了,by law,发展商跟承包商是free from bond的。
但是,你说从assessment report里有足够的facts证明那些defects是承包商的错。
我建议你consider getting a lawyer去study你的case或者consult the National House Buyers Assoc.
try this>>>enquiries@hba.org.my


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酸咖啡 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 12-1-2007 02:07 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 假厉害 于 11-1-2007 11:03 PM 发表
From The Housing   Development (Control & Licensing) Act 1966 (revised 2002)  

老兄,其实如果defects liability period过了,by law,发展商跟承包商是free from bond的。
但是,你说从assessment ...

try liao lo.. nobody reply me oso.. sian !!
jus one month after DLP le..  
got 1 act is for tis situation de.. but i dunno.
left tis assignemnt then i can graduate d le..

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NBD8669 版主上

[ 本帖最后由 NBD8669 于 12-1-2007 07:23 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 12-1-2007 11:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 酸咖啡 于 12-1-2007 02:07 AM 发表

try liao lo.. nobody reply me oso.. sian !!
jus one month after DLP le..  
got 1 act is for tis situation de.. but i dunno.
left tis assignemnt then i can graduate d le..

当真!酱我就没看过那个Act woh...paiseh啊。


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发表于 13-1-2007 06:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 酸咖啡 于 11-1-2007 03:36 AM 发表

Jus ONE (1) month after the defect liability period, crackshave been appearing between the walls, and corners of the building in a numberof locations. The cracks have slowly become more unsightly, and action has beenprompted by a new maintenance manager who has asked the project architects andstructural engineers (the designers) to investigate. Their report suggests thatthe problem lies in a combination of dissimilar thermal movement, and early moistureexpansion of the brickwork. The report also suggest that the fault lay with thecontractor (now in liquidation), but that no major remedial treatment isnecessary other than repeated repainting of the cracked areas – this will benecessary in perpetuity.

who should bear for it????  contractor or developer???  why he need to bear it???

thanks for the help

如果contractor是跟据designer的design去做,那应该是design fault了。。。

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发表于 13-1-2007 06:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 alias9 于 2007/1/13 18:12 发表

如果contractor是跟据designer的design去做,那应该是design fault了。。。

是不是design fault这个结论可是要由法庭宩決定的...

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发表于 13-1-2007 07:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 酸咖啡 于 11-1-2007 03:36 AM 发表
Jus ONE (1) month after the defect liability period, crackshave beenappearing between the walls, and corners of the building in a numberoflocations. The cracks have slowly b ...


我觉的如果真的是过了DLP一个月, 普通来说是没得CLAIM FROM CONTRACTOR的了.
但如果能证明到这DEFECT 是本来就有的, 只是现在才发现到的话, 那CONTRACTOR也是要负责的.

至于是那些CASE / LAW我就忘了..
你或许可以请教allthebest网友, 他对DLP有着很强的知识..

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发表于 13-1-2007 11:50 PM | 显示全部楼层


首先要了解你是针对哪双方面的合约? Between Contractor 和 Developer? 还是 Developer 和 Purchaser? Contractor 和 Developer的合约是under contruction contract例如CIDB, PAM98, JKR等等... Developer 和 Purchaser通常是under Housing Developers Regulations...两个都有DLP的clause.
我想你是针对Contractor 和 Developer之间的吧...

第二就是看用什么Contract和什么Procurement,通常tradisional procurement,Contractor是没有fauty design的责任,因为他没参与design,是design完成后才award给他的,除了特殊情况...所以如果那defects是due to fauty design,contractor 只是follow contract,contractor是没错的, developer(client)可以sue architect或engineer who design it但不是contractor. 如果是design n build的话情况就不同,因为contractor也参与design....所以要看contract lo....

第三就是看那defects是什么原因造成的...接下来我所解释的是for tradisional procurement的...
任何defects due to "materials or workmanship not in accordance with contract",contractor就得负起责任.

第四, END OF DLP不代表contractor's liability for defects is over....如果没记错...应该是PAM98有写出来,在end of DLP后,developer还是有权利issue schedule of defects within 14days from end of DLP,Contractor还是得照着schedule修理...修理完后才会issue certificate of making good defects.当这certificate of making good defects issued 后,Under construction contract,contractor的责任是完毕了.

但是, 如果有defects是合约其间发生但issue certificate后才找到的,就叫做"latent defects",这种defects,Under Common Law,developer可以sue contractor for breach contract,原因是"materials or workmanship not in accordance with contract"=breach contract的意思...所以就算DLP expire过后,under common law,developer还是有权告contractor毁约.但是告人毁约也有期限,under statute of limitations...应该是六年吧....所以六年from breach contract(defects occur)后,contractor's liability for defects才完全over....


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发表于 14-1-2007 12:18 AM | 显示全部楼层
"Their report suggests thatthe problem lies in a combination of dissimilar thermal movement, and early moisture expansion of the brickwork. The report also suggest that the fault lay with the contractor (now in liquidation)"

楼主,歹势咧... 不是很了解这是design的错还是material或workmanship的错,所以不能为你解答,只能告诉你一些理论....靠你自己判断啦....啊..还有如果以上皆非,是天灾或非人为的所造成的...通常是claim from insurance......

还有我也是在学习的过程中... 如果有错误请各位多多纠正哦...谢谢..

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wayne4251 该用户已被删除
发表于 2-4-2007 03:51 AM | 显示全部楼层
allthebest 果然有很强的construction law base...

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发表于 2-4-2007 10:48 PM | 显示全部楼层
要看是表面还是结构性的裂痕。前者是承包商在 DLP 该修补的,但如果 CMG 已发出,不管是一分钟还是一个月,都是太迟了。更何况,破产的公司或个人是不可以起诉的。


[ 本帖最后由 jgshuwei 于 2-4-2007 10:49 PM 编辑 ]

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