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〖经典教学〗~Warrior篇 p/s:请网管不要删楼!谢谢!

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发表于 30-12-2004 12:50 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

lv1-10 蝸牛
lv11-15 波利
lv16-20 橙菇
lv21-24 綠菇
lv25-35 刺菇
lv36-45 野豬賺錢,暴龍快(野豬慢,暴龍傷水)
lv46-60 怕死便打幽靈,不怕打石人,富有拉小雪車
lv60-63 石人,雪男


我是dex80 其他全加str

技能先點滿hp max,再點單一攻擊



[ Last edited by PiggyPigPig on 6-2-2005 at 03:22 AM ]

[ 本帖最后由 Wood2004 于 29-11-2005 11:43 AM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 30-12-2004 01:28 AM | 显示全部楼层





雷火冰三種系同時作出六體攻擊. 一定機率會使怪物冰凍或麻痺或燒傷







提升魔法防禦 一定機率無視敵人防禦 (不確定)

可是體力和攻擊力有一定的強度 可說是不容易死亡的戰士型




黑暗系攻擊 需合組合系輔助攻擊一同使用


對周圍的敵人做絕息效果的攻擊 需合組合系輔助攻擊一同使用…自己都不太懂


提升物理防禦 一定機率無視敵人防禦









巨大的龍出現咆哮。同時攻擊15體 自身的HP會減少 所以HP多於50%時使用較佳

攻擊力上升 一定機率無視防禦(不確定)


[ Last edited by kenle27 on 30-12-2004 at 01:30 AM ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 5-1-2005 12:24 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 5-1-2005 05:54 PM | 显示全部楼层
wodemaya 于 5-1-2005 01:12 PM  说 :
如果有ability 等级1~等级30的加法也不错~~

建议你参考这个网站 :


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发表于 13-1-2005 12:09 AM | 显示全部楼层
z|v^ 于  10:21 PM  说 :
me lv...36 lia....figther

能够让我知道你加什么 skill 吗??

我打算 flame strike 20, slash blast 20, max hp 10, hp recover 5(暂时为了 max hp) 然后剩下的 6 个就不懂要如何分配了, 不要 iron body


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发表于 13-1-2005 02:25 AM | 显示全部楼层
Cloude_Lo 于 13-1-2005 12:09 AM  说 :

能够让我知道你加什么 skill 吗??

我打算 flame strike 20, slash blast 20, max hp 10, hp recover 5(暂时为了 max hp) 然后剩下的 6 个就不懂要如何分配了, 不要 iron body


我是加载hanging heal那边。。。应为这样会方便heal很多。。。

使用道具 举报

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发表于 13-1-2005 02:30 AM | 显示全部楼层
Cloude_Lo 于 12-1-2005 07:17 PM  说 :
对于 warrior 的 dex 应该怎样分配呢?? 

我现在要玩个 warrior, 看来 cari 很少 warrior 呢~~~~

将来是 spearman 所以 skill 方面有什么应该特别 ...


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发表于 13-1-2005 11:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
dex dun need too much......lv30 dex reach 60 then can all add stg lia.....

stg : dex = 4: 1 ...add like this

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发表于 14-1-2005 03:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
z|v^ 于  11:04 PM  说 :
dex dun need too much......lv30 dex reach 60 then can all add stg lia.....

stg : dex = 4: 1 ...add like this

那,我有了结论,就是 在 lvl 30 之前 dex 是 lvl 的乘 2, 那就到 lvl 30 后以 4 比 1 来加, 应该是酱吧~~~ 希望没问题

谢谢 你

使用道具 举报

DamnNewB 该用户已被删除
发表于 14-1-2005 09:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
DreamForceX 于 14-1-2005 06:16 AM  说 :
我现在的stats是 level 17 ,str75,dex20,int5,luk5。这样add对不对呢??在level 20时,dex是不是应该要有25??因为我看到level20的equipment需要dex25。但stan教我level15,dex15, level20,dex20,以此类推,你几 ...

开始时候DEX不用太高,30级时候敏捷在40~45 就够,我现在41级敏捷65,装备全属性+DEX,打ZOMBIE LUPIN和DRAKE都可以,CROKO有时MISS



还有INT 和LUK最好是4.

[ Last edited by DamnNewB on 14-1-2005 at 08:29 AM ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 14-1-2005 10:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
这是我从maplesource.net copy的,是pro给的资料。。。

Warrior Guild (My current job)

Same as above, warrior just need Str and Dex so have fun rolling dice.
Before level 15 add dex to 15 at least
At lv30 you must have 50-65 Dex (I SAID MUST BECAUSE YOU WONT ABLE TO KILL 2nd Job Adv mission monster if you dont have enough Dex, Its gonna be miss miss miss.)
Others goes to StR.

Skill Point
5 to Hp Recovery
10 to Max Hp (Because you want as much HP as possible,For detail reason read mage guide )

Now decide ur future,either Attack type, or Defend Type

Both path need to make Power Strike Full (Thats how warrior kill monster)
10 points to Power Strike
Save 10 Point ->> full power strike.

If you are attack type
10 to Slash Blast ->save 10 then full Slash Blast

If you are defend type
3 to Endure
10 to Iron Body -> save 10 then full Iron Body

Question:Which one is better?
Answer:Either one.
Attack type can "open train" which may level up a bit fast but cost plenty much of mp and hp potion, gotta waste quite a lot of money. Recommend for rich guys.
Defend type with Iron Body monster will hit you for just 1 damage soon and you wont need to drink much potion at all. Recommend for poor peeps.

For the remaining points, add whatever u like.
For Warrior
lv1-10 Stay at Maple Island Hunting Blue and Green Snail.
lv10-15 Green Slime in Archer Town Left Exit.
lv15-20 Orange Mushroom in Archer Town Left Exit.
lv20-25 Pig if your poor, Green mushroom if ur rich.
lv25-30 Horned Mushroom in Dungeon Ant Tunnel

They use either sword or axe,
1Hand Sword = Stable Damage, Medium Range, Medium Damage
2Hand Sword = Stable Damage, Long Range, High Damage, No shield
1Hand Axe = Not too Stable, Medium Range, High Damage
2Hand Axe = Not too Stalbe, Medium Range, Very High Damage, No shield

Depends on which kind of weapon you pick,
Put 19 or 20 Points on Sword Mastery or Axe Mastery

Why 19 only?
Becuase the last point wont add you minuim damage, it just add 1 more accuracy.

Next Usually people add 30 on Final Attack on their kind of weapon.
(But I add 3 points on Rage for Power Guard, then make Power Guard first.)
Then depends you like Defence or Attack, either make Rage full or Power Guard.

Note: Power Guard need 3 points Rage to unlock.

After that 2 skill you will can add Sword Booster or Axe Booster.


They use sword or Mace
1Hand Sword = Stable Damage, Medium Range, Medium Damage
2Hand Sword = Stable Damage, Long Range, High Damage, No shield
1Hand Mace = Stable Damage, Short Range, High Damage
2Hand Mace= Stable Damage, Short Range, Very High Damage, No Shield

Depends on which kind of weapon you pick,
Put 19 or 20 Points on Sword Mastery or Mace Mastery

Why 19 only?
Becuase the last point wont add you minuim damage, it just add 1 more accuracy.

Next Usually people add 30 on Final Attack on their kind of weapon.

Make Power Guard full then Threaten
Note: Power Guard need 3 points Threaten to unlock.

After that 2 skill you will can add Sword Booster or Mace Booster.


They use PoleArm or Spear.
PoleArm and Spear looks same to me, Pick them depends on what u like.
Not Stable Damage,Very Long Range,Very High Damage,No Shield

Depends on which kind of weapon you pick,
Put 19 or 20 Points on Spear Mastery or PoleArm Mastery

Why 19 only?
Becuase the last point wont add you minuim damage, it just add 1 more accuracy.

Next Usually people add 30 on Final Attack on their kind of weapon.

Make Hyper Body full then IronWall
Note: Hyper Body may need 3 points IronWall to unlock. (Im not Sure)

After that 2 skill you will can add Spear Booster or PoleArm Booster.
For AP
Warrior is kinda Free becuase their Stuff just Require Str,
So depends on what you want to kill,
For example to kill snake you need around 66 Dex, but if you dont want to kill snake you have left you Dex around 60 until later on.
I will post my Dex just for reference.

lv30=62Dex, Others goes to STR
lv35=67Dex, Others goes to STR
lv40=67Dex, Others goes to STR (Not mistype,I didnt add any Dex)
lv45=72Dex, Others goes to STR
lv50=77Dex, Others goes to STR
lv55=80Dex, Others goes to STR
lv60=80Dex, Others goes to STR
lv70=??Dex, Others goes to STR (Im not sure, need confirmation)


使用道具 举报

发表于 16-1-2005 02:10 PM | 显示全部楼层
"Description: While having a Level UP, if AP is used on Max HP, it raises the level of increase for Max HP"


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发表于 16-1-2005 05:20 PM | 显示全部楼层
anti_microsoft 于 16-1-2005 02:10 PM  说 :
"Description: While having a Level UP, if AP is used on Max HP, it raises the level of increase for Max HP"


AP = ability point(如果没弄错),总之意识就是如果把point用在hp的话就加比较多hp,但是千万不要把point用在hp上,很浪费。这个skill的另一个用意是在level up的时候加更多的hp,所以要尽快max这个skill。

使用道具 举报

发表于 17-1-2005 04:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
http://db.gamefaqs.com/computer/ ... story_warrior_a.txt
mproving HP Recovery, Master Lvl 16: You can recover more HP when you are
standing or sitting on a bench.

Upgrade?: I would say: UPGRADE THIS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Whatever SKP's you
get, be sure to max this skill out first. Just because you're covered in metal
armor, doesn't mean axe stumps will do 1 damage to you. So max this out, and
upgrade your other skills later.

My brother made a mage, and he didnt upgrade improve max mp skill first, it
was more like one of his later skills he upgraded. Anyway, i asked around and
people said he had very little mp (1700 apx). Then he asked what their Mp was
at his lvl, they said around 2000. So if he maxed out improve max mp first he
would have more mp. Anyway this was an example of how Improve max Mp works,
Improve max HP is the same exact thing. Ok my friend and i made a warrior. He
didnt upgrade the improve max hp early, but i maxed it around lvl 18. And
apparently I had more hp than he did and he was about 2 - 3 lvls higher than
me. Basically what im saying is, instead of maxing recoery first, max out
Improve max Hp first to get the most hp u can get out of a warrior.

Okie hers how it works. The more you upgrade the more life you get per lvl.
Lets say 2 warrios are lvl 16. One warrior didnt upgrade improve max Hp first,
and the other one did. Lets say the one that didn't upgrade improve max hp
has 700 life. That means that the other warrior has At least 50 more life than
the other warrior. This is how i calculated it.Since u get 3 SP per lvl, and
1 SP when u change.

At lvl 12 Your skills should be 5 Improve hp revovery, Lvl 2 Improve Max Hp -
+4 per lvl
At lvl 13 Your skills should be 5 recovery , lvl 5 max hp - +10hp per lvl
At lvl 14 Your skills should be 5 recovery, lvl 8 Hp - +16 hp per lvl
At lvl 15 Your skills should be 5 recovery, Lvl 10 Hp - +20 hp per lvl

For example lvl 12 at 500 life. Saying that u get 25 health per lvl as a
At lvl 13 your life would be 500+25+4=529hp
At lvl 14 your life woud be 529+25+10=564hp
At lvl 15 your life would be 564+25+16=605hp
At lvl 16 your life would be 605+25+20=650hp
that means every time you gain a lvl ur hp would add extra thanks to the skill
.Dont forget this is permamanent. that means If you were to gain a lvl after
maxing out Max Hp then you would have the +20 extra life boost that the other
warrior doesn't have.
Now lets compare that to the other warrior who did not even upgrade it.
Lvl 13 -525
Lvl 14 -550
Lvl 15 -575
Lvl 16 -600

Special Thx to "Blue Ice"
You want to max out Improve MaxHP first. This raises the amount of HP you get
each level up. This way, when you max it out first, you will get the maximum
hp possible. Same goes with mage. They want to max out Improve MaxMP first.
It makes a big difference on when you max it out. Trust me. =)

[ Last edited by anti_microsoft on 17-1-2005 at 05:02 PM ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 19-1-2005 02:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
在此我想问问各位 warrio,  lvl 30 后你们是 up 什么 skill ??? mastery 吗??因为很多人是 mastery 先如果我没错

我的想法是 up hyper body (spearman skill) 就是 imporve party max hp/mp 的那个, max 了后才 mastery, 这样好吗?? 我的攻击力会不会太低而对付不了很多敌人


使用道具 举报

发表于 19-1-2005 10:51 AM | 显示全部楼层
Cloude_Lo 于 19-1-2005 02:04 AM  说 :
在此我想问问各位 warrio,  lvl 30 后你们是 up 什么 skill ??? mastery 吗??因为很多人是 mastery 先如果我没错

我的想法是 up hyper body (spearman skill) 就是 imporve party max hp/mp 的那个, max 了 ...

我觉得您加了10mastery先在加up hyper body会比较好吧!再不然就分一半一半来加咯,除非您天天都party咯,但是只是加max hp/mp您的party members一样要吃pot,除非是heal咯!因为没有mastery的话,随着您的等级越高您的minimum和maximum attack的距离就越大,我的烂bandit有时可以1hit ko,有时却要用上3,4hit。。最起气人就是最后一下是可以1hit ko的damage。。ToT!


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发表于 19-1-2005 01:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
听雨楼主 于  11:15 AM  说 :

你們可以提供意見嗎﹐lvl 30 warrior (fighter)skill怎麼加

Type A
- Sword/Axe Mastery 20
- Final Attack: Sword/Axe 30
- Sword/Axe Booster 5
- Fury 20
- Power Guard 30
- Sword/Axe Booster 20

Type B
- Sword/Axe Mastery 20
- Fury 20
- Final Attack: Sword/Axe 30
- Sword/Axe Booster 5
- Power Guard 30
- Sword/Axe Booster 20

这是从某论坛看到的, 看看适合你吗?

谢谢 stanz, 纯粹想知道我的想法好不好, 谢谢你的意见, 我懂怎么做了

使用道具 举报

发表于 21-1-2005 07:20 AM | 显示全部楼层
tengloong 于 21-1-2005 06:43 AM  说 :


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tengloong 该用户已被删除
发表于 21-1-2005 01:03 PM | 显示全部楼层
kenle27 于 21-1-2005 10:46 AM  说 :





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发表于 24-1-2005 02:10 PM | 显示全部楼层
这里有我找到对于我们 warrior 该选那哪个职业的一些资料及我的一些意见

warrior 的 str n dex 的配搭应该都懂了, 之前讨论到很热。。

问题。。。我该选 fighter? page? spearman? 哪个好??

这里我来解释每个 job 的分别
fighter --> HP多, 一对一高手, 运用刀或斧 
Page  --> 属性攻击, 一对一或一群都很好, 运用刀或钝器
Spearman--> 能一次打很多敌人, 拥有support skills

以上都是要 lvl 70 3rd job 后才有的效果, 因为在 2nd job 里的分别不会太大, 弄到每个 warrior 开始很多次因为选错 job, 在某论坛 page 和 fighter 的竞争最大, 议论纷纷说哪个比较强

以免我们也步他们的后尘, 我们要想清楚, 这里我来给点意见
fighter --> 比较攻击型吧, fury 提高攻击力, power guard 也弥补了 def, 感觉完美

1Hand Sword = Stable Damage, Medium Range, Medium Damage
2Hand Sword = Stable Damage, Long Range, High Damage, No shield
1Hand Axe = Not too Stable, Medium Range, High Damage
2Hand Axe = Not too Stalbe, Medium Range, Very High Damage, No shield

page --> threathen 把1-6个敌人的 attack n def 降低, 也有 power guard, 给围攻也不怕

1Hand Sword = Stable Damage, Medium Range, Medium Damage
2Hand Sword = Stable Damage, Long Range, High Damage, No shield
1Hand Mace = Stable Damage, Short Range, High Damage
2Hand Mace= Stable Damage, Short Range, Very High Damage, No Shield

spearman --> 没有让自己变强的招式, hyper attack 加长 hp n mp, iron will 没有 powerguard 酱好但对 party 很好(感觉好像为了 party 的 warrior), 最明显不好就是打得太慢

spear/pole arm = Not Stable Damage,Very Long Range,Very High Damage,No Shield

以上的解说是来自其他论坛及加上本人稍稍意见, 希望可以帮到各位 warrior 们, 如很乱及很难懂就对不起了, 告诉我那我会尽量整理, 谢谢

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