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探询自由之路 译自Adyashanti 的书“The Way of Liberation”《解放之路》

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发表于 14-5-2016 05:57 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

神圣领域的内涵不是你通过词和概念就能知道的,如同你不能以吃掉苹果馅饼的食谱而得知苹果馅饼的味道。 现代时期已忘记尽管数据事实和信息的诸多有用之处,它们不能与真理或智慧等同,当然也不同于直径经历。我们已与源于静默和静意识的直觉智慧失去了联系。 在静默耐心的等待中冥思一个问题是现在很少有人掌握的一门艺术。探询是假自我与灵魂之间的一个桥梁,以超度到无限境界。(我这里用的“灵魂”这个词意指本质、临在或存在即你本身。)

探询不是在任何意义上反智力或反理性;它是一种变体的理性。那就是,它有力量让你超越概念的大脑以及受后天影响的假自我思维方式。 虽然扎根于静意识中,探询相当于动态的真正冥思。冥思是柔软的,让放弃发生,而探询要求勇敢而无所畏惧的询问。










慢慢考察商榷每个问题。把每个问题摆在你的存在的静意识中。不要抓寻快来的答案。不要太快下结论。相反,让每个问题暴露你暗藏的信念和观点。让它暴露无论你坚持或相信的与存在不和的一切。 找寻依附于你的大脑而导致你和他人受苦的一切方法。 把大脑所提出的每个问题都放在静意识的领域中。冥思它,思考它。用足够的时间。不要用大脑回答它。只淡定地面对问题。非常非常淡定。


你最大的帮助是你的诚恳以及对真理的渴求超过其它一切。 你可能被你发现并暴露出的虚幻深度一再震惊,但不要固定在那里或评判你自己。接受,宽恕,继续前行,因为你的真正存在是无限的,绝对的。它现在的存在与其过去或将来的存在一样多。稳站在神圣的探询烈火中,让它向你打开所有源于意识的智慧之座。只有真理会生存下来,其余一切都会沦亡。

可悲的是只有如此少数人把他们的生命全部奉献给真理。 大部分人只到这么远,然后就满足于对一切分离并不完整的缴械。 最终我们都得到我们最为珍惜的。如果我们不喜欢我们所得到的,我们最好诚实地看看我们珍惜的是什么。





The sacred dimension is not something thatyou can know through words and ideas any more than you can learnwhat an apple pie tastes like by eating the recipe. The modern agehas forgotten that facts and information, for all their usefulness,are not the same as truth or wisdom, and certainly not the same asdirect experience. We have lost touch with the intuitive wisdomborn of silence and stillness. To hold a question inwardly insilent and patient waiting is an art rarely mastered these days.Inquiry is a bridge between the ego and the soul, and beyond to theInfinite. (I am using the term soul here to meanthe essence, presence, or beingness thatyou are.)

Inquiry is not in any senseanti-intellectual or anti-rational; it is trans-rational. That is,it has the power to take you beyond both the conceptual mind aswell as conditioned egocentric thinking. Although rooted instillness, inquiry is the dynamic counterpoint to True Meditation.Meditation is soft, allowing surrender, while inquiry demands boldand fearless questioning.

Inquiry is a way of addressing the deepestexistential issues confronting every human being: Who or what am I?What is life? What happens after death? What is God? What is theabsolute Truth of existence? Or simply, Do I know withabsolute certainty that this current thought, belief, opinion,interpretation, or judgment is true?

The common element to inquiry is Truth.What is Truth?

The Truth question does not arise from, orpertain to, the various agendas of the ego. It is of the utmostimportance that inquiry not become subject to the ego’s variousdrives and motivations. The underlying drives of the ego are tofeel better and to survive. But inquiry belongs entirely to therealm of the soul, that dimension of being born of stillnessand light that seeks Truth for itsown sake.

The first focus of inquiry centerson being. Beingis the key that unlocks the kingdom. Who orwhat am I? Apart from body, mind, belief, occupation, gender, role,memory, or history, what am I? Exactly what is “I”?

Remove all that the I is not. Strip the Iof all the masks it wears. What’s left? Something? Nothing?What’s aware of that?

In your direct experience, issome-thing aware, or is no-thing aware? Is someoneaware or is no one aware?

Trace the thread of inquirysilently and patientlyback through all of your identifications, allof your beliefs about yourself, all of your hidden judgments andassumptions about who and what you are. Take your time. Look deeplyinto each of these questions. Let the questions remove all that youare not. Let them undo all that you ever imagined yourself to be,all that you thought you should be, all that anyone ever told youto be. Trace the thread of inquiry back through all of yourimagined identities. Follow the thread back through all that isimagined, clung to, or run from. Then be still. Rest in thecontemplative silence and let the unknown workings of grace runtheir course.

The realization of Truth and Reality cannever be created by the mind; it always comes as a gift of grace.Inquiry clears away misperceptions and illusions, making oneavailable to the movements of grace.

The question of being opens the doorwayto Reality and Truth, but is by no means the only question forinquiry. Question everything! Leave no stone unturned, noassumption unexamined, no form of denial left intact.

Investigate each question slowly anddeliberately. Place each question into the stillness of your being.Do not grasp for quick answers. Don’t jump to conclusions. Instead,let each question reveal your hidden beliefs and opinions. Let itreveal whatever you are holding on to and believing that is at oddswith what is.Look for all the ways that attaching to yourmind causes you and others to suffer. Bring each question the mindposes into the ground of stillness. Meditate on it, ponder it; takeyour time. Don’t answer it with your mind. Be still with only thequestion. Be very, very still.

Filled with the love of Truth, don’t besurprised if inquiry begins to consume all of your hiddenassumptions, all of your beliefs, all of your opinions, all of yourjudgments, all that you have learned secondhand from others. Anddon’t be surprised if most of your spiritual ideas are consumed aswell, for it is our spiritual ideas that most effectively protectus from the truly spiritual experience.

Your greatest aid is your sincerity anddesire for Truth above all else. You may be shocked over and overagain by the depth of illusion that you find and uncover withinyourself, but never fixate on it or judge yourself. Accept,forgive, and move on, for your true being is infinite andabsolute. It exists as much now as it ever did or ever will. Standstill in the sacred conflagration of inquiry and let it open you tothe seat of all wisdom born of Spirit. Only Truth will survive; allelse will perish.

It is a sad thing that so few give thefull measure of their lives to Truth. Most only go so far, and thensettle for less than a total surrender of all separation. In theend we all get what we value most, and if we don’t like what wehave gotten, we had better take an honest look at what we arevaluing.

But never for a moment is Truth lacking.Never is there more or less Truth present, or more or lessavailability. Truth is in abundant supply at all times, in allsituations. It is simply awaiting recognition. And it has all oftime on its side.

Question your thoughts. Question yourstories. Question your assumptions. Question your opinions.Question your conclusions. Question them all into utter emptiness,stillness, and joy. The keys to freedom are inyour hands. Use them.

Inquiry is the art of questioning allof one’s assumptions, beliefs, and interpretationsas a means of opening up space in the mindfor intuitive wisdom to arise. Once space is opened up, simply restthe question in the stillness of conscious being.

Watch. Keep faithful vigil with theunknown. The vital moments of breakthrough come when you leastexpect them.

神聖領域的內涵不是你通過詞和概念就能知道的,如同你不能以吃掉蘋果餡餅的食譜而得知蘋果餡餅的味 道。 現代時期已忘記盡管數據事實和信息的諸多有用之處,它們不能與真理或智慧等同,當然也不同於直徑經歷。我們已與源於靜默和靜意識的直覺智慧失去了聯 系。 在靜默耐心的等待中冥思一個問題是現在 很少有人掌握的一門藝術。探詢是假自我與靈魂之間的一個橋梁,以超度到無限境界。(我這裡用的“靈魂”這個詞意指本質、臨在或存在即你本身。)

探詢不是在任何意義上反智力或反理性﹔它是一種變體的理性。那就是,它有力量讓你超越概念的大腦以及受后天影響的假自我思維方式。 雖然扎根於靜意識中,探詢相當於動態的真正冥思。冥思是柔軟的,讓放棄發生,而探詢要求勇敢而無所畏懼的詢問。







無 聲地耐心地跟蹤探詢的線索,穿過你所有的身份認同,你所有的有關自己身份的信念,你所有的有關你是誰或什麼的暗藏評判和假設。用足夠的時間。深入考察這些 問題中的每一個。讓這些問題去除不是你的一切。讓它們把一切你曾對自己是什麼的想象拿掉,以及你認為你應該是的,還有任何人曾告訴你你是什麼的一切,統統 拿掉。跟蹤探詢的線索,通過你所有想象的身份認同。跟蹤這個線索,穿越所有想象的、依偎的或試圖擺脫的一切。然后極其淡定。停留在沉思的靜默中,讓天恩的 未知運作自然前行。



慢 慢考察商榷每個問題。把每個問題擺在你的存在的靜意識中。不要抓尋快來的答案。不要太快下結論。相反,讓每個問題暴露你暗藏的信念和觀點。讓它暴露無論你 堅持或相信的與存在不和的一切。 找尋依附於你的大腦而導致你和他人受苦的一切方法。 把大腦所提出的每個問題都放在靜意識的領域中。冥思它,思考它。用 足夠的時間。不要用大腦回答它。隻淡定地面對問題。非常非常淡定。


你 最大的幫助是你的誠懇以及對真理的渴求超過其它一切。 你可能被你發現並暴露出的虛幻深度一再震驚,但不要固定在那裡或評判你自己。接受,寬恕,繼續前 行, 因為你的真正存在是無限的,絕對的。它現在的存在與其過去或將來的存在一樣多。穩站在神聖的探詢烈火中,讓它向你打開所有源於意識的智慧之座。隻有真理會 生存下來,其余一切都會淪亡。

可悲的是隻有如此少數人把他們的生命全部奉獻給真理。 大部分人隻到這麼遠,然后就滿足於對一切分離並不完整的繳械。 最終我們都得到我們最為珍惜的。如果我們不喜歡我們所得到的,我們最好誠實地看看我們珍惜的是什麼。







感謝你的分享,但是如果純粹分享不涉及討論或個人見解,請把同類的轉帖集中在一個大主題當中,以避免主題氾濫  发表于 14-5-2016 01:25 PM

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