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Practice makes perfect. 孰能生巧
Some friends don’t understand our inspiring writing from the void. However, if you are interested in or even have a little sensation of the void, just come in and join our communities. Perhaps, you will find what you want.
有些朋友对于我们的虚空写作并不是很了解,然而,如果你对虚空感到好奇,或 甚至有那么一点感觉,尽管进来我们的社区并加入我们,或许能找到你想要的。
楼主 |
发表于 26-3-2013 08:52 PM
After Cameron read the inspiring writing of Lana and Ming-Yue as below, he can’t understand what it talked about. Then the next day he had a dream, which he and his son flew like a superman and all his family appears at the same time. Several images in the dream, in the past and at present were mixed up.
Cameron看完Lana 和明月的行观记录后(如下),并不明白记录中在说什么。隔天他做了个梦,梦中他和他的儿子像超人般在空中飞翔,而他的家人全出现在同一时间里,也就是说梦中的数个图像,过去和现在全混在一起。
Lana: Everybody has great imagination like the dreamer. The difference is that yogis are active in getting closer to them but a dreamer is not open to accept them. The void shows you images that could be in the past or in the future. The void will be in a four, five, multi-dimensional space outside the three dimensional space where human beings live. That’s why the dream sometimes seems to be strange, weird and illogical.
The word 观 (Guang) is the main theme in the field of spiritual cultivation, such as the first word观 (Guang) in The Heart Sutra. That’s only way to get close to the deities or Buddha in the void. The more that you practice,the easier it is for you to perceive them.
观是修行的主题, 如心经第一个字“观”,也是唯一能与虚空之仙佛菩萨接触的方法,行观得越多,感知她们也就更容易。 本帖最后由 lana2013 于 26-3-2013 08:54 PM 编辑
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发表于 26-3-2013 08:53 PM
21-03-2013 Lana and Ming-Yue
My friend, Ming-Yue leave a message:Lana, when do you have time? I have a question about the practicing the Guang观 for a practitioner. Could I ask of you?
Lana: Hi, Ming-Yue.
Ming-Yue: Hi. Can I ask of you whether we need to go through the practice of Guan观 for later followers?
Lana: I seldom use on-line QQ, but I can read your message. Then we can make an appointment for further communication. Please continue. Here it is 7:45.
21-03-2013 与明月空中相会
明月04:04:35留言:娜姐,请问您什么时候在线? 我有一个关于修行者方面的问题想请教您。在行观方面。
娜西07:57:33:平常很少上线,但可以留言约个时间,相互交流。那一步?我这里是早上7:54。 |
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发表于 26-3-2013 08:54 PM
Ming-Yue: I mean to practice communicating with the invisible friends. Several days ago, I talked about the subject with one of fellow practitioners. He disagreed about encouraging learners to practice the Guang观. ‘Those who see me by outward appearance, and seek me in sound… cannot perceive the Tathagata.’ I felt a little confused by this point.
Lana: Well, I think what they said is about the various thoughts created by human desires. However, how do you know what actually happens if you don’t practice the Guang观? How do you show your love to your invisible friends if you don’t practice the Guang which is the only way to communicate with them?
Ming-Yue: What we see is as a result of our consciousnesses. Will everything be empty if our consciousnesses dies? Is that correct?
Ming-Yue: Are you still there?
娜西08:04:33:没事的,他们说的是人心里的欲望产生的种种的念头,如果不行观,又如何能究竟呢? 不行观,嘴上说上一千遍 我爱你 也没用呀!
明月08:11:56:请问还在吗? |
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发表于 26-3-2013 08:56 PM
Lana: I am here. Yes, you can say so. As long as human beings are still alive, they have consciousnesses.
Ming-Yue: What about the centre of the cosmos? When we enter the centre of cosmos, we are in stillness eternally and won’t come out again? I mean in the centre of cosmos is not any form of he, she, or you and I.
Lana: The nature of Dharma won’t be changed by all deities and buddhas. When time is still, everything is still. When time starts, all the deities and buddhas start to move.
Ming-Yue: Time is nil only in the centre of cosmos. Does time really exit?
Lana: When time starts, 0 becomes 1... As I saw Ming-Yue’s reply ‘ Does time really exit?’, I suddenly laughed, haha…and said, time is everywhere and neither comes nor goes.
Ming-Yue: Then what colour is the light of heart of cosmos? I’ve asked too many questions. Please tell me more. I will appreciate that, Lana.
Lana: That’s all right. I have to do some work in the morning while talking with you. Busy on both sides. At the moment, a bright light appears in front.(Note: Lana is practicing the Guang观and get the image from the void.)
明月08:20:46:那宙心的光是什么颜色的呢?问的有点多,恳请能多讲解一些 谢谢 娜姐。
娜西08:22:54:没事的。只是一早要先处理公事,二边忙......此时出现白光。(注:此时娜西行观感知虚空图像。) |
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发表于 26-3-2013 08:56 PM
Ming-Yue: Is there any colour in the centre of cosmos from the view point of the centre of cosmos?
Lana: Someone in the void said, ‘a great white’.
Ming-Yue: Is it white in the centre of the cosmos? For my point of view, I think describing the centre of the cosmos in any colour is not right. What do you think? Am I right?
Lana: Who is it? I asked. An old lady with a walking stick coming out of the bright light, merging into a pretty young lady appearing in the same bright light. The two images appear alternately.
Ming-Yue: What does it mean?
Lana: The lady said, practicing the Guan观 is better than any interpretation. I ask who you are. She said, ‘the light of cosmic centre’. Also I ask, what do the two images alternating signify? She said “The changes of time”.
Ming-Yue: The changes of time can’t explain anything about the cosmic centre.
Lana: She said, if you want to know more about it, try hard to get closer up.
Ming-Yue: This is my understanding of the cosmic centre. I want to know whether my comprehension is right or not. If it is right, I will keep on going forward.
明月08:25:26:那就是白色的吗? 我的理解是对宙心颜色的描述,我认为是 任何一种颜色的描述宙心都是不正确的,您觉得我理解的对吗?
明月 08:33:16:我这次对宙心的理解,想请教您,我的理解是否正确。正确的话我可以继续前进。
楼主 |
发表于 26-3-2013 08:58 PM
Lana: The lady did not say anything but just watched us quietly.
Ming-Yue: Can you answer to the question according to your understanding? Also, is it the effects of our consciousness when we see the red light, blue light or other various colours of light during the meditating or practicing Guan观? Because colour色 is equivalent to the emptiness空, any description of colour of life is not correct. Am I right?
Lana: The changes of time are from 0 to 1 and from I to 2. 2 represents Yin and Yan. Yin and Yan create the colourful world.
Ming-Yue: There is no colour when time is nil, correct?
Lana: The colours of light in the void are not the colours in the world. They are something in the void.
Lana note: The different colours of light represent different celestial beings.
Ming-Yue: Mmm, how to understand the phrase ‘Don’t put your opinion to the extreme sides’ that the book of practitioners refers to very often?
Lana:(Lana continuing her perception of the void.)A black hole appears in front when I read Ming-Yue’s question - There is no colour when time is nil, correct?
明月08:35:31:那根据您的理解,可否做一些解答呢?还有,我们在功态中所见到的红光,蓝光等多种颜色的光,是否都是因为识的作用? 因为色空不二。 对生命光的颜色的描述都是不正确的。可以这样理解吗?
明月08:41:51:那时间为 〇 ,就是说没有任何颜色对吗?
明月08:42:42:嗯。 还有 修书中多出说到,不落二边见, 那这句话该怎么理解呢?
娜西08:42:58:见明月提问,那时间为 〇 ,就是说没有任何颜色对吗?眼前出现一个黑动
洞。(娜西继续行观) |
楼主 |
发表于 26-3-2013 09:03 PM
Ming-Yue: What is the black hole?
Lana: Chaos.
Ming-Yue: How to understand that ‘Don’t put your opinion to the extreme sides’? Is it neither 1 nor 2; neither gain nor loss?
Lana: Neither right nor wrong; neither gratitude nor resentment. That Se色 is Kon空 means everything in the world is equivalent to something in the void. Both them were created by the nature.
明月08:45:07:那这个‘不落二边见’有(又)如何理解呢?是否理解 非一非二 非取非离呢?是否可以理解为 非一非二 非取非离呢?
Lana note: Se色 here does not mean colours but the form or everything in the world. Kon空 does not mean emptiness but something in the void or the darkness, which is another form of existence. Everything in the world is equivalent to something in the void, it is because they exit in different levels of the world.
An excerpt from 啰嗦's writing - Luosuo:Xuang-Nv said, the Kon is another way of existence, called Kon Bu Kon空不空, nothing, yet not nothing. It is a way of existence which human beings cannot understand. We exist in a body form. They, the goddess and deities, exist in a way of the so-called Kon.
Mars (xiao xiao): The feature of the state of Kon is – Se Kon Bu Er色空不二 which means that Se is equivalent to Kon.
小小:这种空态的特征就是——色空不二。 |
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发表于 26-3-2013 09:03 PM
Ming-Yue: Can we say that the level of ‘everything in the world is equivalent to the void’. I mean to have both Se色(something) and kon空(emptiness).
Lana: I think so, if we can let go without any judgment, neither right nor wrong; neither gratitude nor resentment. When we touch the void, we need to be close to them like cotton candy.
Ming-Yue: Like cotton candy?
(Lana note: The image of cotton candy shows the relationship of yogis and the void, closely bound together but it’s empty inside which means you can’t catch anything in the void. The yogis aren’t too much ego.)
明月08:47:35:那色空不二 是否可得呢?我意思是说 色和空 是否可得?
娜西08:49:05:可以,只要能放下。无是无非,无恩无怨,一体同观。即行观中强调——若即若离。即时, 像棉花糖。
(娜西整理注:给的意是,棉花糖如胶似漆, 但里面空心,不能太实心眼。我要轻。21-03-2013) |
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发表于 26-3-2013 09:04 PM
Lana: At the moment, the void shows another image, a soldier in armour who was a policeman in a film.
Ming-yue: What was he doing?
Lana: He got serious wounded when he was out on duty. All his body damaged but heart and brain.
Ming-Yue: What did he want to tell us?
Lana: That his body was changed into an armour. You can ask.
(Lana note: The image of the solider in armour shows that yogis should keep their health as armour and reduce their desire as a soldier in armour without bodily desires. Then yogis will put the whole of the heart and mind into the void.
Ming-Yue: I don’t have anything.
娜西08:55:47:于是肉体成了铁甲,只有脑袋和心是真实的。你问问。(娜西整理注:给的意是,肉身是钢铁,瑜伽健身要如钢铁般耐用,少了肉身的欲望,外在诱惑就少了, 而这颗心就能对隐中家人一心一意了。21-03-2013)
明月08:57:55:我什么都没有。 |
楼主 |
发表于 26-3-2013 09:05 PM
Lana: Take your time. My colleague has just come to work.
Ming-Yue: Oh, let’s stop here. Sorry to have bothered you.
Lana: I start working. Talk later if there’s time for us.
Ming-Yue: Where is your time?
Lana: England.
Ming-Yue: Mmm, ok.
Lana: You are welcome to come to England.
Mingyue: Thank you.
明月08:59:56:哦。那今天就到这里吧。 打扰您了。
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发表于 26-3-2013 09:05 PM
发表于 26-3-2013 09:59 PM
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发表于 26-3-2013 10:52 PM
素还真 发表于 26-3-2013 09:59 PM
观人, 就成了他人手中的鸟...... |
发表于 26-3-2013 10:56 PM
lana2013 发表于 26-3-2013 10:52 PM
观人, 就成了他人手中的鸟......
发表于 26-3-2013 11:04 PM
素还真 发表于 26-3-2013 10:56 PM
你看我的诗号:半神半圣亦半仙,加起来比完整的神仙还要多半个圣。你行观本人不会变成他人手中的鸟,放心 ...
发表于 26-3-2013 11:06 PM
红月娇 发表于 26-3-2013 11:04 PM
虚构的世界如幻似真。 |
发表于 26-3-2013 11:15 PM
素还真 发表于 26-3-2013 11:06 PM
发表于 26-3-2013 11:20 PM
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发表于 27-3-2013 12:28 AM
林冲 发表于 26-3-2013 11:20 PM
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