據BBC報導, 英國國防部於前天(20日), 正式公佈了Type 26 Global Combat Ship新型護衛艦的設計圖樣及基本資料.
Type 26 全長148公尺,排水量5400噸,預計將於2020年後服役, 垂直發射井可發射不同種類的導彈, 包括了巡航導彈, 由此看來,Type 26的戰鬥力相當全面, 將成為英國海軍未來的中堅力量.
英國國防部沒有具體說明武器的裝載數量, 目前只知道會裝一門中口徑主砲, 可能用Merlin或Wildcat直升機, 甲板保留了使用無人機,無人艇和無人水下航行器的任務空間. Type 26是用來取代13艘Type 23護衛艦, 到目前為止, 還不知建造單價成本, 因此英國將建造多少艘Type 26仍屬未知數!
( Mark-II 翻譯)
The ship will be 148 metres long with a displacement of 5,400 tonnes.
Vertical missile silos for a range of weapons, such as cruise missiles, will be housed on board along with a medium calibre gun.
The hangar on board will house a Merlin or Wildcat helicopter and there will be extra space for unmanned drones, underwater vehicles or other specialist equipment.
The Type 26 will replace the 13 Type 23 frigates but the MoD is not giving a precise commitment on numbers until they know the unit cost .
The hangar could house anything from aerial and underwater unmanned drones, to speed boats or containers for humanitarian aid.