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【動作驚悚】Alan Wake 心靈殺手(已下架QQ)

发表于 10-5-2012 03:16 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 李卫 于 8-6-2017 07:36 PM 编辑


製作廠商:Remedy & Nitro Games
發行廠商:Nordic Games

Alan Wake
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Alan Wake
Alan Wake's American Nightmare

A Psychological Action Thriller

When the wife of the best-selling writer Alan Wake disappears on their vacation, his search turns up pages from a thriller he doesn’t even remember writing. A dark presence stalks the small town of Bright Falls, pushing Wake to the brink of sanity in his fight to unravel the mystery and save his love.

With the body of an action game and the mind of a psychological thriller, Alan Wake is a pulse-pounding thrill ride.

《心靈殺手》是一款由 Remedy 所製作的動作遊戲,該開發公司是著名動作遊戲《Max Payne》的開發公司,該公司表示這一款遊戲將代來全新一世代的擬真動作表現。

遊戲敘述一段離奇的故事。玩家要扮演 Alan Wake 這位專以嚇人為生的暢銷恐怖小說作家,為了逃避沒有靈感的寫作生活,Alan 和妻子來到看似和平的華盛頓州小鎮 Bright Falls,但卻受困於此。他必須將所有謎團釐清,才能解救妻子以及避免自己陷入永無止境的惡夢中。



由美國媒體「時代雜誌」遴選為年度遊戲第一名的超級大作,在 2010 年以 Xbox 360 平台獨佔方式推出,現在終於要推出 PC 多國語言版,包含繁體中文。

《心靈殺手》PC 版本在畫面上有大幅度的改進,比 Xbox 360 擁有更高的解析度,突出的光影效果,引領玩家更深刻體驗電影般緊張刺激劇情,同時還支援 AMD Eyefinity 多重螢幕和 NVIDIA NVISION2 3D 效果,讓這款以第三人視角進行的遊戲變得更加擬真寫實。

PC 版《心靈殺手》也將收錄「信號」、「作家」等下載內容。「Signal-信號」故事是發生在本章結局之後,Alan 不願面對現實,反被困在自己的黑暗世界中,也喪失了之前發生過的事情記憶。而「Writer-作家」則為遊戲寫下最終結局,講述主角依然被困在黑暗之中,而且愈陷愈深。特集中添加了更恐怖的怪物和音效元素,原本一些進不去的地方,在 DLC 中都可以進去逛逛,還有專屬的成就等玩家達成。

  Alan Wake’s fiction continues in Alan Wake’s American Nightmare, a stand alone fast paced pick up and play experience. After the events of Alan Wake, our eponymous hero finds himself in the middle of a new adventure in Arizona, where his own words again hold the key to defeating his evil twin, the malevolent Mr. Scratch, who spreads darkness where he goes. Now more experienced at dealing with the weird and horrific, Wake is determined turn the tide. With a pulp feel, American Nightmare features wilder new weapons and wilder new enemies.

Alan Wake returns in Remedy’s stand-alone digital spin-off adventure, Alan Wake’s American Nightmare, which brings home a hard-boiled, thrilling pulp action adventure, to PC’s everywhere. This critically acclaimed game has been revamped for the PC with stunning high-resolution graphics and enhanced PC features.

《心靈殺手(Alan Wake)》新續作,外傳《美國噩夢(American Nightmare)》以独立数位下載現世!雖為外傳,但無需安裝前作亦可遊玩,如今可在電腦上暢遊這場硬派且庸俗刺激的動作冒險,遊戲也針對電腦性能做了很多優化以提供更好更強的視覺饗宴。跟前作不同,本次外傳只有英文版。

《美國噩夢》的故事接續原作之後,Alan Wake 發現他被置身在美國 Arizona 州某處,而他的文字也再度成為了他的武器,助他對抗他的邪惡化身 Mr. Scratch ,一個到處散播黑暗的人。如今對對抗這些黑暗勢力更有經驗的他,自然挺身而出,進入這場有更多動作性、新武器和更強大的敵人的噩夢。

OS: Windows 7
Processor: Quad Core 2.66GHz Intel or 3.2GHz AMD
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 10 compatible or later with 1GB RAM
DirectX®: 10
Hard Drive: 8 GB HD space
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
OS: Windows XP SP2
Processor: Dual Core 2GHz Intel or 2.8GHz AMD
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 10 compatible with 512MB RAM
DirectX®: 9.0c
Hard Drive: 8 GB HD space
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
本帖最后由 李卫 于 11-9-2012 11:49 PM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 10-5-2012 03:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 李卫 于 10-5-2012 04:13 PM 编辑

Alan Wake

Alan Wake 製作花絮

Alan Wake's American Nightmare

Alan Wake's American Nightmare 制作人日记


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 楼主| 发表于 10-5-2012 03:17 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 李卫 于 10-5-2012 03:23 PM 编辑

Bright Falls - The Series

A prequel to the highly anticipated Xbox 360 game Alan Wake, Bright Falls is an online series of live action shorts set in the fictitious Pacific Northwest town of Bright Falls, WA that provide an eerie prelude to the events that transpire before Alan Wake's arrival. The series, which is six episodes in length, introduces us to Jake Fischer, a newspaper reporter who, while visiting the town on business, encounters a series of mysterious and haunting experiences.

Bright Falls: The prequel to Remedy's upcoming action/adventure Alan Wake. Exclusively on Machinima.com!

Machinima 創作的 Alan Wake 短劇,屬前傳。原創角色原創故事,但一些遊戲角色(有些只是提過的)有出場,故事也是有承先啟後。沒玩先看的話可能會看不懂,但玩了後就瞭解了。Machinima 也有另外製作解說影片 What the Bright Falls(鏈接在下面),但個人覺得看了可能會更不懂,因為解說時有用一些遊戲專用術語,但又沒多加解釋。


Episode 1 'Oh Deer' - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DSR45ZF0r8
Episode 2 'Time Flies' - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV5RPW1iGjU
Episode 3 'Lights Out' - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXWlL7qMR_E
Episode 4 'Local Flavor' - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCisZVNZAu0
Episode 5 'Off the Record' - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGGvXoG7jFc
Episode 6 'Clearcut' - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PZgAeFoHuA

What the Bright Falls(短片解說)

Episode 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW1f4uazGDw
Episode 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Um6d76V_0aQ
Episode 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCB4_rJnmZ4
Episode 4 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJN4oR2G5x4
Episode 5 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fusZh6kSrXI

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 楼主| 发表于 10-5-2012 03:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 李卫 于 26-6-2012 05:34 PM 编辑

在這裡稍微介紹個人收藏的 Alan Wake 的周邊,另加入個人評價。

遊戲收藏版 Collector's Edition

內容物:遊戲碟一片、花絮碟兩片(無分區 DVD 影片格式)、原聲專輯 CD 一片(全13首)、全彩說明書(多國語言)、The Alan Wake Files 書一本(部份彩頁)、明信片六張、貼紙一張、雙面海報一張、製作人遊戲內講評(另外下載)。

簡評:跟當初 XBOX 收藏版相似的內容物,但在價錢上完全超值,而且早已收錄兩部 DLC 。實體比起虛擬版,也多了那兩片花絮。

The Alan Wake Files




攻略本+設定集 合輯 Official Survival Bundle



攻略本 Official Survival Guide


設定集 Illuminated


同名小說 Novel

簡評:大致上按照遊戲劇情再做修改。這是作者Rick Burroughs的第一本上市小說,不過英文小說常有作家隱名或換名,所以也說不定是有名作家的新筆名。

原聲專輯 Soundtrack

1. A Writer's Dream - Petri Alanko  
2. Welcome to Bright Falls - Petri Alanko     
3. The Clicker - Petri Alanko  
4. Taken by the Night - Petri Alanko  
5. Mirror Peak - Petri Alanko  
6. Tom the Diver - Petri Alanko  
7. Hunters - Petri Alanko  
8. The Well-Lit Room - Petri Alanko
9. Departure - Petri Alanko
10. Children of the Elder God - Old Gods of Asgard
11. The Poet and the Muse - Old Gods of Asgard
12. War - Poets of the Fall
13. Tom the Diver (Collector's Edition Exclusive Mix) - Petri Alanko

1. Petri Alanko - A Writer's Dream
2. The Black Angels - Young Men Dead
3. Petri Alanko - Welcome To Bright Falls     
4. Petri Alanko - The Clicker
5. Anomie Belle - How Can I Be Sure
6. Petri Alanko - Tom The Diver (Piano and Cello)
7. Barry Adamson - The Beaten Side Of Town
8. Old Gods of Asgard - The Poet And The Muse
9. Dead Combo - Electrica Cadente
10. Petri Alanko - Tom The Diver (Orchestra)

1. Alan Wake  
2. A Writer's Dream  
3. Welcome To Bright Falls  
4. Vacation  
5. Cross That River  
6. Waking Up To A Nightmare     
7. The Clicker  
8. Deerfest     
9. Taken By The Night     
10. On The Run     
11. Mirror Peak     
12. Tom The Diver     
13. The Night It All Began
14. Bright Falls Light & Power
15. Hunters
16. The Well-Lit Room
17. Water Pressure
18. Departure


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 楼主| 发表于 10-5-2012 03:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 李卫 于 2-7-2012 12:08 PM 编辑


Episode 1: Roy Orbison - "In Dreams"
Episode 2: Poe - "Haunted"
Episode 3: Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - "Up Jumped The Devil"
Episode 4: Poets of the Fall (as Old Gods of Asgard) - "The Poet and the Muse"
Episode 5: Poets of the Fall - "War"
Episode 6: David Bowie - "Space Oddity"
Special  1: Anna Ternheim - "No, I Don't Remember"
Special  1: Depeche Mode - "The Darkest Star"

American Nightmare: Kasabian - "Club Foot"
American Nightmare: Poets of the Fall (as Old Gods of Asgard) - "Balance Slays the Demon"
American Nightmare: Poets of the Fall - "The Happy Song"
American Nightmare: Ed Harcourt - "Watching the Sun Come Up"

Children of the Elder God

Warriors, torchbearers, come redeem our dreams
Shine a light upon this night of otherworldly fiends
Odin's might be your guide, divorce you from the sane         
Hammer's way will have its say, rise up in their name

Oh, Memory and Thought
Jet black and clawed

Children of the Elder God
Scourge of light upon the dark
Scratching hag, rake your claws and gnash your crooked teeth
You've taken slaves like ocean waves, now feel the ocean seethe
Father Thor, bless this war, between the dark and light
In their songs let their wrongs bring dissolution's night

Oh, Memory and Thought
Jet black and clawed

Children of the Elder God
Scourge of light upon the dark.

The Poet and the Muse

There's an old tale wrought with the mystery of Tom         
The poet and his muse
And the magic lake which gave a life
To the words the poet used

Now the muse she was his happiness
And he rhymed about her grace
And told her stories of treasures deep
Beneath the blackened waves

'Till in the stillness of one dawn
Still in its misty crown
The muse she went down to the lake
And in the waves she drowned

And now to see your love set free
You will need the witch's cabin key
Find the lady of the light gone mad with the night
That's how you reshape destiny

The poet came down to the lake
To call out to his dear
'When there was no answer
'He was overcome with fear

He searched in vain for his treasure lost
And too soon the night would fall
And only his own echo
Would wail back at his call
And when he swore to bring back his love
By the stories he'd create
Nightmares shifted in their sleep
In the darkness of the lake

And now to see your love set free
You will need the witch's cabin key
Find the lady of the light still ravin' in the night
That's how you reshape destiny

In the dead of night she came to him
With darkness in her eyes
Wearing a mourning gown
Sweet words as her disguise

He took her in without a word
For he saw his grave mistake
And vowed them both to silence
Deep beneath the lake

Now if its real or just a dream
One mystery remains
For it is said on moonless nights
They may still haunt this place

And now to see your love set free
You will need the witch's cabin key
Find the lady of the light gone mad with the night
That's how you reshape destiny


Do you remember standing on a broken field
White crippled wings beating the sky
The harbingers of war with their nature revealed         
And our chances flowing by

If I can let the memory heal
I will remember you with me on that field

When I thought that I fought this war alone
You were there by my side on the frontline
When I thought that I fought without a cause
You gave me a reason to try

Turn the page I need to see something new
For now my innocence is torn
We cannot linger on this stunted view
Like rabid dogs of war

I will let the memory heal
I will remember you with me on that field

When I thought that I fought this war alone
You were there by my side on the frontline
And we fought to believe the impossible

When I thought that I fought this war alone
We were one with our destinies entwined
When I thought that I fought without a cause
You gave me the reason why
With no-one wearing their real face
It's a whiteout of emotion
And I've only got my brittle bones to break the fall

When the love in letters fade
It's like moving in slow motion
And we're already too late if we arrive at all

And then we're caught up in the arms race
An involuntary addiction
And we're shedding every value our mothers taught

So will you please show me your real face
Draw the line in the horizon
Cos I only need your name to call the reasons why I fought

When I thought that I fought this war alone
You were there by my side on the frontline
And we fought to believe the impossible

When I thought that I fought this war alone
We were one with our destinies entwined
When I thought that I fought without a cause
You gave me the reason why

Balance Slays the Demon

(Deep in the ocean of darkness, in the mirror of light,
balance becomes a stranger, and in your fantasies, he rides a storm on your peace.
Beyond the shadows he settled for more, there is a miracle illuminated.)

Deep in the ocean of darkness, in the mirror of light, balance becomes a stranger,
and in your fantasies he rides a storm on your peace, wake up and smell the danger.

Ever the light casts a shadow, ever the night springs from the light.

In the end, it's never just the light you need, when balance slays the demon, you'll find peace,
in the end, it's never just the dark you seek, when balance slays the demon, you'll find peace, find the peace.

(Beyond the lake he called home, lies a deeper darker ocean green.)

Like an evil twin, feel it scratching within, like an insane sovereign ranger,
and his beautiful face with his leathery lace, so can't you see the play he's staging?

Ever the light casts a shadow, ever the night springs from the light.

In the end, it's never just the light you need, when balance slays the demon, you'll find peace,
in the end, it's never just the dark you seek, when balance slays the demon, you'll find peace, find the peace.

(Reversed: "It will happen again, in another town, called Ordinary")

In the end, it's never just the light you need, when balance slays the demon, you'll find peace,
in the end, it's never just the dark you seek, when balance slays the demon, you'll find peace, find the peace.

(Screaming, new darkness descends on this frail frame,
I drown in fathomless black space, will I never scratch the depths of this domain?
I see not, yet nothing could be worse then the shades my mind calls herein,
alone, in my own wake the unraveling of reasons schemed.)

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发表于 10-5-2012 07:17 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 10-5-2012 07:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
poisonsoup 发表于 10-5-2012 07:17 PM


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发表于 10-5-2012 08:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 poisonsoup 于 10-5-2012 09:18 PM 编辑



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 楼主| 发表于 10-5-2012 10:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
kira 发表于 10-5-2012 07:31 PM



poisonsoup 发表于 10-5-2012 08:05 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 11-5-2012 10:47 AM | 显示全部楼层
剛發現American Nightmare沒有中文字幕……看了些文章,似乎原本的XBOX360版本身也沒有中文字幕。要買的人留意下咯。


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发表于 11-5-2012 11:14 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 29-5-2012 04:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
在官方FB看到,Eurogamer提供了Amercian Nightmare的歌曲免费下载:http://images.eurogamer.net/2012 ... ceSlaystheDemon.mp3

话说我到现在都还没下载完American Nightmare,想早点玩都不能……一定都是Steam的错~

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 楼主| 发表于 26-6-2012 05:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
隨著收到OST,我的Alan Wake收藏之旅也告一段落了~

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 楼主| 发表于 14-7-2012 10:39 AM | 显示全部楼层
Alan Wake合輯迎來了50%折扣,優惠至24日:http://store.steampowered.com/sub/15407/

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发表于 14-7-2012 11:23 AM | 显示全部楼层
限时-75%~   全套只要9.99USD


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发表于 14-7-2012 04:01 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 15-7-2012 02:20 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 27-7-2012 02:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
镜头好sensitive 哦...一下子就想吐了

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 楼主| 发表于 27-7-2012 02:47 PM | 显示全部楼层
FlyTurtle 发表于 27-7-2012 02:28 PM
镜头好sensitive 哦...一下子就想吐了


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发表于 27-7-2012 02:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
李卫 发表于 27-7-2012 02:47 PM


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