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发表于 9-4-2012 11:13 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


在Google Map 出現了一個不明軍事設施,位於北緯43°04'51.75"/東經92°48'26.85",在中國新彊省境內,此地區另一特色是附近地底有稱為坎儿井的古代地下渠道工程。西方網民大多數認為這是一個近似美國氣象武器HAARP 的軍事設施,用作影響地球的電離層,但整體設計比設於阿拉斯加州 Gakona 軍事基地內的HAAPP設施更為先进


Something weird, yet familiar, can be found at 43°04'51.75"N/92°48'26.85"E. First, notice the scale. Those little rectangular things are big trucks. The staff there must get pretty bored because there is evidence of joy-riding on the tarmac. The "embedded conductors" are used like an obstacle course, leaving signs of tire wear on them -- especially in tight turns. Those illuminated figure "8" shapes are puzzling. We sometimes see truck tracks in them also.

[Above left:] An example of a fractal shape being used by HAM operators in square, or "quad" formation. [Right:] The HAARP installation in Gakona, Alaska.

The idea blossomed and today, fractal antenna systems are the cutting edge of radiant communication systems. And this brings us to HAARP -- or I should say, "ionosphere heaters" like HAARP.

Those of us familiar with "dark technology" like HAARP are used to seeing football size antennae farms with hundreds of towers and aluminum dipoles. But that's an era of the past.

The idea of high gain, cutting egde antennae, aiming up towards the ionosphere, seems to imply that this facility is designed for a purpose similar to Alaska's HAARP facility. It's not that far fetched. China has numerous and amazing things that can be seen from studying google-earth. There are cities -- huge and so modern that they look like something out of Star Trek -- that are all empty and far removed from any other civilization. There are thousands of square miles of wind generators, weird Area-51 like places that we reported on back in November 2011.


Thanks for revealing this. It's obvious that this facility is designed to send/reflect some type of electromagnetic energy into space. I suspect that the focusing effect of the phased array system has been incorporated in this advanced design. This is more support for the theory that it is an ionospheric heater (i.e. like HAARP in Alaska).

That being the case, it seems that many nations are either preparing to use these systems for war, or, maybe even more frightening, that they know something about the collapse of the ionosphere and are acting in a "get ready" mode.

The ionosphere is a fragile layer of our Earth's atmosphere that screens out the ultraviolet radiation, allowing life to function. It is vital to life. It can potentially be depleted by strong extra-terrestrial radiation as we might experience with a strong x-flare or coronal mass ejection.

To restore the ionosphere, it may be possible to activate ionospheric heaters if they are placed around the globe in some configuration that is known to "jump start" this type of energy field. I suspect this research has been done and demonstrated to the degree that these systems were implemented on a global scale. We must look for more. Then we will know.



高頻有源電離層研究計畫(High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program,HAARP) 是美國國防部海空軍主導下設立的計畫,基地設於阿拉斯加州 Gakona 軍事基地內,內部設置180座天線,每根天線都有十幾米高,佔地達33英畝,構成一個壯觀的金屬方陣。這個天線陣利用大功率高頻波使地球電離層變熱以模擬太陽作用,進而設法在某些確切的地點改變電離層的結構。據說全球一共有5處類似的裝置,其中阿拉斯加這一個威力最強大。HAARP共有360個發電機,可以發出360萬瓦功率的強大信號,然後採用相控陣(Phase Array )的方法將信號,聚束發射到電離層中的指定部位。HAARP功率之強大,確是絕無僅有的,其功率相當於世界上最大商用電臺功率的72000倍。美國空軍已經要求將其發射功率提高到1000億瓦。

使用道具 举报


发表于 10-4-2012 10:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 阿什顿142 于 10-4-2012 10:02 AM 编辑

当初的汶川大地震,也有人一度怀疑是美国的气象武器作怪,还有一些反常的天气~~ 但我一直无法确切的相信军事科目上会有这种武器~~

使用道具 举报

发表于 10-4-2012 02:13 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 10-4-2012 02:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
这些东西有什么用 ?

使用道具 举报

发表于 16-4-2012 02:53 PM | 显示全部楼层

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