本帖最后由 Mrhiao 于 8-3-2012 06:09 AM 编辑
《反恐精英:全球攻势》(Counter-Strike: Global Offensive,簡稱CS: GO或CSGO)是一款由Valve与Hidden Path Entertainment合作开发的第一人称射击游戏,这是反恐精英系列的第四款作品,不包括Neo和Online等衍生游戏。
簡介《全球攻势》目前即將预计2012年第一季度发布,将支持PC(Windows)、Mac OS X、PlayStation 3(通過PlayStation Network)、Xbox 360(通過Xbox Live Arcade)平台。[2]它包括經典特色的內容,例如舊地圖,以及全新加入的地圖,人物和遊戲模式。此外,它將支持配對系統和記分板。[3]它亦能夠支援Windows)、Mac OS X、PlayStation 3的玩家之間的跨平台多人遊戲。[4]PlayStation 3版本將提供三種控制方式,包括使用DualShock 3控制器、PlayStation Move或是USB键盘及/或鼠标。 另外,《全球攻勢》遊戲武裝名稱預計將全面定為真實武裝名稱,在前作《絕對武力》、《一觸即發》及《次世代》中的遊戲武裝名稱可望在本作中修正。(如CV47更正為AK47,KM更正為MP5。)武器模組在預售片中顯示,AWP退彈拉拴在右側,因此在前作的拉拴位置可望也能修正。(如AK47的拉拴在左側是錯誤的,可望在本作修正為右側拉拴。)
Today Valve announced that they have added a whopping 5000 players to the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive closed beta. These consist of people who filled out the CS:GO beta survey last week and represent a “full range” of survey responders in terms of skill level and familiarity with CS. To find out if you’re one of the lucky CS:GO beta key recipients, restart Steam and check your game library. Additionally, the 5000 players selected have also received a gift pass to give the CS:GO beta to one of their friends, which can be found in their inventory tab in the Steam community, so even if you aren’t one of the lucky 5000 maybe one of your friends can give you a key! If you didn’t receive a key this time, no worries – Valve will be continuing to add more players to the beta in the coming weeks.Also, some quick CounterStrikeGO.com site-related news – we’ll be changing to a new webserver sometime relatively soon as well as a brand new site design. As such you guys should expect us to be down for 24-48 hours sometime in the next week as we migrate servers and wait for DNS changes to resolve. The new site has an emphasis on community and on eSports coverage related to CS:GO as well as a lighter and more readable layout. What else would you like to see as an improvement to the site in its current state? Tell us in the comments! Copy this into a Windows Explorer address bar to open Steam and start the survey: steam://takesurvey/2/
你要有CS1.6/CSS 才能赢得到,不然机会很小 |