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发表于 23-12-2011 01:23 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Healing Cards

protoi healing

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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2011 01:23 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 23-12-2011 01:32 AM 编辑



Lord Arcturus,  please pour these nutrients, gold ormous, B vitamins like nutritional yeast and trace minerals.or any I name, etherically, into my crown and replenish it unending as needed to levels I need. Thank you.



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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2011 01:23 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 23-12-2011 02:13 AM 编辑


“I ask to fully receive my Replenishing Shakti as sent out by
my teacher and educated by my soul and higher self, NOW!”

然后等5-10分钟后念“Replenishing Shakti, Activate!”



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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2011 01:24 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 23-12-2011 01:41 AM 编辑


dear higher self, please balance and clear my chakra, thank you

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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2011 01:39 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 23-12-2011 01:43 AM 编辑

这个是remove implant的
I am sending all known and unknown energetic devices, cords, hooks, implants, tubes and symbols into the centre of the sun so that they can be released, I, myself and everything around me, my house and property (naming anyone else in the property also, including pets) and anything they are attached to be free from them so that positive energies may be returned. Then make sign of equal armed cross in front of you from forehead to chest and then from right shoulder to left shoulder and immediately again from forehead to chest and then left shoulder to right shoulder(用手做一个 + 形状
I am spreading the highest love and light protection around I, my self every thing around me, my house and property naming anyone else in the property.

"Arch Angel Michael, please bring down tunnel of Light, Ariel and Azreal, please assist!
I break any and all agreement or contracts, both conscious and unconscious, that I have made, anyone in my genetic lineage has made, with entities, thoughtforms, dark forces, or aliens. Escort out anything that does not belong, NOW!"
The moment you do an entity release, it is possible that you could have thoughts and emotions that are not yours, ones that are coming from any entities. Resistance and ect. That is ok, just go on to the inner circle entity release.


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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2011 01:42 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 23-12-2011 02:16 AM 编辑

4)叫saint germain送你一个紫光(dear saint germain/高我,请给我一个银紫火,然后想象紫光包围你,然后说谢谢)

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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2011 01:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 23-12-2011 02:19 AM 编辑

“I ask to fully receive my Punishment Flush as sent out by my
teacher and made perfect by Eternal Sacred Source, NOW!”

然后如果上面的好了就念Punishment Flush, Activate

每次浮上来的时候你就要念Punishment Flush, Activate


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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2011 01:56 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 23-12-2011 02:21 AM 编辑


你念"my way home, activate"就可以接受你出生的那个星球的能量
你念"my eternal home of divine will, activate"就可以接受你的灵魂最喜欢的那个星球的能量

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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2011 02:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 23-12-2011 02:22 AM 编辑


if this is not my pain, then please leave immediately


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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2011 02:29 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 23-12-2011 02:40 AM 编辑


请念lavender plant shakti activate


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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2011 02:31 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 31-12-2011 12:53 AM 编辑



每天行程(从上个礼拜开始,每天大大声呐喊-dear dna, dear every cell of my body, restore to your divine blueprint!! x3)

dear dna, dear every cell of my body(especially my eyes, legs, arms, hands, heart, brain, mind), restore to your divine blueprint NOW!


I now program my DNA to restore to it's Divine Blueprint.  Restore now every cell in my body and mind!x3









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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2011 02:31 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 31-12-2011 12:55 PM 编辑

Techniques from the Lord Arcturus
and the Arcturian Temple Workers

Lord Arcturus and the Arcturian Temple Workers are masters in healing technologies, particularly light surgery and other technology. They will be the ones with mass healing technologies at first contact and also psychological experts.
Greetings! This is Lord Arcturus.

There are many advanced healing techniques done by light surgeries. We simply use beams of light at different ranges to effect change. We are able to pinpoint the light in very exacting ways to heal tissue. The Galactic Light Surgeons are able to shed or excoriate tissue with light beams and likewise, promote new cell growth, with a different wave range.

There are also machines we use to diagnose and cure health imbalances. These machines work on the etheric body. It is not an instant healing, but it puts into motion the changes which will manifest in the physical. For example, working on a problem like cancer, may mean healing the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies. We begin the healing on the etheric body and those changes filter into the other bodies. When one is practicing self-healing techniques, it is helpful to ask often for another treatment. That way, these levels will continue to be worked on until the healing is manifest on all levels.

Healing, as in all manifestation, must come when the Soul is ready. If the Soul is suffering illness, at its own request, for a learning experience, then the healing will come in right time. Part of illness is learning how to come back into balance for a full healing. There are other times when a loved Ones illness effects the partner or the whole family, and even a community. At these times, such as ill children, the healing will come when the illness has served its purpose. Often these are indigo crystal children who have volunteered to play this role, knowing they are fine, and indivisible with all abundance. You are a Divine Being. Health, balance and abundance of light and love are your birthright. Any time you feel separate from these, know that it is an illusion you created for yourself.

Each person living on Earth is in a different stage of upgrading their human physical body to a monoatomic crystalline body. There are new healing techniques now available, which have never been shared before. These are technologies that work to enhance the new crystalline technologies. It is a disciplined practice to keep a body healthy. Limiting the bodies exposure to violence, negativity, stress, rotten or genetically engineered food, over cooked and over processed food, as well as getting enough sunshine, fresh air, and fresh water is a must. Other addictions must be avoided or limited, sugar, alcohol, but also addictions to arguing, controlling others, drama. You may participate in Self-Healing, but if you have not curbed these addictions, or others like them, you will not see the results you would hope for. We would like to introduce some of the new technologies to you. In order to receive healing from these technologies you must simply ask and allow. Sit or lie quietly. Close your eyes. Ask me, Lord Arcturus, to activate these healings for you. Then just stay resting for a time. Also ask when going to sleep at night. Ask and allow these healings to continue all night while you are sleeping.

Matrix Removal Program:

Usually called the "Core Fear Matrix Removal Program." It is a lattice work of Light that is anchored into the individual by the Arcturians for the purpose of pulling out all the Core fear or negative ego programming from the person's conscious, subconscious, and energy fields. A special divine dispensation given to the Earth in this recent time of increased Spiritual acceleration on the Earth. Once this lattice work of Light is in place, it can be used by Dr. Lorphan and the Sirians in emotional healing.

Arcturian Electronic Plate:

This healing allows for honing in on the higher mind, and helps with bilocation, teleportation, and telepathic development

An electronic plate is anchored into the third eye that reflects Light and helps the mind to hone in on the Higher Mind, which amplifies the Omnipresence and synthesizes the Upper Spiritual Triad of the Higher Mind, Intuition, and Spiritual Will within the Body, Heart, Monad, and Cosmic Heart.

Arcturian Grid Integration Technology:

This healing involves a technology that can be called forth while in the Light Synthesis Chamber, where High Frequency Light from the Arcturians is run through the etheric body's grid system in a specific isolated manner rather than through the entire body as is done in the Light Synthesis Chamber.

Arcturian Light Synthesis Chamber:

This healing involves building your Light Quotient via a chamber on an Arcturian Starship. This is similar to what are called the ascension seats which uses advanced technologies to assist beings with building Light quotient and synthesizing all levels of One's Being and Light into the Four-Body System.

Ask to be taken to this chamber during meditation in your Etheric Body, OR you can ask for the energies of this technology to be sent to the body on Earth.

Arcturian Light Infusion Technology:

If you have any place in your physical body that needs healing, you can call to Lord Arcturus and request this specific “Light Infusion Technology” for that place in your physical body or for your entire physical body if you prefer.

Arcturian Advanced Light Computers will very precisely infuse that particular and specific area of the physical body you requested with Light! It really works and is an invaluable tool in your healing tool kit! Try it, you will like it! So let it be written! So let it be done.

Arcturian Love and Joy Chamber:

This healing involves a chamber on an Arcturian Starship that one can connect to in meditation that can fill one's being with an intense frequency of Love and Joy.

Arcturian Prana Wind-clearing Device:

An advanced light technology that can be called forth from the Arcturians that is anchored usually into the third Chakra that rotates like a fan in a clockwise direction, moving in ever wider concentric circles, that clears etheric mucus and debris from the etheric meridians, Chakras, nadis, veins, arteries, and capillaries.

Lord Arcturus Mechanism Chamber:

One other Arcturian tool for physical healing is to ask to be taken to the mechanism chamber in one’s Soul Body at night while one sleeps in a bi-location type of sense. The mechanism chamber is specially constructed to work on physical health lessons.

The Arcturian Golden Cylinder:

This golden cylinder can be called for directly from Lord Arcturus, and it will be lowered down over your four-body system. It will remove all kinds of toxic energies, and I have used it to remove unwanted implants, elementals, etheric mucous, parasites and any other imbalances on any level. It acts like a huge magnet drawing out impurities.

Then as the cylinder is lifted up off the body, it pulls out any remaining residue. I have found that the combination of these two completely clears my field every time. These tools have been a Godsend in the healing of all of my bodies and in my ongoing clearing process. They also are Ascension Accelerators. I use these tools any time I feel myself getting unclear or contaminated from involvement with life lessons or during the sleep state.

If you become aware of any residual physical toxins in your body that need cleansing, call on Lord Arcturus and his Arcturian helpers to cleanse those toxins with help from the Arcturian technology.

Also ask Lord Arcturus and the Arcturians to reprogram your biochemical etheric makeup to make sure it is in accord with your physical body structure. Balancing the biochemical etheric makeup creates consistency within the four-body system.

For clearing of Emotional Mental or Physical Trauma

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to take you to the immersion tubs. These tubs completely immerse you in liquid. There are different kinds. In this situation, you are bi-located and left in the fluid to soak, usually for some hours, and it can be up to three days, depending on the severity of the trauma. These tanks have sensory deprivation and are an excellent atmosphere for healing. This gives the rest and rejuvenation needed, without input form the other senses, to implement the necessary healing. The Galactic Healer who puts you into the the tank will choose the correct fluid needed for your individual healing. This application has many indications, including psychic attacks as well as physical trauma.

For connecting Universal Mind to Local Mind

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to place a multipointed light star merkiva into my crown chakra. This merkiva has a diamond core and once anchored into the etheric body, connects local mind with Divine Mind. This makes it easier to receive information through the third eye, such as inner visions. It also makes it easier to receive and transmit telepathic messages. This diamond-core, multifaceted light star emits radiant rainbow light from the etheric body into the physical body. It is a transducer for electromagnetic ionic energy.

For connecting Mind and Heart

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to place a multipointed light star merkiva into the etheric High Heart. Once anchored into the High Heart, connects with the merkiva in the crown chakra. This connects mind and heart. This makes a transducer between the two, which permits monoatomic crystalline impulses, to travel back and forth, from crown chakra, to mind to heart mind. This allows Cosmic Rays to filter in through the crown, down into the energetic centers and circulate through the heart. This Self-Healing technique allows One to better see through the eyes of the heart.


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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2011 02:33 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 31-12-2011 12:52 PM 编辑

For Increased Telepathic Communication

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to Clear your nadis and meridians with light technologies. Sometimes over decades, pathways of light, which normally circulate around and through nadis and meridians become compressed or blocked due to wrong thinking.
If you ask for these pathways to be opened with light technologies, they will go through all the pathways with light, in the range that is right for you, and clear these pathways. In doing this, the body is infused with more energetic light pulses. This greatly improves the subtle bodies' ability to receive telepathic communication.

For stimulating the Immune System

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to apply light technologies to your liver, spleen, and bones, together with your lymphatic system. When this happens, your etheric body is placed on a table under different light frequencies. These are applied in the ranges your body needs to detoxify these immune system organs and stimulate increased function of these organs. You may do this in combination with other Self-Healing techniques, for general balanced health, removal of cancerous cells, and enhanced healing of chronic problems.

For cleansing and clearing the 13 Chakras

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to use their Chakra Balancing machine on your chakras to clear any dross stagnant energy from your chakras. This will help with the flow of the Force through all the chakras, causing balanced health in the organs and glands of the body. It is a good idea to ask for several of the healing techniques at once. Know that these things are working to heal your body. Your body is a sentient Being and is completely effected by your thoughts.

For removing Wrinkles in the Skin

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to apply etheric nutrients to your body. Wrinkled skin is a result of not having the nutrients the body needs. You may ask for the maximum infusion needed for your body requirements. You may ask for vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, super foods such as spirulina or algae, hormones, homeopathics, immune boosters, detoxifiers, and any other nutrient your body may need to function at maximum capacity. By providing etheric nutrients you will decrease hunger, increase body function, and repair damaged cells, such as skin and hair cells. Age reversal will be the result. Try it!

For giving the Skin a firm and Healthy Glow

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to apply to your skin a thin layer of ormus gold dust. The crystalline body is able to process and hold higher and higher levels of light. This is transmitted over a thin layer of gold dust on top of your skin. The result will be firm, translucent, eve toned skin. You will be glowing.

For balancing any Digestive Disorders

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to etherically add the perfect balance of digestive enzymes into your alimentary tract. When receiving etheric nutrients, it is the same as receiving any energy medicine. The body and medicine, or nutrients, are all made up of energy. The perfect balance of digestive enzymes is missing form a body plagued with digestive disorders. Often the medicines used for this strip the digestive tract of mucus creating deep caverns in the tissues. Also, there can be a build-up of plaque, mucus, and gas. These get locked in together causing a chronic difficult problem. Live enzymes are needed to clear away these imbalances and these may be received etherically.

For Heart Imbalances of any kind

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to open the heart to the 352nd level. Ask that all traumas to the heart center be healed in all aspects, in all dimensions, in all parallels, for all times, in all layers and levels. Ask the Light Surgeons take the heart into surgery for examination and repair. Ask if the heart is beyond repair, you give permission for an etheric heart transplant. I have seen this surgery done and it can restore health in some who had little hope. This Self-Healing technique goes deep into the core of the problem and helps the physical heart have what it needs to repair and recouperate. Anyone suffering with cancer should employ this technique in conjunction with others. Cancer originates with buried anger and the core of this problem, typically is found in an imbalanced or damaged heart organ.

For Hormonal Imbalances in Men and Women

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to be infused, on the etheric level, with the correct amount of all hormones your body needs to function in harmony. All the nutrients the body needs, including the biochemicals it produces for health, can be etherically taken into the body and balanced. Because everything is energy, this will work. Hormones govern many things in the body, including cellular reproduction, pH levels, digestion, immunity, and many many others. Having balanced hormones is a good idea at any age. It precludes many chronic illnesses and has an effect on weight gain and loss. Hormone levels help with anti aging and are important for men and woman. As the crystalline body continues to increase its ability to process ionic light energy it will cut back on the maximum necessary hormones needed to regulate many body functions, the greatest being homeostasis.

For clearing the Lungs and removing a Cigarette Addiction

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to place the Light Vest on you. This vest is able to transmit light pulses to the lungs detoxifying them. It also works with the liver to detoxify the chemicals which cause addiction. The light pulses debride old blackened tissue from the lungs and also stimulates new pink cells in the aveolar cells, easing breathing.

For clearing the Lungs of Toxins

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to place the Light Vest on you. This vest is able to transmit light pulses to the lungs to detoxify them. This Self-Healing technique can be very useful for clearing caustic gases or other toxins quickly form the lungs for free breathing. All of this is done on the etheric level and and quickly manifests on the physical level as an easing of symptoms. Any and all of these techniques may be used on children and animals as well. They may also be used remotely, from a distance. Everything is energy, and so everything will be effected when you ask and allow. Do not ask for healing for another adult, without their verbal permission. Do ask for children, knowing that the healing will only be applied if their Soul has agreed to it. Silently ask, before proceeding with the technique.

For Increased Vision of the Inner Eye

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to electrically activate the Council of 4 and 20 in your brain. These correspond to the 12 pairs of cranial nerves in the brain which govern the senses. This will help with light connectivity and will help open the Inner eye. Also ask that the multifacited diamond merkiva in the crown chakra infuse rainbow light, unimpeded into the third eye, by the path of the Council of 4 and 20. This will activate the pineal gland and have it working in concert with the pituitary gland, the hypothalmus, thalmus, and hippocampus, for best results. Having all of these things working together greatly enhances the ability to register pictures onto the 'movie screen' in the Inner eye.

For repairing Connective Tissue (joints, muscles)

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to give you a light infusion into all of your connective tissue. Do this on a regular basis. Infusing light into these areas repairs cells, removes toxins and also removes any crystallized energy causing stiffness. Come early, ask often.

For ridding the body of Cancerous Cells or tumors

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to put you into a light surgery. Special exacting light infusions will be applied to the over growth of cancerous cells. The Galactic Healers can see into all the areas of the body. Ask, if there is a metastasis, also remove all cancerous cells found in the body. Ask for this therapy several times a day, as you feel inspired. Ask the Light range be applied after the surgery which will stimulate the growth of normal cells. Ask that this results in the body dissolving and reabsorbing any and all cancerous cells until the last one is gone. Do this Self-Healing technique, along with the others needed for trauma clearing, core fear removal, opening the heart, and any others you feel inspired to add.

For Diseases of the Blood

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to apply light surgery to the bone marrow. One range will debride any abnormally reproducing blood cells in the bone marrow. The next range, which will be set to your individual needs, will stimulate new growth of normal blood cells. This may be used for red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets. Ask for this several times a day, as inspired, until the balance is restored and the symptoms abate.

For Losing Weight

Ask Lord Arcturus and the Galactic Healers to infuse to you all the nutrients you are missing which will regulate the immune system, regulate the blood sugar, and restore fat burning capacity to optimal in your body. Many times the inability to lose weight stems from a lack of nutrients in the system. This Self-Healing technique will give you more energy and you will find it easier to exercise and rest as needed. Everything is energy and so any nutrients needed in the body can and will be absorbed etherically and used by the physical body as needed. The more you ask and allow, the better results you will see.

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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2011 02:34 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2011 02:34 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2011 02:41 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 29-12-2011 01:21 AM | 显示全部楼层
可以意志坚定 ...
joyvous 发表于 23-12-2011 02:04 AM

    来的太是时候了 刚刚晚上的时候看了电视新闻心痛着

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 楼主| 发表于 29-12-2011 01:57 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 30-12-2011 01:02 PM 编辑
来的太是时候了 刚刚晚上的时候看了电视新闻心痛着
mianmianyang 发表于 29-12-2011 01:21 AM

这里有个empath的forum http://www.starseeds.net/group/EmpathicCounselor

偶刚开始移除水晶时变empath了几个星期,做在巴士多人的地方时一直要想象镜子包围反射出去,可是好像都有多多少少漏洞的,每次回家都要clear cord& attachment,到后来光越来越多他们就影响不到我了,反到来偶身上的光去影响他们,然后就看到以下的奇景

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发表于 29-12-2011 07:51 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 29-12-2011 11:09 AM | 显示全部楼层
但是如果会运用中文象形 ...
feihung1986 发表于 29-12-2011 07:51 AM


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