Microsoft AntiSpyware可能需要收费的。
Microsoft AntiSpyware是Microsoft收购反间谍程序Giant Software Company后诞生的。
"Because your Microsoft AntiSpyware subscription has expired, needed spyware definitions could NOT be downloaded and installed. Your definitions should be updated as soon as possible to prevent spyware infections. Your Microsoft AntiSpyware Subscription has Expired"
"We hope your trial went well. Unfortunately you are now no longer protected from the growing dangers of spyware, worms and trojans. Continue to keep your self protected, purchase the full version today with a full money back guarantee."
Microsoft让Internet Explorer变成间谍蠕虫木马病毒的滋养的温床后,
不设法把Internet Explorer变成更安全的浏览器,
反而用Internet Explorer的不安全发放Microsoft AntiSpyware赚钱吗?
[ Last edited by austinlim on 18-1-2005 at 01:49 PM ] |