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暴雪表示1.2补丁年内公布 虫族确定将继续加强
上周暴雪正式公布了首个涉及平衡性调整的1.1补丁,在这个补丁中暴雪为玩家带来了许多非常重要的改动,其中关键的改动就是对于人族的削弱,不过1.1补丁同时也带来了许多BUG和问题,这使得1.1补丁显得很不完美,玩家们也更加期待后续补丁的到来,最近星际争霸2首席制作人Chris Sigaty表示1.2补丁将会在年底之前公布,这可能比玩家想象的要早不少,而这个补丁也会像1.1一样涉及平衡性,系统,编辑器等诸多方面。
星际争霸2首席制作人Chris Sigaty在接受PC Gamer采访时表示1.2补丁将会是与目前联赛有关的一个重要补丁。 在这个补丁中暴雪将会加入赛季赛事的滚动与回放功能,玩家可以非常方便的查看自己在之前众多赛季的历史表现。1.2补丁还将修复众多BUG,同时也会有平衡性的相应调整,虫族将确定继续加强。玩家们一直期待的聊天功能也会是1.2补丁更新的一个重点。对于编辑器暴雪将继续提供许多重要的新功能。
Chris Sigaty表示他们非常关注论坛上玩家们关于平衡性的反馈,不过如何进行调整对于他们来说是要求相当高的工作。目前他们正在对2V2的平衡性进行相应的调整,因为这会更简单一些,而这些改动的前提是尽量不影响1v1的平衡性。
在访谈中Chris Sigaty提到了星际争霸2的赛季机制。看来如果不出意外,在未来1-3个月内首个星际争霸2的战网赛季就要开始了。
zerg又要发威了![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_redface.gif) |
发表于 7-10-2010 12:27 PM
聊天功能終於都回來了![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_redface.gif) |
发表于 7-10-2010 01:10 PM
楼主 |
发表于 9-10-2010 11:53 AM
本帖最后由 可怜老人家 于 9-10-2010 11:56 AM 编辑
link: http://sea.battle.net/sc2/en/blog/80504#blog
Since the release of Wings of Liberty, the StarCraft II balance team has been diligently studying how the game is being played, playing it ourselves, and seeing how evenly the three races match up on the battlefield. While we regularly examine Battle.net player data and statistics from all regions, the information we're examining in this blog was pulled exclusively from the North American region for simplicity's sake.
Protoss are played 38.5% of the time.
Terran are played 38.0% of the time.
Zerg are played 23.5% of the time.
These are overall percentages, but they're mirrored in nearly the same exact separation through each of the leagues. This clearly shows that zerg are played less often than the other races. When we look at things like the Top 200, we like to have this data in-hand so we can ensure that it's proportionate to the amount of each race actually being played. We don't want to have a huge chunk of zerg players sitting somewhere further down, unable to rise through the ranks.
Let's take a look at win percentages on a race-versus-race basis. This is something else we look at to see how matchups are faring over many games. These numbers take individual player skill into account, which helps to avoid the 50% win/loss percentage effect that the matchmaking system can impart on straight win/loss ratios.
Win % in Diamond (accounting for player skill)
49.6% win rate for Protoss when fighting Terran.
52.8% win rate for Protoss when fighting Zerg.
49.6% win rate for Terran when fighting Zerg.
Win % in Platinum (accounting for player skill)
56.3% win rate for Protoss when fighting Terran.
47.3% win rate for Protoss when fighting Zerg.
44.5% win for Terran when fighting Zerg.
Win % in Gold (accounting for player skill)
61.0% win rate for Protoss when fighting Terran.
61.1% win rate for Protoss when fighting Zerg.
49.5% win rate for Terran when fighting Zerg.
Win % in Silver (accounting for player skill)
63.6% win rate for Protoss when fighting Terran.
50.7% win rate for Protoss when fighting Zerg.
51.6% win rate for Terran when fighting Zerg.
Win % in Bronze (accounting for player skill)
59.0% win rate for Protoss when fighting Terran.
55.1% win rate for Protoss when fighting Zerg.
45.4% win rate for Terran when fighting Zerg.
As you can see there are some issues with protoss vs. terran in many of the leagues. From our own play experience, as well as feedback from the community, this matches pretty closely with what we're already aware of. We're working on solutions. What we're also aware of is that, while the numbers don't necessarily support the need for zerg changes across all leagues, the feedback from the community as well as our own play experience tells us that improvements are necessary to make zerg matchups feel and play better.
The balance changes in our next patch will primarily focus on improving the zerg.
Here are a few of the changes we currently have planned:
• We're increasing roach range. This will allow roaches to be more effective in large groups, giving the zerg more options in the mid to end game.
• Fungal Growth will now prevent Blink, which will give zerg a way to stop endlessly Blinking stalkers which can be very challenging to deal with in large numbers.
• The Barracks are going to require a Supply Depot, which will impact a lot of early terran reaper pushes.
• The reaper speed upgrade will require the Factory, which is meant to weaken a lot of the early terran reaper attacks that dominate so many matches, especially in team games.
• We're making a number of increases to the health of zerg buildings, which will make the very vulnerable zerg technology structures more resistant to raids. We don't expect these hit point changes to have a super significant impact on the game, but the current numbers felt way too low.
We want our avid and talented StarCraft II players to know that we're here, we're listening, and that our intent is to continue making careful and measured approaches to balance based on community and fansite feedback, our numbers and data, watching pro players and tournaments, and our own time on Battle.net playing the game alongside you.
zerg确定在下个patch加强![](static/image/smiley/default/funk.gif) |
发表于 9-10-2010 01:13 PM
楼主 |
发表于 9-10-2010 01:19 PM
其实现在多数的terran玩家很少玩reaper了,再加上很多都是supply depot后才barrack的,影响不大。我看影响最大还是proxy rush。 |
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