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揭示真相 1998年6月,马来西亚政府聘请了世界各地专家队
Hang Tuah,Hang Jebat,Hang Lekiu及其他人的墓地 3。在登嘉楼Batu Bersurat,揭示了伊斯兰教
降落在马来西亚超过1百年 去问问你的兄弟,姐妹,侄女,外甥
有读过关于Hang Tuah 的历史吗?被删除掉了。 为什么会删除这样受欢迎的题目?证据显示
真相? 以下是来自
英国,德国,加拿大,也门和俄罗斯科学家,考古学家,历史学家和其他来自美国的技术人员小组的调查结果, 他们终于找到了Hang Tuah,Hang Jebat等人的墓地,
结果显示:Hang Tuah,Hang Jebat,Hang Lekiu和队友均不
有一项使命,保护忘恩负义的马来苏丹受到暹逻(泰国)王国频繁的袭击。 因此,Hang Tuah是不是马来人的英雄!他们是保护
无用和忘恩负义的Parameswara(从印度尼西亚)降落在马六甲并声称该土地是属于他! Parameswara要求明朝皇帝保护!因此,Hang Tuah和他的朋友被分配到马六甲保护Parameswara
,丰富的历史遗产和巴巴& Nyonyas
和太监郑顺有密切的相关 这就是为什么今天马来西亚SEJARAH缺少Hang Tuah
注意公主Hang Li Poh- 所有姓'杭。 由政府聘请的科学家发现最古老的墓碑在吉兰丹。出人意料的是,墓碑至少900岁了,有趣的是,它们都属于中文 第一个降落在马六甲并不意味着是马来人。 If you want the hard evidence of what the truth of the Research reveals, please write to The Federal Association of Archaeology &
Research of Michigan , USA . This is a good reason to remind the Bumiputras NOT to ask the Chinese orIndians to go back to their Motherlands because the evidence had shown thatMalays were NOT the original people of Malaysia ! The Truth Revealed
(withevidence) and anthropologists have yet to ascertain if there was indeed a Malay race! Send this to all your non Malay friends so that they are aware where
theirroots come from...... |
发表于 14-9-2010 02:12 PM
2000 年我 14岁
有读过 hang tuah 和 hang jebat |
发表于 14-9-2010 02:30 PM
发表于 26-10-2010 11:24 AM
蓝血人 发表于 14-9-2010 02:30 PM
Hang Tuah,Hang Jebat,Hang Lekiu及其他人的墓地
3。在登嘉楼Batu Bersurat,揭示了伊斯兰教
等 自1999年(如果我没有记错)或2000年,他们
有读过关于Hang Tuah 的历史吗?被删除掉了。
以下是来自 英国,德国,加拿大,也门和俄罗斯科学家,考古学家,历史学家和其他来自美国的技术人员小组的调查结果,
他们终于找到了Hang Tuah,Hang Jebat等人的墓地,
结果显示:Hang Tuah,Hang Jebat,Hang Lekiu和队友均不
是马来人!他们是中国血统来自中国(伊斯兰)! 为什么他们在马六甲?如果你回到过去的历史,你会知道,他们有一项使命,保护忘恩负义的马来苏丹受到暹逻(泰国)王国频繁的袭击。
因此,Hang Tuah不是马来人的英雄!他们是保护无用和忘恩负义的Parameswara(从印度尼西亚)降落在马六甲并声称该土地是属于他!
Parameswara要求明朝皇帝保护! 因此,Hang Tuah和他的朋友被分配到马六甲保护Parameswara,丰富的历史遗产和巴巴& Nyonyas
和太监郑顺有密切的相关,这就是为什么今天马来西亚SEJARAH缺少Hang Tuah
注意公主Hang Li Poh- 所有姓'杭。
If you want the hard evidence of what the truth of the Research reveals, please write to The Federal Association of Archaeology & Research of Michigan , USA . This is a good reason to remind the Bumiputras NOT to ask the Chinese orIndians to go back to their Motherlands because the evidence had shown thatMalays were NOT the original people of Malaysia ! The Truth Revealed (withevidence) and anthropologists have yet to ascertain if there was indeed a Malay race! Send this to all your non Malay friends so that they are aware where theirroots come from...... |
发表于 26-10-2010 11:25 AM
根据没被篡改的历史记载。我国北方是来自泰国的人居多。马六甲皇朝是印尼皇子攻打当地后成立的。然后开始在其他州成立。Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat 等人被考古学家证实是中国人后他们就在从此在我国历史上消失。不相信就到书局看看小学及中学的历史书吧。
国阵政府把历史当成是他家的笔记。喜欢怎么写就怎么写,不管它合不合理。国阵的霸权主义已经到达了最高境界。老纳的夫人也自称是第一夫人。最高元首夫人都要靠边站了。他们简直是无法无天。只有人民手中的选票可以制裁他们。 |
发表于 26-10-2010 02:13 PM
发表于 27-10-2010 12:22 AM
回复 阿里巴巴二世
蓝血人 发表于 26-10-2010 02:13 PM
如果没有华人和印度人发展国家,你认为现在的马来西亚会是怎样的呢...? |
发表于 27-10-2010 09:25 PM
偶不信! |
发表于 27-10-2010 09:27 PM
偶不信! |
发表于 18-11-2010 10:03 PM
关于 Pendatang 的事实 - Kota Gelanggi - ( The Lost City)
由 Kelvin Tong 于 2010年6月7日14:31 发布
A small piece of History for our future generation..Why Kota Gelanggi
(lost city) touted as earliest civilization in Malay Peninsula news were
banned as they were Buddhist.
这是一小则传给后代的历史。 为什么 Kota Gelanggi (遗失的古城), 一个被列为马来半岛最早期的文明的新闻,会完全被封闭 ? 原因就是,这个古城的文化,是佛教。
The Johor find of 2005 which was quietly dropped was none other than Kota
Gelanggi lost city reflecting Srivijaya and its Buddhist splendour. But
they deliberately disregarded it because that would have sidelined Malacca
Empire and Islam which was smaller and came some 500 years later. I met Dr
Lee Kam Hing, a former History prof at MU in Singapore recently at a
seminar.Dr Lee, who is now Star research director, told me he was trying
his best to highlight Kota Gelanggi, but that the govt killed it off. This
is clearly another case to cover up the real history of Malaya and fool
the younger generations into believing that our history only began from
Malacca 1400.. Not only that, they try to show Parameswara as Malay and
Muslim, but actually he was Hindu! If one were to condemn these UMNO
scumbags on how they distort history, it will never end......the
condemnations will more than cover 10 PhD thesis!
2005 年,在柔佛的深林中发现了 Kota Gelanggi 古城,这个记载着 SRIVIJAYA王朝 和其佛教文化高峰的古迹,曾轰动一时,却被静悄悄的停止研究, 主要原因是, 这个发现,足以推翻马六甲, 一个500年后才成立的回教国为半岛最早文明的记载。
我在最近的讲座会中遇见了Dr Lee Kam Hing, 新加坡MU 的前历史博士,Dr Lee Kam Hing , 如今是 Star 考察主席,告诉我说他一直都在尽力的宣传 Kota Gelanggi, 可惜都被政府阻止并卸掉。
很明显, 政府为不让这个历史发现浮面,要后代深信我们半岛的历史是从 公元 1400 的马六甲王朝开始。 更甚的是,他们也将历史改写,将 Parameswara 记载为马来人和信奉回教,而事实上,Parameswara 是一位印度王子!
如果有人站出来和 UMNO 对质他们如何私自更改历史, 你会发现,就是你手头上有十位硕士学家的证明, 他们也会极度否认。
A small piece of History for our future generation Hitler's public
relations manager, Goebbels, once said, 'If you repeat a lie often
enough, it becomes the truth.'
回顾历史, Hitler's 的公关经理曾说 :如果你将一个谎言不停的重复,这个谎言也会变成一个事实。
Once again our government wiped out any references to a famous Melaka
prince as being Hindu and belonging to the powerful Hindu empire Sri
Vijaya.So all of a sudden our museums, school text-books etc. all refer to
Parameswara as a Malay prince.
再一次,我们国家的政府卸除了马六甲王朝的王子, 是来自印度王朝 Sri Vijaya 的事实。因此也很突然的,我们的博物馆,学校课本都开始有了不同的记载,将 Parameswara 说成一位马来王子。
What race ruled or did not rule is besides the point. What is important is
not butchering history to create your own truths. You cannot change your
race even if you convert - Parameswara could have been responsible for
Umno's proud heritage of ' Ketuanan Melayu '.
其实对我来说, 今天我们的国家,是什么种族控制政权都好,都是次要的。不可原谅的,是为了得到权位而私自更改历史记载。就算一个人改信其他宗教,也该变不了一个人的原籍。- Parameswara 很可能就是 UMNO “ Ketuanan Melayu” 思维的始源。
If this is what it is based on, there is no ' Ketuanan Melayu '. The
lineage of Melaka Sultans are Indians, not Malays.
It is no secret that Parameswara was an Indian and a Hindu prince.
如果真的如此,那 “Ketuanan Melayu ” 之说, 根本就不存在。马六甲王族拥有的是印度血统,不是马来血统。对于 Parameswara 是一位来自印度的印度王子的记载,也并非什么秘密。
It is clear from records that Parameswara never converted to Islam. He was
an Indian Hindu who fled Palembang in Sumatra to eventually found Melaka
circa 1400 AD. It was Sri Maharaja who converted himself and the court of
Melaka to Islam, and as a result took on the name of Sultan Muhammad Shah
sometime after 1435...
历史也很清楚的记载, Parameswara 不曾改奉回教。他是一位从Sumatra 的 Palembang 逃离,以致于公元1400发现马六甲的兴都教徒。 改封回教的是以后的 Sri Maharaja , Sri Maharaja 同时也将马六甲的法庭改为回教法庭, 并与公元1435后,将自己的封号改为 Sultan Muhammad Shah .
The most famous of Indian Hindu Kings were Raja Chola and his son Rajendra
Chola who invaded Southern Thailand, Kedah, Perak, Johor and Sumatra about
1000 AD. This is Raja-raja Chola - the Indian/Hindu kings and not Raja
Chulan - a Malay king. But what is really sad is that our children are
taught as though Malaysian history suddenly began in 1400 with an Islamic
历史上最出名的印度国王是 Raja Chola 和他的儿子 Rajendra Chola 。 他们于公元1000 占领了泰国南部,吉打,霹雳柔佛,苏门答腊。 同样的,这是印度国王Raja Chola, 而不是 Raja Chulan -马来国王。 可悲的是马来西亚的年轻一代都突然间被教导,说我国的历史始于公元1400 的马六甲回教王朝。
We are led to believe that the Indians and Chinese first arrived on the
shores of Malaysia in about 1850 as desperate indentured labourers,
farmers and miners . Nothing could be further from the truth.
我们被误导的相信着印度人和华人是在 1850 年,才以粗工,农夫,采矿工人的身份步入这个马来国土。 并且封闭事实不让人知。
The cultural influences of India in particular, and China, in South East
Asia span over 2,000 years, starting with the arrival from India of the
Brahmanical prince/scholar - Aji Saka in Java in AD78, through to Vietnam,
Cambodia (Indo China), Thailand,Burma, Indonesia, Bali, Borneo, Brunei and
印度人,华人的文化,早在 2000 年前已经分布在东南亚, 最早期为 Bramanical 时期的印度王子/学者 -Ali Saka 下游 Jave 于 AD78 , 通过了 Vietnam, Cambodia ( Indo China ) Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, Bali, Borneo , Brunei 等。
The findings at Bujang Valley speak of an ancient Indian/Hindu presence in
Kedah. There were Chinese settlements in Pahang and Kelantan around the
13th-14th century and in 12th century in Singapore .
在吉打 Bujang Valley 的印度古迹,可证明印度/兴都文化确确实实早已在我国落足。 华人的古迹有在彭亨和吉兰丹发现的,约13~14 世界的文化古迹,和新加坡约12世纪的古迹。
The early Brunei Sultanate had a Chinese Queen. One need not ponder at
length the implications of Angkor Wat and Borobudur or that 40%-50% of
Bahasa Malaysia comprises Sanskrit/Tamil words. To illustrate, some of
these word are :
在早期的 Brunei 王族的记载中有个华人王后。著名古迹 Angkor Wat 和 Borobudur 所证明的印度文明时代,40% ~ 50%的马来文是来自 Sanskrit / Tamil 文。 我给与以下的例子:
bumi = boomi
putra = putran
raja = rajah
desa = thesam
syakti = sakthi
kolam = kulam
bahaya = abahya
jaya = jeya
maha = maha
aneka = aneha
nadi = naadi
kedai = kadai
mahligai = maaligai
mantra = manthrum
tandas = sandas
(This list can go on)
An extremely important archeological find that pointed to one of the
greatest empires in history - the Raja Cholan empire that ruled from the
Maldives through India , Sri Lanka and right down to South East Asia found
deep in the jungles of Johor a few years ago and made headlines in the
mainstream newspapers in 2005, suddenly disappeared from the news…..
其中一个世界上最重要的考古发现 - 历史上其中一个最伟大的王朝 - Raja Cholan 王朝统治的区域,从 Maldives 开始至 India, Sri Lanka , 再下至 South Eash Asia , 和2005年被发现在柔佛深山森林的古迹,那一年, 这则新闻 本来是被国内所有主要媒体当头条, 电视新闻不停播导的,还吸引了很多西方考古学者的兴趣, 打算参加开发活动的, 突然间变得无声无息 。。。。。
The time has arrived for us to record our history as the facts tell us and
not as we would like to wish it.
是时候,我们站起来告诉某些人,历史记载, 是要以真正的历史根据来写的,而不是依据个人喜好来改。
The truth will never hurt anyone. Lies, always will .
National Institute of Education ( Singapore ) http://www.nie.edu.sg/
以上的人物,历史古迹,王朝等,就是Dr Lee Ong Kim 的资料,都可从 google search 寻获。
Combining these sources, a picture of Srivijaya is revealed of a Buddhist society with a high degree of learning of Sanskrit - the ancient Indian language that is so important in understanding ancient Buddhist texts.
Indeed, I Ching recoomends that students wishing to learn Sanskrit should base themselves in Srivijaya. Both Hinayana and Mahayana forms of Buddhism were observed and these were also mixed with Hinduistic elements, which probably arrived directly from India
Candi Gumpung, a Buddhist temple atMuaro Jambi of Malayu Kingdom, later integrated as one of Srivijaya's important urban center. |
发表于 18-11-2010 10:05 PM
发表于 19-11-2010 02:52 AM
我的脚很酸 发表于 27-10-2010 09:25 PM
发表于 5-12-2010 06:28 AM
但请不要变成 “种族问题辩论会” |
发表于 5-12-2010 06:30 AM
阿里巴巴二世 发表于 27-10-2010 12:22 AM
一切功劳归于西方殖民者。 |
发表于 5-12-2010 06:33 AM
回复 阿里巴巴二世
蓝血人 发表于 26-10-2010 02:13 PM
马六甲王朝成立的时候,hang tuah 还没有在。。。 |
发表于 2-1-2011 04:10 PM
他会和你说“偶不信!偶不信!” 没有这回事 |
发表于 26-1-2011 04:34 PM
事实,有这回事. |
发表于 18-4-2013 01:08 PM
发表于 25-3-2015 11:28 AM
对于 Parameswara 是一位来自印度的印度王子的记载,也并非什么秘密。 大哥,麻煩您改一下。。。
发表于 27-3-2015 03:25 AM
本帖最后由 agsd121 于 27-3-2015 03:27 AM 编辑
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