本帖最后由 csn1026 于 23-8-2010 02:09 PM 编辑
可以解释 Echocardiogram report 超声心动图报告
9/3/2010 超声心动图报告
Echocardiogram report 超声心动图报告,19/7/2010因为医生没有解释只是说很好。。 Measurements 测量
RANGE(cm) aortic root主动脉根部
2 -3.7
left atrium左心房
1.9 -3.8 left ventricle systolic左心室收缩
2.5– 4.1
left ventricle diastolic左心室舒张
3.5 -5.6 lv post wall吕壁后
0.7 -1.1 septum隔膜
0.7 – 1.1
right ventricle右心室
%fractional shortening%短轴缩短
% Ejection Fraction%射血分数
70 REPORT (9/3/2010) The aortic valve is tricuspid, opens well with trivialregurgitation. The mitral valve leaflets are calcified. There is presenceof severe mitral stenosis with an estimated mitral valve area of about 0.8cm2by pressure half time method. There is no significant mitral regurgitationseen. The lv is not dilated, contracts well with no RWMA The light heart id dilated. The pulmonary valve is normal. Thetricuspid valve is moderately regurgitant. RV-RA velocity differential is 4.1m/s (68mm Hg). estimated PASP is 82mm Hg assuming RAP is 14 mm Hg. There is no atrial or ventricle septal defect seen
CONCLUSION结论 Severe mitral stenosis with pulmonaryhypertension
19/7/2010 超声心动图报告
Echocardiogram report 超声心动图报告
RANGE(cm) Measurements 测量 aortic root主动脉根部
2 – 3.7
left atrium左心房
1.9 -3.8 left ventricle systolic左心室收缩
2.5– 4.1
left ventricle diastolic左心室舒张
3.5 -5.6 lv post wall吕壁后
0.7 – 1.1 septum隔膜
0.7 – 1.1 right ventricle右心室
1 – 2.6
%fractional shortening%短轴缩短
% Ejection Fraction%射血分数
71 REPORT (19/07/2010) The aortic valve is tricuspid, opens well with mildregurgitation. The mitral valve leaflets are mildly calcified. there isrestriction in its opening with an estimated mitral valve area of about 1.6 cm2by pressure half time method. the mitral valve mean PG is 4.6 mm Hg. There isalso presence of mild regurgitation into a dilated left atrium. The LVis not dilated, contract well with no RWMA. the right heart is mildly dilated. the pulmonary valve isnormal. the tricuspid valve is trivially regurgitant. there is no pulmonaryhypertension. there is no atrial or ventricle septal defect seen CONCLUSION结论 Moderate mitral stenosis but muchimproved compared to Pre-PTMC