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今天yahoo头版新闻发现以下文章。。。 中国导弹技术已经改变太平洋军事实力平衡?
特别翻译了重点。。。 欢迎大家讨论一下。。。
Chinese missile could shift Pacific power balance
AP – In this July 25, 2010 photo, crew of the USS George Washington line up on the deck as the supercarrier …
By ERIC TALMADGE, Associated Press Writer Eric Talmadge, Associated Press Writer – Thu Aug 5, 5:43 pm ET
ABOARD THE USS GEORGE WASHINGTON – Nothing projects U.S. global air and sea power more vividly than supercarriers. Bristling with fighter jets that can reach deep into even landlocked trouble zones, America's virtually invincible carrier fleet has long enforced its dominance of the high seas. China may soon put an end to that.
U.S. naval planners are scrambling to deal with what analysts say is a game-changing weapon being developed by China — an unprecedented carrier-killing missile called the Dong Feng 21D that could be launched from land with enough accuracy to penetrate the defenses of even the most advanced moving aircraft carrier at a distance of more than 1,500 kilometers (900 miles).
EDITOR'S NOTE — The USS George Washington supercarrier recently deployed off North Korea in a high-profile show of U.S. sea power. AP Tokyo News Editor Eric Talmadge was aboard the carrier, and filed this report.
Analysts say final testing of the missile could come as soon as the end of this year, though questions remain about how fast China will be able to perfect its accuracy to the level needed to threaten a moving carrier at sea.
The weapon, a version of which was displayed last year in a Chinese military parade, could revolutionize China's role in the Pacific balance of power, seriously weakening Washington's ability to intervene in any potential conflict over Taiwan or North Korea. It could also deny U.S. ships safe access to international waters near China's 11,200-mile (18,000-kilometer) -long coastline.
While a nuclear bomb could theoretically sink a carrier, assuming its user was willing to raise the stakes to atomic levels, the conventionally-armed Dong Feng 21D's uniqueness is in its ability to hit a powerfully defended moving target with pin-point precision.
理论上,核子弹能击沉航空母舰。如果使用者提升其核子装备,现代化的东风21D 将能精准摧毁移动目标。
The Chinese Defense Ministry did not immediately respond to the AP's request for a comment。Funded by annual double-digit increases in the defense budget for almost every year of the past two decades, the Chinese navy has become Asia's largest and has expanded beyond its traditional mission of retaking Taiwan to push its sphere of influence deeper into the Pacific and protect vital maritime trade routes.
"The Navy has long had to fear carrier-killing capabilities," said Patrick Cronin, senior director of the Asia-Pacific Security Program at the nonpartisan, Washington-based Center for a New American Security. "The emerging Chinese antiship missile capability, and in particular the DF 21D, represents the first post-Cold War capability that is both potentially capable of stopping our naval power projection and deliberately designed for that purpose."
Setting the stage for a possible conflict, Beijing has grown increasingly vocal in its demands for the U.S. to stay away from the wide swaths of ocean — covering much of the Yellow, East and South China seas — where it claims exclusivity.
美国亚太平洋安全长官指出:中共与日俱增的反舰能力,特别是东风21D, 是冷战结束以来第一次出现能阻挡我们海军实力的力量。中共已经提高声量,要求美国远离其领海如 黄海,东海 和南中国海。
It strongly opposed plans to hold U.S.-South Korean war games in the Yellow Sea off the northeastern Chinese coast, saying the participation of the USS George Washington supercarrier, with its 1,092-foot (333-meter) flight deck and 6,250 personnel, would be a provocation because it put Beijing within striking range of U.S. F-18 warplanes.
The carrier instead took part in maneuvers held farther away in the Sea of Japan.
U.S. officials deny Chinese pressure kept it away, and say they will not be told by Beijing where they can operate.
"We reserve the right to exercise in international waters anywhere in the world," Rear Adm. Daniel Cloyd, who headed the U.S. side of the exercises, said aboard the carrier during the maneuvers, which ended last week.But the new missile, if able to evade the defenses of a carrier and of the vessels sailing with it, could undermine that policy.
"China can reach out and hit the U.S. well before the U.S. can get close enough to the mainland to hit back," said Toshi Yoshihara, an associate professor at the U.S. Naval War College. He said U.S. ships have only twice been that vulnerable — against Japan in World War II and against Soviet bombers in the Cold War. Carrier-killing missiles "could have an enduring psychological effect on U.S. policymakers," he e-mailed to The AP. "It underscores more broadly that the U.S. Navy no longer rules the waves as it has since the end of World War II. The stark reality is that sea control cannot be taken for granted anymore."
日本海军学院教授指出 中共足以在美国舰队进入攻击范围前 攻击美国舰队。 |
楼主 |
发表于 6-8-2010 10:58 PM
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned of the threat in a speech last September at the Air Force Association Convention. "When considering the military-modernization programs of countries like China, we should be concerned less with their potential ability to challenge the U.S. symmetrically — fighter to fighter or ship to ship — and more with their ability to disrupt our freedom of movement and narrow our strategic options," he said. Gates said China's investments in cyber and anti-satellite warfare, anti-air and anti-ship weaponry, along with ballistic missiles, "could threaten America's primary way to project power" through its forward air bases and carrier strike groups.
美国国防部秘书长盖茨指出 中共在 太空战,反卫星军事能力,反空,反舰能力 加上 导弹,能威胁美军运送其海上和空中部队的能力。
The Pentagon has been worried for years about China getting an anti-ship ballistic missile. The Pentagon considers such a missile an "anti-access," weapon, meaning that it could deny others access to certain areas. The Air Force's top surveillance and intelligence officer, Lt. Gen. David Deptula, told reporters this week that China's effort to increase anti-access capability is part of a worrisome trend. He did not single out the DF 21D, but said: "While we might not fight the Chinese, we may end up in situations where we'll certainly be opposing the equipment that they build and sell around the world." Questions remain over when — and if — China will perfect the technology; hitting a moving carrier is no mean feat, requiring state-of-the-art guidance systems, and some experts believe it will take China a decade or so to field a reliable threat. Others, however, say final tests of the missile could come in the next year or two.
五角大楼长官指出 虽然美国不至于和中共开战,但是当中国改善 东风21最后导弹技术后和对外输出后,美国将在世界各地碰到类似的军事技术和配件。
Former Navy commander James Kraska, a professor of international law and sea power at the U.S. Naval War College, recently wrote a controversial article in the magazine Orbis outlining a hypothetical scenario set just five years from now in which a Deng Feng 21D missile with a penetrator warhead sinks the USS George Washington. That would usher in a "new epoch of international order in which Beijing emerges to displace the United States." While China's Defense Ministry never comments on new weapons before they become operational, the DF 21D — which would travel at 10 times the speed of sound and carry conventional payloads — has been much discussed by military buffs online.
网上许多人已经开始热烈讨论东风21 高达10倍音速的能力,但是中共从来没有公开承认过。
A pseudonymous article posted on Xinhuanet, website of China's official news agency, imagines the U.S. dispatching the George Washington to aid Taiwan against a Chinese attack. The Chinese would respond with three salvos of DF 21D, the first of which would pierce the hull, start fires and shut down flight operations, the article says. The second would knock out its engines and be accompanied by air attacks. The third wave, the article says, would "send the George Washington to the bottom of the ocean." Comments on the article were mostly positive. ___
中国新华网指出 如果美国如果派遣华盛顿航母 干涉台湾问题,中共将采取三波的导弹攻势,包括 1。封锁制空权 2。配合空军摧毁航母的引擎 3。击沉航母
AP writer Christopher Bodeen in Beijing and National Security Writer Anne Gearan in Washington, D.C., contributed to this report. |
发表于 7-8-2010 01:30 AM
來對付這些地區性衝突的原因 |
发表于 7-8-2010 01:33 AM
很簡單的原因是因為他"貴"!! |
发表于 7-8-2010 02:03 AM
有些人懂就评,不懂就别评了,连反驳的价值都没有。很无奈。 |
发表于 7-8-2010 02:29 AM
北辰流 发表于 7-8-2010 01:33 AM
洲際導彈带中子弹是毁灭 |
发表于 7-8-2010 02:36 AM
cct2050 发表于 7-8-2010 02:29 AM
你見過那個瘋子一不爽就丟中子彈的?? |
发表于 7-8-2010 02:37 AM
泰山 发表于 7-8-2010 02:03 AM
中國一片大好也就對了!! |
发表于 7-8-2010 02:54 AM
北辰流 发表于 7-8-2010 02:36 AM
那生化弹头呢? |
发表于 7-8-2010 03:50 AM
cct2050 发表于 7-8-2010 02:54 AM
用導彈顯示財大氣粗?? |
发表于 7-8-2010 10:47 AM
本帖最后由 bittorrent 于 7-8-2010 10:50 AM 编辑
北辰流 发表于 7-8-2010 03:50 AM
没有你们财大气粗,花大笔钱买不会潜水的潜水艇玩,送医生上太空旅游一下,这才是真正的财大气粗! |
发表于 7-8-2010 12:26 PM
中国是发展 ...
bittorrent 发表于 7-8-2010 10:47 AM
哈哈,有钱人真是好 |
发表于 7-8-2010 01:05 PM
中国是发展 ...
bittorrent 发表于 7-8-2010 10:47 AM
如果和新加坡开战,几ASTROSS就可以了,对付一个只有42公里广的国家,ASTROSS绰绰有余 |
发表于 7-8-2010 01:06 PM
cct2050 发表于 7-8-2010 02:54 AM
那我的证据呢? |
发表于 7-8-2010 01:37 PM
发表于 7-8-2010 01:39 PM
发表于 7-8-2010 01:55 PM
故事说不尽 发表于 7-8-2010 01:39 PM
导弹、航母和飞机各自有不同的用途,这么简单的道理还不懂吗? |
发表于 7-8-2010 01:57 PM
bittorrent 发表于 7-8-2010 01:55 PM
直接把导弹大量生产啊 |
发表于 7-8-2010 02:05 PM
故事说不尽 发表于 7-8-2010 01:57 PM
我输了,实在没有办法降低到你这样的水平跟你讨论问题。 |
发表于 7-8-2010 02:05 PM
回复 18# 故事说不尽
稍微懂点军事常识的人都不会问出你这么搞笑的问题? |
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