查看: 4967|回复: 34
我打算在24/5 到英国+欧洲旅行, 想请各位在我的行程给点意见~
24/5: From Changi Airport to London Heathrow Airport
24/5: From London then to Belguim, Brussels
24/5: AT Brussels : visit around
25/5: From Belgium to Holland – Amsterdam
26/5: At Amsterdam
27/5: Germany – Berlin28/5: Germany - (Haven decide the city yet)
28/5: Austria –Veenna ( spend night or not) ???
29/5: Italy - Rome + Florence + Vennice + Milan ( how many days have to stay in italy and walk aournd in these city?) 3/6- 6/6: France- Paris + Nantee 7/6- 10/6: UK London i) 我想知道行程大概可以吗?? ii) 恩, 想知道火车有这路线吗? iii) 有什么地方一定要去的? 谢谢 |
发表于 3-4-2010 03:41 PM
1. 你可以在London St Pancras 乘 EUROSTARS 到 Brussels (约两个小时)
2. 在Brussels 乘Eurorail 到 Amsterdam (约两个小时)
3. 在 Amsterdam 乘Eurorail 到Berlin (约六个半小时)
4. 在 Berlin 乘 DB Bahn 到 Munich (约六个小时)
5. 在 Munich 乘Eurorail 到 Vienna (约四个小时)
6. 在 Vienna 乘AIR BERLIN 到 Roma (约两个小时,这要早早book,会有很便宜的机票,试过1欧元,加Tax起来不国30多欧元~)
7. 在 Roma 乘Eurorail 到 Milan (约三个小时) / 乘 Ryan Air 到 Milan (约一个小时)
8. 在 Milan 乘 Eurorail 到 Nantes (约十二个半小时,选晚上的,可以省回Hotel)
9. 在 Nantes 乘 Eurorail 到 Paris (约两个半小时)
10. 在 Paris 乘 EUROSTARS 回 London St Pancras ~~
建议你也买个EuroPass 吧~~ 如果不想乘火车游,觉得闷..就飞机游咯..
发表于 3-4-2010 04:46 PM
回复 2# ELT
Hello! i'm Tarcian. Izzit tat u had been organize da europe trip b4?? If yes, can you share your experience and da tourists routes with me?? I have no idea how to start organize da tourists routes.... |
发表于 3-4-2010 09:29 PM
回复 1# sparkling_wine
我看了你的行程表,我想你會花很多時間在趕路上。好比如 26/5 到 28/5, 你要從阿姆斯特丹到柏林然后隔天到德國,再趕到維也納,個人認為這太趕了吧。總的來說,我想你似乎要在短時間里走偏很多地方,個人認為這樣不太行得通。你可以把注意力專注在某個地區如:德國-奧地利,這樣你在不必趕路而耽誤了旅行的時間。而且現在已經是4月了,如果你是要經濟的,要訂購廉價機票似乎沒有所謂的廉價了。 |
发表于 3-4-2010 10:10 PM
发表于 3-4-2010 11:06 PM
bagpacker 比较自由,慢慢走,慢慢看。 |
发表于 4-4-2010 03:09 PM
回复 ELT
Hello! i'm Tarcian. Izzit tat u had been organize da europe trip b4?? If yes, can yo ...
windlyee 发表于 3-4-2010 04:46 PM 
我没有organize过什么团~~ 我是靠自己做research的~~
你应该多一点GOOGLE吧~~ 哈哈~ |
发表于 4-4-2010 03:23 PM
回复 sparkling_wine
我看了你的行程表,我想你會花很多時間在趕路上。好比如 26/5 到 28/5, 你要從阿 ...
HeGe 发表于 3-4-2010 09:29 PM 
楼住应该有18天的时间来游欧洲7国吧... 看看能不能如下.. 建议您最好用RYAN AIR / AIR BERLIN好了.. 火车会花你很多时间..
London - 2 天 .. (英国没什么好玩,如果你有到过香港.. 伦敦也只不过是一个比较CLASSIC的HONG KONG而已..)
Brussel - 2 天 Amsterdam - 2 天 BERLIN - 2 天 MUNICH - 1 天 VIENNA - 2 天 MILAN - 1 天 ROMA - 2 天 NANTES - 1 天 PARIS -2 天
不如就像HeGe所说..册掉一些地方..集中火力来玩一些重点.. 或是把您的欧洲之旅分开两个part咯...
建议如下.. 你可以check check看有没有在Paris CDG下机的机票.. 因为很老实说.. 我到过英国...个人觉得没什么东西好玩~
PARIS (3天)- BRUSSEL (2天) - AMSTERDAM (2天) - BERLIN (2天) - VIENNA (2天) - MILAN (2天) - ROMA (3天)
你就有比较轻松的多余2天坐火车/飞机~~ |
发表于 4-4-2010 05:00 PM
发表于 4-4-2010 10:26 PM
i had been go to 11 europe country by bagpacker.....start from amsterdam(2) > prague(2) > krakow(2) > vienna (2) > lucern(2) > innsbruck(1) > venice(2) > munich (2) >koln(1/2) > brussels(1) > luxembourg(1) > paris(3) > barcelona (3)...personally, i suggest u just go brussels by one day. is enough because nothing there. if u don't like music/opera, stay just one day at vienna is enough. go switzerland, if u like snow mountain and beautiful scene. i personally suggest munich and lucern. |
发表于 5-4-2010 01:01 AM
回复 10# 希望HOPE
请问,如果我只有7天的时间,可以游法国+瑞士+意大利吗? |
发表于 5-4-2010 01:21 AM
i think maybe u can choose 法国+瑞士or 瑞士+意大利...i will choose....e...i also dunno cos hard to decide ler..... |
发表于 5-4-2010 01:28 AM
i think maybe u can choose 法国+瑞士or 瑞士+意大利...i will choose....e...i also dunno cos hard to decide ler..... if u would like to see lavender and disneyland + eiffel tower, then go to france. if u want to see beautiful scene, snow mountain + cable car to top of mountain, skating and swatches, then go to switzerland. if u like very old building(roma,florence), buy clothes (milan), and people say is romantic but i dun think so(venice), then u can go to italy. |
发表于 5-4-2010 01:29 AM
i think maybe u can choose 法国+瑞士or 瑞士+意大利...i will choose....e...i also dunno cos hard to decide ler..... if u would like to see lavender and disneyland + eiffel tower, then go to france. if u want to see beautiful scene, snow mountain + cable car to top of mountain, skating and swatches, then go to switzerland. if u like very old building(roma,florence,pisa), buy clothes (milan), and people say is romantic but i dun think so(venice), then u can go to italy. |
发表于 5-4-2010 02:18 AM
歐洲很大。要從一個國家去到另一個國家通常都需要很多時間。 |
发表于 5-4-2010 10:09 AM
是的, 要到欧洲旅行的人 千万不要以为是香港中国旅行团 9天9个地方 哈哈....
楼主 你要是有 2个礼拜,想要玩多一些地方 我见你考虑 拿几个大一点的 靠近英国的国家就好了
一般来说 意大利就可以自己玩2个礼拜了,法国也是一样,但是你可以选重要城市 然后飞多几个地方,千万要早买票哦....
这个世界每个地方都有自己爱好的,不会是kosong的城市,知道自己要看什么,作出最好的决定吧... |
发表于 5-4-2010 04:32 PM
发表于 5-4-2010 09:50 PM
谢谢 |
发表于 7-4-2010 04:56 PM
回复 18# 王者之风
到了法蘭克福,可以往南走,經斯圖加(Stuttgurt ) 然后進入瑞士。瑞士的火車很方便,可以輕易到達主要的城市。瑞士火車也能直接到達奧地利。
不過個人認為還是專注某個地區為妙,可以節省一些時間。 |
发表于 7-4-2010 10:43 PM
if u got many money,then u can stay at one europe country for up to one month. is up to u! but if u r budget traveller or like me , backpacker. i prefer to choose the place i would like to go. my itinerary is not rush and sometimes, we can even cook crab at hostel. and also take nap. But anyhow, i still visit quite a lot of place because i do the homework. Because we go so many country, so we just choose the most attactive place at the europe country. we went to see snow mountain at switzerland and then wont go germany to see snow mountain again. or we went to the koln(cologne) to see the Catheral (church) and wont waste many time to visit the same type of church in another country. same as the sea view. If u have "unlimited" money then u may choose to go travel one or two country each time. then maybe up to 10-20 times, then u will be able to visit all the place. Actually for european ppl, they prefer to go east europe and they believe the environment and scene is not so Commercialize! I didnt waste any time from travel from one country to another country. I took around 8-10 hours each time to travel from one country to another. but the time i use, is night time. mean i took night train to travel from one country to another and when i reach another country, it already 8,9am, so i can continues to find my hostel and then go to the place i would like to go. |
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