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谁可以帮忙我解答RFID System问题?

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发表于 13-5-2009 11:07 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谁可以帮忙我解答RFID System问题??

使用道具 举报


发表于 13-5-2009 11:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
做assignment 的? 你的问题都没问清楚怎样答?

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 13-5-2009 11:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 iBiteYou99 于 13-5-2009 11:14 PM 发表
做assignment 的? 你的问题都没问清楚怎样答?


对是做assignment的!case study:RFID on Wal-Mart Business Model.

CASESTUDY: Wal-Mart Grapples with RFID

Wal-Mart was always known for itsultra-efficient distributor systems that kept operating costs much lower thanits rivals. But now its costs are climbing faster than those of competitorssuch as Costco and Target, and this retail giant is looking for a newbreakthrough to maintain its price advantage. It appears to be pinning itshopes on RFID. Wal-Mart management believes that implementing this technologywill help the company wring new efficiencies out of itsretail stores, warehouses, and suppliers.

Wal-Mart has been RFID-enabling its retailstores and distribution centre, while ordering its top suppliers to use RFIDtags on all products they ship. The objective is toreduce out-of-stock items by tracking item locations more precisely as itemsmove from the receiving dock to store shelves. Wal-Mart is selling RFIDas a technology that will eventually save everyonemoney.

Wal-Mart wants RFID readersinstalled at store receiving docks to record the arrival of pallets and casesof goods shipped with RFID tags. The RFID reader reads the tags a second timejust as the cases are brought onto the sales floor from back-room storageareas. Software uses sales data from Wal-Mart’s point-of-sale systems and RFIDdata about the number of cases brought out the sales floor to figure out whichitems will soon be depleted and automatically generates a list of items to pickin the warehouse to replenish store shelves before they run out. Thisinformation helps Wal-Mart reduce out-of-stock items, increase sales, and furthershrink its costs.

Wal-Mart is sharing all its RFID data withsuppliers through its Retail Link Extranet. The RFIDdata improve inventory management because suppliers know exactly where theirgoods are located within 30 minutes of the goods’ movement from one part of aWal-Mart store to another. Sales improve because the system allows Wal-Mart toalways have products in stock.

Despite these benefits, the RFIDimplementations have not progressed exactly as planned. Wal-Mart initiallyhoped to have up to 12 of its 130 distribution centres using RFID by January2006. As of October 2007, only five have implemented the technology, along with600 of Wal-Mart’s 60,000 suppliers and 600 Wal-Mart retail stores.

Costs of RFID tags, readers, and supportingsystems are a barrier. In addition to buying large quantities of RFID tags, thesuppliers have to purchase additional hardware – RFID readers, transponders,antennas, and software to track and analyze the data.

Suppliers also have to pay fornew software programs to integrate the RFIDsoftware with their inventory and manufacturing systems and to change some oftheir business processes. Meeting Wal-Mart’s RFID requirements might run over$20 million for a large supplier.

RFID tags still cost 10 to 15 cents apieceand must be attached by hand at the warehouse. These tags, particularly thelatest expensive types, may not perform properly when they are near certainliquids, metals, or porous objects. To ensure accuracy and proper performance,suppliers may have to use more expensive tags. RFID-tagging a case of goodsmight easily cost a supplier that shipped 15 million cases and pallets toWal-Mart each year would be spending an extra $6 million in tag costs.

Some Wal-Mart suppliers report benefits fromRFID. Pacific Coast Producers, which sells Wal-Mart$400 million worth of packaged and canned fruit each year, started RFID-tagginga handful of products to meet Wal-Mart’s requirements in 2005. It integrated the RFID data with other corporate systems.The company reports it is able to see from the RFID-generated data which storesare not doing a good job of keeping its products on shelves so that it can workwith Wal-Mart to improve those stores’ performance. Pacific Coast plans toRFID-tag more items for Wal-Mart within the next few years.

Other suppliers off the record saythey do not expect any return from their RFID investments for years, if at all.They have refrained from publicly criticizing Wal-Mart, which buys $260 billionproducts annually. For some Wal-Mart suppliers, achieving a return on theirRFID investment is less important than keeping the giant retailer happy. AsHoward Stockdale, chief information officer of Beaver Street Fishes put it, “Doyou want to risk the business by not being in the game?”

Wal-Mart CIO Rollin Ford insists that RFIDtechnology is producing solid results in the company’s supply chain operations,including a 30 percent improvement in out-of-stockrates in stores where RFID has been deployed. The company expects toRFID-enable 400 more retail stores in 2007.

Source: Kenneth C. Laudon,“Essentials of Management Information Systems”.

As an Information System (IS) consultant, you arerequired to write a report to explain and analyst the RFID technology relatedto Wal-Mart about the company’s IS strategy based on the case study

Howis RFID technology related to Wal-Mart’s business model? How does it benefitsuppliers?

Explainwhy Wal-Mart suppliers had trouble implementing RFID system? Relate this topeople, organization, and technological factors.

Recommendunder what conditions would you adopt RFID so that it would be more favourablefor the supplier

Giveyour opinion on whether Wal-Mart should require all its suppliers to use RFID.

Describesome RFID applications that might pose a threat to privacy. What informationdoes RFID enable them to track?

Howdot his application threaten personal privacy? How serious is this threat?

G) Shouldthese RFID applications be deployed? Why or why not? Justify your answer byprovide a report presentation and conclusion. Your report presentation must beclear and understandable. Also the conclusion must summarise your whole ideabeing presented in the report in a constructive and convincing manner.


[ 本帖最后由 mickeylim 于 13-5-2009 11:58 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 14-5-2009 08:18 AM | 显示全部楼层
这是英文subject 的吧。。
看你的critical thinking.

使用道具 举报

发表于 14-5-2009 08:45 AM | 显示全部楼层
老实讲。 我知道。 不过不想回答你。

加上, 这篇文章不需要对rfid很专业的认知就可以明白。
我还真想封帖。 不过这样做不太好。

[ 本帖最后由 fritlizt 于 14-5-2009 08:47 AM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 14-5-2009 09:13 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 mickeylim 于 13-5-2009 11:53 PM 发表


对是做assignment的!case study:RFID on Wal-Mart Business Model.

CASESTUDY: Wal-Mart Grapples with RFID

Wal-Mart was alwaysknown for itsultra-efficient distributor systems that kept operatingcosts much lower thanits rivals. But now its costs are climbing fasterthan those of competitorssuch as Costco and Target, and this retailgiant is looking for a newbreakthrough to maintain its price advantage.It appears to be pinning itshopes on RFID. Wal-Mart management believesthat implementing this technologywill help the company wring new efficiencies out of itsretail stores, warehouses, and suppliers.

Wal-Mart has beenRFID-enabling its retailstores and distribution centre, while orderingits top suppliers to use RFIDtags on all products they ship. The objectiveis toreduce out-of-stock items by tracking item locations moreprecisely as itemsmove from the receiving dock to store shelves. Wal-Mart is selling RFIDas a technology that will eventually save everyonemoney.

Wal-Mart wants RFIDreadersinstalled at store receiving docks to record the arrival ofpallets and casesof goods shipped with RFID tags. The RFID reader readsthe tags a second timejust as the cases are brought onto the salesfloor from back-room storageareas. Software uses sales data fromWal-Mart’s point-of-sale systems and RFIDdata about the number of casesbrought out the sales floor to figure out whichitems will soon bedepleted and automatically generates a list of items to pickin thewarehouse to replenish store shelves before they run out.Thisinformation helps Wal-Mart reduce out-of-stock items, increasesales, and furthershrink its costs.

Wal-Mart is sharing all its RFID data withsuppliers through its Retail Link Extranet. The RFIDdataimprove inventory management because suppliers know exactly wheretheirgoods are located within 30 minutes of the goods’ movement fromone part of aWal-Mart store to another. Sales improve because thesystem allows Wal-Mart toalways have products in stock.

Despite these benefits,the RFIDimplementations have not progressed exactly as planned.Wal-Mart initiallyhoped to have up to 12 of its 130 distributioncentres using RFID by January2006. As of October 2007, only five haveimplemented the technology, along with600 of Wal-Mart’s 60,000suppliers and 600 Wal-Mart retail stores.

Costs of RFID tags,readers, and supportingsystems are a barrier. In addition to buyinglarge quantities of RFID tags, thesuppliers have to purchase additionalhardware – RFID readers, transponders,antennas, and software to trackand analyze the data.

Suppliers also have to pay fornew software programsto integrate the RFIDsoftware with their inventory and manufacturingsystems and to change some oftheir business processes. MeetingWal-Mart’s RFID requirements might run over$20 million for a largesupplier.

RFID tags still cost 10to 15 cents apieceand must be attached by hand at the warehouse. Thesetags, particularly thelatest expensive types, may not perform properlywhen they are near certainliquids, metals, or porous objects. To ensureaccuracy and proper performance,suppliers may have to use moreexpensive tags. RFID-tagging a case of goodsmight easily cost asupplier that shipped 15 million cases and pallets toWal-Mart each yearwould be spending an extra $6 million in tag costs.

Some Wal-Mart suppliers report benefits fromRFID. PacificCoast Producers, which sells Wal-Mart$400 million worth of packaged andcanned fruit each year, started RFID-tagginga handful of products tomeet Wal-Mart’s requirements in 2005. Itintegrated the RFID data with other corporate systems.The companyreports it is able to see from the RFID-generated data which storesarenot doing a good job of keeping its products on shelves so that it canworkwith Wal-Mart to improve those stores’ performance. Pacific Coastplans toRFID-tag more items for Wal-Mart within the next few years.

Other suppliers off therecord saythey do not expect any return from their RFID investments foryears, if at all.They have refrained from publicly criticizingWal-Mart, which buys $260 billionproducts annually. For some Wal-Martsuppliers, achieving a return on theirRFID investment is less importantthan keeping the giant retailer happy. AsHoward Stockdale, chiefinformation officer of Beaver Street Fishes put it, “Doyou want to riskthe business by not being in the game?”

Wal-Mart CIO Rollin Fordinsists that RFIDtechnology is producing solid results in the company’ssupply chain operations,including a 30 percentimprovement in out-of-stockrates in stores where RFID has beendeployed. The company expects toRFID-enable 400 more retail stores in2007.

Source: Kenneth C. Laudon,“Essentials of Management Information Systems”.

As an InformationSystem (IS) consultant, you arerequired to write a report to explainand analyst the RFID technology relatedto Wal-Mart about the company’sIS strategy based on the case study

Howis RFID technology related to Wal-Mart’s business model? How does it benefitsuppliers?

ExplainwhyWal-Mart suppliers had trouble implementing RFID system? Relate thistopeople, organization, and technological factors.

Recommendunder what conditions would you adopt RFID so that it would be more favourablefor the supplier

Giveyour opinion on whether Wal-Mart should require all its suppliers to use RFID.

Describesome RFID applications that might pose a threat to privacy. What informationdoes RFID enable them to track?

Howdot his application threaten personal privacy? How serious is this threat?

G) ShouldtheseRFID applications be deployed? Why or why not? Justify your answerbyprovide a report presentation and conclusion. Your reportpresentation must beclear and understandable. Also the conclusion mustsummarise your whole ideabeing presented in the report in aconstructive and convincing manner.


RFID 这里不是没有人会。。。
我还设计RFID 读卡机给汽车保安(Immobilizer)用呢。。
论坛是交流的平台, 但也是有限制的。

我不想这里变成100%问功课, 等答案的地方,而且还是全部英文, 没有看到你提出自己的看法, 而且你的问题和电子技术无关, 只是RFID 和商业应用的课题。

那么, 不可以讨论吗?可以啊, 但我希望网友可以自己先做做看, 把你的答案先写出(中文), 然后大家才讨论,(参考版规)。  同样的问题, 如果你发在国外的英文论坛, 我相信是直接删帖的。

现在我把帖封了, 作为反面教材, 希望网友们不要再犯。
如果你有意见, 请PM 我。

如果你想看RFID 的简介, 请参考:
【简介】RFID 無線射頻辨識系統 (16-9-2007 )

使用道具 举报

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