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Panasonic DMP BD30
发表于 7-12-2008 10:12 PM
换了也要sony update firmware来support... |
请问这里有谁买了这个blu ray player? 刚才去看了要Rm1999, 还送7片blu ray disk, 有谁买了其他牌子吗?可以分享下吗?? |
发表于 6-12-2008 04:59 PM
其实蛮不错的,不过现在有BD35了,profile 2.0 (support BD Live)的 |
发表于 6-12-2008 07:21 PM
Blu-ray.com Exclusive: Blu-ray Player Benchmarks
Power on time:
Measures the time the player takes, in seconds, to power on from theremote control and to convey that it is ready to work via the HDTVdisplay. The lower the number the better.
Disc Eject Time:
Thistest measures the amount of time it takes, in seconds, for a player tofully eject the disc tray while playing a Blu-ray movie. The lower thenumber the better.
Movie Load Time – Basic:
Measuresthe amount of time, in seconds, that a player takes to load a film,encoded without Java or BD+, from the time the disc tray starts closingto the time that content appears on the screen. BD drive speed canimpact this number. The lower the number the better.
Movie Load Time - BD-J:
Measuresthe amount of time a player takes, in seconds, to load a film, encodedwith BD-Java, from the time the disc tray starts closing to the timethat content appears on the screen. BD drive speed can impact thisnumber. The lower the number the better.
Movie Load Time – BD+:
Measuresthe amount of time a player takes, in seconds, to load a film, encodedwith BD+ copy protection, from the time the disc tray starts closing tothe time that content appears on the screen. BD drive speed can impactthis number. The lower the number the better.
BD-J Overall Performance:
Thismeasurement calculates the player's overall ability to efficientlyexecute BD-Java content. This will affect the player's smoothness ofmenus, games, and other features using BD-J. Some players will notexecute this benchmark and are marked with a red “NO” in theperformance section. A "NO" rating does not indicate poor performance,but simply that the player in question does not support the form ofmedia that the test disc is recorded on. The higher the number thebetter.
The following tests measure player's BD-Java graphicsabilities. These numbers show how efficient the player will be atloading and navigating menus as well as Java based games.
BD-J Small ObjXXXXXormance:
Measures smoothness and speed of small Java graphic objects – the higher the number the better.
BD-J Large ObjXXXXXormance:
Measures smoothness and speed of larger Java graphic objects - the higher the number the better.
BD-J Scaling Performance:
This test measures the player's ability to scale Java graphics for BD menus and games. The higher the number the better.
BD-J Opacity Performance:
This measurement calculates the player's ability to render graphics that are opaque. The higher the number the better.
[ 本帖最后由 whistle1984 于 6-12-2008 07:25 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 6-12-2008 10:19 PM
的确,ps3 loading 快, popup menu, menu都很smooth. 就是可惜无法支援DTS-HD MA 和DD TrueHD bitstream out. 如果不是因为这样,我还不会去买多一台BDP... |
发表于 6-12-2008 11:44 PM
原帖由 astral 于 6-12-2008 10:19 PM 发表
的确,ps3 loading 快, popup menu, menu都很smooth. 就是可惜无法支援DTS-HD MA 和DD TrueHD bitstream out. 如果不是因为这样,我还不会去买多一台BDP...
对啊....但是在这个图看来LG也不错哦...就是不知道价钱多少 |
发表于 7-12-2008 01:06 PM
有没有可能自己换晶片 |
发表于 7-12-2008 07:20 AM
原帖由 astral 于 6-12-2008 06:49 PM 发表
的确,ps3 loading 快, popup menu, menu都很smooth. 就是可惜无法支援DTS-HD MA 和DD TrueHD bitstream out. 如果不是因为这样,我还不会去买多一台BDP...
可能日後能透過升級固件輸出DTS-HDMA bitstream咧~ ( 安慰自己.... ) |
发表于 7-12-2008 07:57 AM
如果没错,它的hdmi是用SI 9132,要能支援dts hd ma/dd true HD bitstream的要至少SI 9134,
可能等新的一批或瘦版(ps three)可能会换新的receiver后,就能support了 |
发表于 8-12-2008 08:42 AM
发表于 8-12-2008 11:39 AM
到时候顺便也帮我换~ |
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