我暂时只读到 special relativity,还没有读到 general relativity ,
其实special relativity 都是讲
speed of light = constant in all frames,
 law of physics apply to all inertial reference frames,
只要领悟了就Ok 了,
我问过我的proffesor 一个问题, since mass is a function of v,
when mass increases due to change in v,how does the mass increase?
如果 an object = 1 mole of carbon,  increase in mass = 2 mole of carbon? or is it just 1 mole of carbon with Ar=24?
or it is just apparent mass? even with the effect of length contraction, density changes too, what if changes in density lead to some chemical reaction in stationary frame,but not in moving frame?
广义相对论是用几何(Geometry)语言描述的引力理论. 它将经典的牛顿万有引力定律 (Newton's law of universal gravitation) 包含在狭义相对论 (special relativity) 的框架中,
而这种时空曲率与处于时空 (spacetime) 中的物质与辐射的能量-动量张量(tensor)直接相联系,其联系方式即是爱因斯坦的引力场方程(一个二阶非线性偏微分方程组)。
从广义相对论得到的有关预言和经典物理 (classical physics) 中的对应预言非常不相同,尤其是有关时间流逝(the passage of time)、空间几何(geometry of space)、
自由落体的运动(free fall motion)以及光的传播(propagation of light)等问题,例如引力场内的时间膨胀(gravitational time dilation)、光的引力红移(gravitational redshift of light)和引力时间延迟效应(gravitational time delay)。
我问过我的proffesor 一个问题, since mass is a function of v,
when mass increases due to change in v,how does the mass increase?
如果 an object = 1 mole of carbon, increase in mass = 2 mole of carbon? or is it just 1 mole of carbon with Ar=24?
or it is just apparent mass? even with the effect of length contraction, density changes too, what if changes in density lead to some chemical reaction in stationary frame,but not in moving frame?